YunoHost 4.0 (Buster) release / Sortie de YunoHost 4.0 (Buster)

thanks that worked. Just awesome how fast and accurate the community works. Thanks so much also for all the work done so far to get to buster :wink:



J’ai pu mettre à niveau mon VPS en moins de 20 minutes via le Terminal (1 vCore et 2 Go de RAM avec Nextcloud, phpMyAdmin, Rainloop et Wallabag).

PrĂ©alablement j’ai remis le port 22 pour ssh, rĂ©ouvert le port 22 que j’avais fermĂ© et redĂ©marrĂ© le service :

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
yunohost firewall allow Both 22
service sshd reload

Ensuite j’ai fait une sauvegarde avec l’outil intĂ©grĂ© Ă  YunoHost que j’ai rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© sur mon ordinateur :

yunohost backup create
scp -P 22 root@domain:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/ /home/$USER
scp -P 22 root@domain:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/aaammjj-hhmmss.tar.gz /home/$USER

Toutes les migrations sont passées sans accrocs :

18 - Migrate old network traffic rules to the new nftable system
17 - Migrate databases from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 11
16 - Migrate php7.0-fpm ‘pool’ conf files to php7.3
15 - Mise Ă  niveau du systĂšme vers Debian Buster et YunoHost 4.x

A l’issue j’ai effectivement dĂ» appliquer :

yunohost tools regen-conf nsswitch nslcd --force

En dehors des fichiers ssh et fail2ban modifiés manuellement, il reste des choses liés au LDAP :

yunohost tools regen-conf --dry-run # --with-diff
Attention : Le fichier de configuration ‘/etc/ldap/schema/mailserver.schema’ a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ© manuellement et ne sera pas mis Ă  jour
Attention : Le fichier de configuration ‘/etc/ldap/schema/sudo.schema’ a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ© manuellement et ne sera pas mis Ă  jour

Faut-il passer par une commande du genre yunohost tools regen-conf ldap --force ?

Bref, un grand merci Ă  l’équipe pour le boulot et la prĂ©sence sur le forum entre autres <3


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Sorry for being late to the party, congratulations all on the release!

Thanks and a big hug for everyone involved :slight_smile:

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Migration terminee sur VM@freebox_Delta aucun probleme.
Applis fonctionnels rien a signaler.

merci pour votre superbe boulot !

Just did the upgrade

Very smooth! All my apps are working: Nextcloud, calibreweb, writefreely, and pi-hole.

Thanks for all the hard work.

I had no issues except the weird one of SSOwat being a different version. I will try to upgrade now to see what happens.

admin@arkadi:~$ sudo yunohost --version
repo: stable
version: 4.0.3
repo: stable
version: 4.0.3
repo: stable
version: 4.0.3
repo: unstable
version: 4.0.3+202007291517

Tried to update. No updates found.

admin@arkadi:~$ sudo yunohost tools update
Info: Fetching available upgrades for system packages

Info: Updating application catalog

Success! The application catalog has been updated!
/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=
 is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
settings = yaml.load(f)
Info: Nothing to do. Everything is already up-to-date.

Yeah sorry about that, the weird name is “expected”, it’s just a bit clumsy during the release but it has no technical implications besides looking a bit awkward and being written “unstable” but it’s exactly the same code as the stable version 

Thanks though about reporting the small warning during tools update about YAMLLoad thingy

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Ok great. It’s good to know all is well.

Oh I thought that YAMLLoad thing was known. Well I’m glad to be of use to the community :smiley:

Keep up the awesome work everybody
and let’s keep self-hosting!

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(english below) Merci pour le gros gros boulot, j’ai mis a jour une instance x86 sans aucun soucis.
A-t-on des retours de mises a jour sur les briques internet ? (carte Olimex Lime1)

Thanks for this awesome work, I have upgraded a x86 instance without any issue.
Do you have positive feedback about upgrading “La Brique Internet” (Olimex Lime1 board)



Ok I thought my upgrade to Buster was complete, but now poo has hit the fan with certificates and other things.

then I started looking around I found that my migration to Buster is not finished? or at least the system doesn’t think it is finished?

admin@arkadi:~$ sudo yunohost tools migrations list
    description: Upgrade the system to Debian Buster and YunoHost 4.x
    disclaimer: None
    id: 0015_migrate_to_buster
    mode: manual
    name: migrate_to_buster
    number: 15
    state: pending
    description: Migrate php7.0-fpm 'pool' conf files to php7.3
    disclaimer: None
    id: 0016_php70_to_php73_pools
    mode: auto
    name: php70_to_php73_pools
    number: 16
    state: pending
    description: Migrate databases from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 11
    disclaimer: None
    id: 0017_postgresql_9p6_to_11
    mode: auto
    name: postgresql_9p6_to_11
    number: 17
    state: pending
    description: Migrate old network traffic rules to the new nftable system
    disclaimer: None
    id: 0018_xtable_to_nftable
    mode: auto
    name: xtable_to_nftable
    number: 18
    state: pending

I tried to do the migration but get this

admin@arkadi:~$ sudo yunohost tools migrations migrate
Info: Running migration 0015_migrate_to_buster...
Error: Migration 0015_migrate_to_buster did not complete, aborting. Error: The current Debian distribution is not Stretch!
Info: The operation 'Run migrations' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20200812-054735-tools_migrations_migrate_forward --share' to get help
Error: Run these migrations: '0015_migrate_to_buster', before migration 0016_php70_to_php73_pools.
Error: Run these migrations: '0015_migrate_to_buster', before migration 0017_postgresql_9p6_to_11.
Error: Run these migrations: '0015_migrate_to_buster', before migration 0018_xtable_to_nftable.

