XMPP - can't connect to conference.yunohost.org

I can’t reach contact that are not on my server holcroft.fr

I tried this, but comment or set s2s enctryption to false doesn’t change anything (and I don’t want it) [RESOLU] Liste de contact Jabber / Jabber contact list

I tried this, but it didn’t change anything Metronome n’arrive pas à communiquer avec l’extérieur

Please note this issue is the same with other addresses, I think I tried with Lu a few weeks ago, he could talk to me but I couldn’t.

Here is the log:

Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH body open (sid: 755480b6-b7ff-4452-bb3e-4dab1ace90e6)
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH stanza received: <message type='chat' to='conference.yunohost.org' id='74' xml:lang='fr'>

Nov 15 07:54:28 bosh755480b6-b7ff-4452-bb3e-4dab1ace90e6        debug   Received[c2s]: <message type='chat' to='conference.yunohost.org' id='74' xml:lang='fr'>
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_router      debug   Routing to remote...
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   opening a new outgoing connection for this stanza
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   stanza [message] queued until connection complete
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   First attempt to connect to conference.yunohost.org, starting with SRV lookup...
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Records for _xmpp-server._tcp.conference.yunohost.org. not in cache, sending query (thread: 0x11c10f0)...
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   Session 755480b6-b7ff-4452-bb3e-4dab1ace90e6 has 2 out of 1 requests open
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   and there are 0 things in the send_buffer:
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   We are holding too many requests, so...
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   ...sending an empty response
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   We have an open request, so sending on that
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   Request destroyed: table: 0x11b29b0
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: 11b0700 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing delayed until writebuffer is empty 
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   Have nothing to say, so leaving request unanswered for now
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   new connection established. id: 11c24d0 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client after writing 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client with id: 11b0700 client to close 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: 11c24d0 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client with id: 11c24d0 client to close 
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Reply for _xmpp-server._tcp.conference.yunohost.org. (thread: 0x11c10f0)
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   conference.yunohost.org has no SRV records, falling back to A/AAAA
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Records for conference.yunohost.org not in cache, sending query (thread: 0x11c5120)...
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Records for conference.yunohost.org not in cache, sending query (thread: 0x11c7bd0)...
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   new connection established. id: 11c6470 
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Reply for conference.yunohost.org (thread: 0x11c5120)
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: 11c6470 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client with id: 11c6470 client to close 
Nov 15 07:54:28 adns    debug   Reply for conference.yunohost.org (thread: 0x11c7bd0)
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   DNS lookup failed to get a response for conference.yunohost.org
Nov 15 07:54:28 s2sout11bf660   info    Out of connection options, can't connect to conference.yunohost.org
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_s2s debug   No other records to try for conference.yunohost.org - destroying
Nov 15 07:54:28 s2sout11bf660   debug   Destroying outgoing session holcroft.fr->conference.yunohost.org: DNS resolution failed
Nov 15 07:54:28 s2sout11bf660   info    sending error replies for 1 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to conference.yunohost.org
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_router      debug   Received[s2sin]: <message id='74' type='error' to='jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr/YunoJappix (1479191068199)' from='conference.yunohost.org'>
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   We have an open request, so sending on that
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   Request destroyed: table: 0x11babf0
Nov 15 07:54:28 bosh755480b6-b7ff-4452-bb3e-4dab1ace90e6        debug   BOSH session marked as inactive (for 30s)
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: 11b6270 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing delayed until writebuffer is empty 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client after writing 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   closing client with id: 11b6270 client to close 
Nov 15 07:54:28 socket  debug   accepted incoming client connection from: 51121 to 5290 
Nov 15 07:54:28 mod_bosh        debug   Handling new request table: 0x11d1e90: <filtered>

Here is the content of my resolv.conf

nameserver 2a01:e00::1
nameserver 2a01:e00::2

Here is what I used for my DNS (it’s comming from the admin interface):

_xmpp-client._tcp 3600 IN SRV 0 5 5222 holcroft.fr.
_xmpp-server._tcp 3600 IN SRV 0 5 5269 holcroft.fr.
muc 3600 IN CNAME @
pubsub 3600 IN CNAME @
vjud 3600 IN CNAME @

