English version
Following these last months of alpha and beta-testing, we are glad to announce the release of YunoHost 4.0 running on Debian 10 (Buster)
This comes along with the latest version of 3.8.5.x which includes a StretchâBuster migration to upgrade as simply as possible. Note that versions 3.x are not expected to receive any upgrade anymore (except for important security fixes or migration fixes).
We want to thank the numerous people who helped make this release possible by adaptings apps, testing the 4.0 version and migration and providing precious feedback on the forum, chat and elsewhere !
Click here to show/hide
- [fix] It just make no sense to backup/restore the mysql password⊠(YunoHost#911)
- [fix] Fix getopts and helpers (YunoHost#885, YunoHost#886)
- [fix] Explicitly create home using mkhomedir_helper instead of obscure pam rule that doesnât work anymore (YunoHost/b67ff314)
- [fix] Ldap interface seems to expect lists everywhere now? (YunoHost/fb8c2b7b)
- [deb] Clean control file, remove some legacy Conflicts and Replaces (YunoHost/ca0d4933)
- [deb] Add conflicts with versions from backports for critical dependencies (YunoHost#967)
- [cleanup] Stale / legacy code (YunoHost/217aaa36, YunoHost/d77da6a0, YunoHost/af047468, YunoHost/82d468a3)
- [conf] Automatically disable/stop systemd-resolved that conflicts with dnsmasq on fresh setups ⊠(YunoHost/e7214b37)
- [conf] Remove deprecated option in sshd conf (YunoHost/2723d245)
- [conf] Small tweak in dovecot conf (deprecated settings) (YunoHost/dc0481e2)
- [conf] Update nslcd and nsswitch stuff using new Busterâs default configs + get rid of nslcd service, only keep the regen-conf part (YunoHost/6ef3520f)
- [php] Migrate from php7.0 to php7.3 (YunoHost/3374e653, YunoHost/9be10506, YunoHost/dd9564d3, YunoHost/9679c291, YunoHost/212a15e4, YunoHost/25fcaa19, YunoHost/c4ad66f5)
- [psql] Migrate from psql 9.6 to 11 (YunoHost/e88aed72, YunoHost/4920d4f9, YunoHost/c70b0ae4)
- [firewall] Migrate from xtable to nftable (YunoHost/05fb58f2, YunoHost/2c4a8b73, YunoHost/625d5372)
- [slapd] Rework slapd regenconf to use new backend (YunoHost#984)
Installing a fresh YunoHost 4.0
Please follow the install documentation.
N.B.: We are still working on building pre-installed images for the various system/architectures. They will be out in the coming days/weeks. In the meantime you can always install Yunohost âon top ofâ a Debian/Raspbian/Armbian.
Migrating from a 3.8.x/Stretch instance to 4.0/Buster
Please follow the migration documentation.
N.B.: This migration has been tested by the community over the last few months but has only been declared stable recently. If your server hosts critical services and if you are not too confident with debugging possible issues, we recommend you to wait a little bit more while we gather more feedback and polish things up. If on the other hand you are relatively confident with debugging small issues that may arise, you are encouraged to run this migration
Other project news
As always, there are many pending things (about 50 pull requests just on the core when writing this) for the next versions : improvements in app integrations, the user portal, group/permission system, user experience, and more !
Thanks to our epic team of app packager, the project now has a whooping 140ish application with good integration!
During the end of this autumn, part of the team will probably focus on some specific items for which we receive a grant from NLnet and the Next generation Internet - namely remote backup/restore, automatic DNS configuration and other things for the Internet Cube project.
We also applied to another funding call that (if accepted) would help us providing support and migration to Debian 11 / Bullseye as soon as itâs released (expected to be around June 2021).
As a replacement for the annual YunoCamp/BriqueCamp of this year, we are planning to have a 3~4ish days online camp last weekend of August ! Feel free to join us then if you would like to learn how to contribute YunoHost or just discover and discuss more about the project ! (More info to come later)
Finally, if youâre willing to financially support the project, remember that we have a donation platform here (you can also donate via Liberapay or bank transfer).
See ya !
Version françcaise
Suite Ă ces derniers mois de alpha- et beta-testing, nous sommes heureux dâannoncer la sortie de YunoHost 4.0 tournant sur Debian 10 (Buster)
Cette publication viens avec la derniĂšre version 3.8.5.x qui inclue une migration StretchâBuster pour mettre Ă jour votre systĂšme le plus simplement possible. Notez que les versions 3.x ne sont plus destinĂ©es Ă recevoir de mise Ă jour (mis Ă part des correctifs si besoin pour la sĂ©curitĂ© et la procĂ©dure de migration).
Nous souhaitons remercier les nombreuses personnes qui ont permis de rendre possible ce saut de version en adaptant les applications, en testant la version 4.0 et la migration et en fournissant de précieux retours sur le forum, le chat et ailleurs !