@arkadi : yes, if you manually finished the migration, you need to tell yunohost to skip migration 15. The easiest way to do so is with the webadmin (in Tools > Migrations), click Skip in front of migration 15, then start the other ones with the green Run button

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I release version 4.0.4 which includes some minor fixes for the postgresql migration (and stuff to help debugging in the future)


J’ai fait la migration sur mon serveur, une tour puissante (12 Gio RAM & Intel Core i5 4x3.4GHz), qui hĂ©berge les services suivants :

Services migrés
  • PeerTube
  • Nextcloud
  • Roundcube
  • Gitea
  • Etherpad
  • Element
  • Bitwarden
  • PrivateBin
  • Jirafeau
  • LibreQR
  • Plume
  • Pleroma
  • Synapse
  • Searx
  • Matomo
  • Diagrams
  • RSS Bridge
  • OpenSondage
  • serveur mail
  • relai Tor (installĂ© sans YunoHost)

L’opĂ©ration a durĂ© 1H20, mais la migration de PostgreSQL a Ă©chouĂ© (logs). J’ai pu la relancer sans avoir d’erreur.

AprĂšs la migration, PeerTube n’a pas Ă©tĂ© pleinement fonctionnelle tout de suite, PostgreSQL a d’abord occupĂ© tout le processeur pendant 1 heure et les accĂšs Ă  la base de donnĂ©es de PeerTube n’ont aboutit qu’aprĂšs cela.

Synapse a refusé de démarrer aprÚs la migration (erreurs similaires à ce ticket). AprÚs avoir utilisé yunohost app upgrade synapse -u, ça fonctionnait normalement.

Les autres applications ne semblent pas avoir de problĂšme \o/

Je constate que bien que ce ne soit pas le cas par dĂ©faut, il est dĂ©sormais possible d’activer TLS 1.3 en remplacant ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; par ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; dans /etc/nginx/conf.d/ Ce sera fait dans les prochaines versions de YNH ?

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Oui, il y a déjà un commit dans la branche de dev, ça va arriver en 4.0.5

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Migration went fine apart from the migration to Postgresql 11. I faced the same issue as here ProblĂšme de migration and installed postgresql 11 manually as suggested there. It did not work unfortunately, here is the log

Edit: Running Diagnosis revealed that postgresql was not running. I restarted it, which worked! Then I re-run the migration and it worked as well!

Version française

Migration effectuée sur deux VPS :

Sur les deux j’ai du relancer la migration postgresql qui semblait avoir Ă©tĂ© en erreur la premiĂšre fois. Elle s’est bien passĂ©e la seconde.

Sur les deux j’ai deux fichiers de conf qui m’ont Ă©tĂ© indiquĂ©s comme modifiĂ©s manuellement (alors qu’il me semble n’y avoir jamais touchĂ©) : nslcd.conf et nsswitch.conf.
J’ai forcĂ© la mise Ă  jour.

Au niveau des apps :

Un grand merci pour tout votre travail :heart_eyes:

Question subsidiare, un yunohost --version me donne :

  repo: stable
  version: 4.0.4
  repo: stable
  version: 4.0.3
  repo: stable
  version: 4.0.3
  repo: unstable
  version: 4.0.3+202007291517

C’est normal d’ĂȘtre en unstable pour ssowat ?

English version

Migration performed on two VPS.

On both I had to restart the postgresql migration that seemed to go wrong the first time. It went well the second time.

On both of them I have two conf files that were indicated to me as manually modified (even though I seem to have never touched them): nslcd.conf and nsswitch.conf.
I forced the update.

Regarding the apps:

A big thank you for all your work :heart_eyes:

Subsidiary question, a yunohost --version gives me:

repo: stable
version: 4.0.4
repo: stable
version: 4.0.3
repo: stable
version: 4.0.3
repo: unstable
version: 4.0.3+202007291517

Is it normal to be on unstable for ssowat?


It’s complicated but basically yes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Small cosmetic mistake on my side that has no impact whatsoever on the actual code

Thanks for the detailed feedback !



Do you know when the stable buster version for Raspberry Pi 4 will be downloadabled?

Thank you.

@gueulderack : I just released it, feel free to try it

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Hi I am looking for resources to rebuild armbian image for olimex a20 micro

Bonjour je recherche des resources pour reconstruire une image pour l olimex a20 micro ?

Thanks a lot, I just see it. I will try it this week and I will post the result.