I successfully installed invoiceninja 5 on my ynh. I never used previous versions before, this is my first install.
Apart from the limitation that it must be installed on a subdomain (which I discovered when trying to install it) which requires DNS changes, and a new certificate, the install went on fine.
I encountered two problems, one which is unsolved yet:
It was not easy to understand that there is an existing API_SECRET value (which is asked when logging in but marked as ‘optional’), and it was not easy to find it.
My keyboard inputs do not work correctly… I can use some keys, such as backspace, arrows, number keys of the pad, but I can’t type any letter in the email or password fields. So I must use copy/paste… And the problem persists once logged in in any textfield of the app… But this is probably a browser problem (Firefox 99.0b8) as it works in Chrome…
I saw that the ynh documentation page for the app is empty, I suppose that minimal information here could help.
I reported the issue about the text input problem I encounter on Firefox on the invoiceninja Github (see here) and they told me to report back if the problem persists with latest version.
Actual version is 5.3.60
Latest is 5.3.79
I am new to yunohost, I don’t know yet how it works about app updates ? who is in charge of that ? is it possible to use a different version from the one of the Yunohost catalog ? etc.
Thanks for your help.
I also have a second question: I tried to use the linux snap invoiceninja app, but I have the following error when trying to log in:
Error: please check that Invoice Ninja v5 is installed on the server
Is there a specific port config or network config that must be correctly set up in order to make the app work ? I have a few port errors (in IPv6 only) when I run a diagnosis.
I am new to yunohost, I don’t know yet how it works about app updates ? who is in charge of that ?
I am the main maintainer of the app. But since the app is opensource, anyone can update it. Invoiceninja is quite fast-moving and I only update in my spare time, so any help is welcome!
To update it, one has to:
change the version in manifest.json
change the version in the readme
change the version and the sha256sum in conf.app src.
Is it possible to use a different version from the one of the Yunohost catalog ? etc.
Yes, if you do the steps above and then install the app from the CLI (or your fork of the repo). But generally it’d be better to share the update.
I also have a second question: I tried to use the linux snap invoiceninja app, but I have the following error when trying to log in:
Error: please check that Invoice Ninja v5 is installed on the server
Is there a specific port config or network config that must be correctly set up in order to make the app work ? I have a few port errors (in IPv6 only) when I run a diagnosis.
IN only listens on http(s), port 443. No other ports necessary. Can you please open a new thread here in the forums with this issue?
Hi @rndmh3ro, I was wondering if you might have also encountered problems with the generation of PDF ?
My Yunohost is on a raspberry 3 board, and I don’t know if this “specific” (and maybe limited ?) environment can be the cause of the problems I encounter.
My Yunohost is on a raspberry 3 board, and I don’t know if this “specific” (and maybe limited ?) environment can be the cause of the problems I encounter.
I guess it’s probably got to do with the fact that the raspi is an ARM-system where the tools to generate PDFs don’t work. Might be helpful to check if that is the case.
Yes. I was more interested what it means in this concrete case of invoice ninja. The webpage of invoice ninja didn’t give me much insight into it. Is it still possible to use it completely free in open (source) version?
I’ve a bug, when I want to change something of the user settings (settings/user_details), it need to be approved by my password before saving. but when I attempt to save, with the godd password (otherwise I would not have been able to authenticate myself), I’ve a toast that says my password isn’t right.
I’ve done a second installation, same bug.
On Yunohost 11.2.24 (stable)
installation of InvoiceNinja5 5.10.12~ynh1
I just tested the saving of user settings and it worked for me. What I noticed though: I use keepass to autocomplete the usernames and passwords and there was a wrong password inserted. Do you use a password manager by chance and have the same problem?
Hi !
I’ve tested with the right couple login/password with handwriting, but that doesn’t works better.
The only solution I have found currently is to install Invoice Ninja 4 !
I’ve haven’t many time fore this thoses weeks, maybe I will see that in more details soon.