Liste des changements
Cliquer pour afficher/cacher
- [fix] It just make no sense to backup/restore the mysql password⊠(YunoHost#911)
- [fix] Fix getopts and helpers (YunoHost#885, YunoHost#886)
- [fix] Explicitly create home using mkhomedir_helper instead of obscure pam rule that doesnât work anymore (YunoHost/b67ff314)
- [fix] Ldap interface seems to expect lists everywhere now? (YunoHost/fb8c2b7b)
- [deb] Clean control file, remove some legacy Conflicts and Replaces (YunoHost/ca0d4933)
- [deb] Add conflicts with versions from backports for critical dependencies (YunoHost#967)
- [cleanup] Stale / legacy code (YunoHost/217aaa36, YunoHost/d77da6a0, YunoHost/af047468, YunoHost/82d468a3)
- [conf] Automatically disable/stop systemd-resolved that conflicts with dnsmasq on fresh setups ⊠(YunoHost/e7214b37)
- [conf] Remove deprecated option in sshd conf (YunoHost/2723d245)
- [conf] Small tweak in dovecot conf (deprecated settings) (YunoHost/dc0481e2)
- [conf] Update nslcd and nsswitch stuff using new Busterâs default configs + get rid of nslcd service, only keep the regen-conf part (YunoHost/6ef3520f)
- [php] Migrate from php7.0 to php7.3 (YunoHost/3374e653, YunoHost/9be10506, YunoHost/dd9564d3, YunoHost/9679c291, YunoHost/212a15e4, YunoHost/25fcaa19, YunoHost/c4ad66f5)
- [psql] Migrate from psql 9.6 to 11 (YunoHost/e88aed72, YunoHost/4920d4f9, YunoHost/c70b0ae4)
- [firewall] Migrate from xtable to nftable (YunoHost/05fb58f2, YunoHost/2c4a8b73, YunoHost/625d5372)
- [slapd] Rework slapd regenconf to use new backend (YunoHost#984)
Installer une instance neuve de YunoHost 4.0
Pour cela, suivre la documentation dâinstallation.
N.B.: Nous sommes encore en train de construire et tester les images prĂ©-installĂ©es pour les diffĂ©rents systĂšmes/architectures. Elles seront publiĂ©es dans les jours/semaines Ă venir. En attendant, vous pouvez toujours installer YunoHost âpar dessusâ une Debian/Raspbian/Armbian
Migrer dâune instance 3.8.x/Stretch vers 4.0/Buster
Pour cela, suivre la documentation sur la procédure de migration.
N.B.: Cette migration a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e par la communautĂ© au cours des derniers mois et a seulement Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clarĂ©e stable rĂ©cemment. Si votre serveur hĂ©berge des services critiques et si vous nâĂȘtes pas trĂšs Ă lâaise avec le fait de dĂ©bugger des problĂšmes potentiels, nous vous recommendons dâattendre encore un peu pendant que nous obtenons dâautre retour pour polir les problĂšmes qui pourraient rester. Si au contraire vous ĂȘtes relativement Ă lâaise avec le fait de dĂ©bugger des problĂšmes mineurs qui pourraient survenir, alors nous vous encourageons Ă faire cette migration
Autres nouvelles du projet
Comme toujours, il y a beaucoup de choses en attente pour les nouvelles versions (une cinquantaine de pull request au moment oĂč ce post est Ă©crit) : des amĂ©liorations dans lâintĂ©gration des apps, sur le portail utilisateur, dans le systĂšme de groupe/permission, sur lâexpĂ©rience utilisateur et dâautres choses !
Grùce à notre team phénoménale de packageurs, le projet compte maintenant environ 140 applications ayant une bonne intégration !
Durant cette automne, une partie de lâĂ©quipe se concentrera sur des sujets spĂ©cifiques subventionnĂ©s par NLnet et le Next generation Internet - en particulier le backup/restauration distant, la configuration automatique des DNS, et dâautres choses concernant le projet de la Brique Internet.
Nous avons aussi candidaté à un autre appel à subvention qui (si accepté) nous aidera à fournir un support et une migration pour Debian 11 / Bullseye dÚs sa sortie (attendue autour de Juin 2021).
En remplacement du YunoCamp/BriqueCamp annuel, cette annĂ©e nous prĂ©voyons 3-4 jours de rencontres et travail en ligne le dernier week-end dâAoĂ»t ! Nâháșżsitez pas Ă nous rejoindre si vous souhaitez apprendre Ă contribuern ou pour dĂ©couvrir et discuter du projet ! (Plus dâinfos plus tard)
Finallement, si vous souhaitez soutenir financiĂšrement le projet, nous rappelons que nous disposons dâune plateforme de don ici (il est aussi possible de donner via Liberapay ou par virement bancaire).
Ă la prochaine !