@ 3600 IN MX 10 holcroft.fr.
@ 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ip4: ip6:2a01:e35:2e2f:4050:d250:99ff:fe1c:9df7 -all"
mail._domainkey.holcroft.fr. 3600 IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCdZ7zneBtBroCFzeHs65zSspQpnUt5OgRNdcPZsV4+tsBp3UH17bdN7iI/gCuyRhLGWofyirJSgG/FzVqVXJtk+zDx7F8ZqhYi7Aij+EvG6V2x5HXoNBOCTlFPd9QtL6bf7uMwqQLXmH/0yshJZcg66TgDYGqkvr9H5AHrS2zqGQIDAQAB"
_dmarc 3600 IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none"

Here is my metronome configuration:

-- HTTP server
http_ports = { 5290 }
http_interfaces = { "", "::1" }

--https_ports = { 5291 }
--https_interfaces = { "", "::1" }

-- Enable IPv6
use_ipv6 = true

thanks for your help !


there must be an issue to resolve DNS records with dnsmasq.

I think @Maniack_Crudelis experimented issue like that.


Indeed, It’s seems like to issue I’ve experimented.
But, do you use dnsmasq as DNS resolver in your network?

If yes, check the files /etc/dnsmasq.d/domain.tld, and remove or comment the first line, resolv-file= and restart dnsmasq

I tried this and it did not solved the issue :confused:

Can you try a nslookup on conference.yunohost.org to see what its tells you?

Here is the answer of nslookup:

# nslookup conference.yunohost.org
Server:		2a01:e00::1
Address:	2a01:e00::1#53

Non-authoritative answer:
conference.yunohost.org	canonical name = tartare.yunohost.org.
Name:	tartare.yunohost.org

here is the new log after changing dnsmasq:

Nov 17 16:37:23 bosh50bbd278-6752-4ebb-8a7c-3dfc6bc7997d        debug   Received[c2s]: <presence id='38' xml:lang='fr' to='support@conferenc
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_router      debug   Routing to remote...
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   opening a new outgoing connection for this stanza
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   stanza [presence] queued until connection complete
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   First attempt to connect to conference.yunohost.org, starting with SRV lookup...
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Records for _xmpp-server._tcp.conference.yunohost.org. not in cache, sending query (thread: 0xcebc70)...
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   Session 50bbd278-6752-4ebb-8a7c-3dfc6bc7997d has 2 out of 1 requests open
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   and there are 0 things in the send_buffer:
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   We are holding too many requests, so...
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   ...sending an empty response
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   We have an open request, so sending on that
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   Request destroyed: table: 0xdb2100
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: d11980 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   closing delayed until writebuffer is empty 
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_bosh        debug   Have nothing to say, so leaving request unanswered for now
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   new connection established. id: dcaec0 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   closing client after writing 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   closing client with id: d11980 client to close 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: dcaec0 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   closing client with id: dcaec0 client to close 
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Reply for _xmpp-server._tcp.conference.yunohost.org. (thread: 0xcebc70)
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   conference.yunohost.org has no SRV records, falling back to A/AAAA
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Records for conference.yunohost.org not in cache, sending query (thread: 0xd61e00)...
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Records for conference.yunohost.org not in cache, sending query (thread: 0xcdb060)...
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Sending DNS query to
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   new connection established. id: d9a4e0 
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Reply for conference.yunohost.org (thread: 0xd61e00)
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   try to close client connection with id: d9a4e0 
Nov 17 16:37:23 socket  debug   closing client with id: d9a4e0 client to close 
Nov 17 16:37:23 adns    debug   Reply for conference.yunohost.org (thread: 0xcdb060)
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   DNS lookup failed to get a response for conference.yunohost.org
Nov 17 16:37:23 s2soutdadb90    info    Out of connection options, can't connect to conference.yunohost.org
Nov 17 16:37:23 mod_s2s debug   No other records to try for conference.yunohost.org - destroying
Nov 17 16:37:23 s2soutdadb90    debug   Destroying outgoing session holcroft.fr->conference.yunohost.org: DNS resolution failed
Nov 17 16:37:23 s2soutdadb90    info    sending error replies for 1 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to conference.yunoh

Ok, so your dns resolution work fine, but not for xmpp.
Are you sure you have commented the resolv-file= line for all domain files in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ ?

If yes, try to stop dnsmasq and retry the connection with metronome.

oh, indeed, I had two subdomains with bad configuration, thank you !

I changed from a StartSSL certificate to a Let’s Encrypt certificate on my main domain name.
All went fine excepted the fact that the XMPP server was unreachable.
Ports 5222 and 5269 was closed from YunoPorts point of view and it seems that it was impossible to retrieve a good DNS record.
I followed upper solution and it works fine.
Thanks :smile:

For information, this has been solved by https://dev.yunohost.org/issues/524