[RESOLU] Liste de contact Jabber / Jabber contact list


Depuis la dernière mise à jour de YNH, j’ai un problème avec ma liste de contact Jabber. En effet celle-ci n’affiche que les contacts hébergés sur mon serveur (et ceux qui ont YNH) et non plus ceux qui sont à l’extérieur comme @gmail.com.

Un peu d’aide ? :smile:


Since the last update of YNH, I have a problem with my Jabber contact list. I can see only the contacts of my server and also other YNH servers.

On the other hand the addresses gmail are not any more reachable.

Help ? :smile:

Va voir dans les logs de metronome (/var/log/metronome) et regarde si tu n’as pas des erreur de connexion vers les serveurs XMPP des autres services (du genre SSL Handshake fail).

Merci pour votre réponse, dans mon fichier log metronome, j’ai les information suivantes avec la commande “tailf”:

May 16 20:46:35 s2sout2269e40 info sending error replies for 2 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to mailfr.com
May 16 21:03:19 c2s2098960 info Client connected
May 16 21:03:19 s2sout2559880 info Beginning new connection attempt to gmail.com ([]:5269)
May 16 21:03:20 s2sout2240010 info Beginning new connection attempt to mailfr.com ([]:5269)
May 16 21:03:20 s2sout2240010 info sent dialback key on outgoing s2s stream
May 16 21:03:20 s2sout2559880 info outgoing s2s stream domaine.fr->gmail.com closed: error communicating with the remote server
May 16 21:03:20 s2sout2559880 info sending error replies for 51 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to gmail.com
May 16 21:04:50 s2sout2240010 info outgoing s2s stream domaine.fr->mailfr.com closed: connection-timeout
May 16 21:04:50 s2sout2240010 info sending error replies for 1 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to mailfr.com
May 16 21:06:40 s2sout223d470 info Beginning new connection attempt to gmail.com ([]:5269)
May 16 21:06:40 s2sout223d470 info outgoing s2s stream domaine.fr->gmail.com closed: error communicating with the remote server
May 16 21:06:40 s2sout223d470 info sending error replies for 20 queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to gmail.com

En espérant que ça puisse aider…

De plus j’ai remarqué que depuis la mise à jour, mon disque dur externe ne se monte plus automatiquement. Je suis obligé de le monter à la main.

D’ailleurs mon partage samba non plus ne fonctionne plus. Au début je pensais que c’était parce que le disque dur n’était plus monté (ce qui pourrait sembler logique), mais même en montant le disque dur, le partage ne fonctionne toujours pas…

Il est pourtant présent en fstab, donc je ne comprends pas…

Une réinstallation YNH va s’imposer je crois et j’éviterai les mises à jours …

After find courage to upgrade this last upgrade packages on my raspberry pi2,without blowing all,and make a dd copy first,and after found that i need to say no when the upgrade want to overwrite the conf files.
everything is working again,except metronome and i cant update the apps with example"sudo yunohost app upgrade linuxdash"
,now i have phpadmin working,without errors,and the system seems a little more responsive and fast.
i changed in /etc/metronome the new file metronome.cfg.lua ,using the metronome.cfg.lua.old , and i try change some lines but still not working…
anyway to reconfigure the metronome again from start or reeinstall or something to make the xmpp working?
can i use postinstall or other way to reconfigure all the original services from yunohost?
im kind a lost right now with no solution for this.
thanks :smiling_imp:

no smtp no pop3 only have webmail via roundcube.
how to restore or reconfigure all the original services from yunohost? :sleepy:

Do you have some logs from /var/log/metronome.log ?

For the email server, try to restart manually all the services:

service postgrey restart
service amavis restart
service postfix restart
service dovecot restart

@kload ,thanks for your answer.

all the apps are working,the yunofav have big letters but is working.

in /var/log/metronome/metronome.err
i have this errors:
May 18 08:25:15 modulemanager error Unable to load module ‘auth_ldap2’: /usr/lib/metronome/modules/mod_auth_ldap2.lua: No such file or directory
May 18 08:25:16 modulemanager error Unable to load module ‘legacyauth’: /usr/lib/metronome/modules/mod_legacyauth.lua: No such file or directory
May 18 13:02:32 modulemanager error Unable to load module ‘auth_ldap2’: /usr/lib/metronome/modules/mod_auth_ldap2.lua: No such file or directory

when i try connecting using “conversations app” say server not found.
try to send a test mail using k9 and have sockettimeoutexception:failed to connect
unable to get imap prefix

check firewall and is every port open.
if i sudo yunohost firewall upnp enable
Error: No UPnP device found
never worked here good,anyway

check mail.logs seems all fine

all fine with
sudo amavisd-nanny
have spamassassin working
iptables is working
dont use fail2ban,i removed

via web all is working fine…

no relevant errors here,i think:
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
2015/05/17 06:44:20 [info] 4935#0: Using 32768KiB of shared memory for push module in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:79
2015/05/17 06:44:20 [info] 4935#0: [lua] init.lua:51: SSOwat ready
2015/05/18 11:59:26 [info] 5757#0: Using 32768KiB of shared memory for push module in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:79
2015/05/18 11:59:26 [info] 5757#0: [lua] init.lua:51: SSOwat ready

just find the plumbr (murmur)is not working too.
check the logs:
2015-05-18 16:40:54.261 1 => Registration needs nonempty ‘registername’, ‘registerpassword’ and ‘registerurl’, must have an empty ‘password’ and allowed pings.
2015-05-18 16:40:54.262 Object::connect: No such slot MurmurDBus::userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &)

no errors on boot,all services start fine.
now i have ipv6 enable on boot.

i guess is better use the dd again and stick without updating packages,and without phpmyadmin,until appears stable packages:)
i have fsck on boot,but i will disconect and check on other computer,if not resolve,better restore a old img.
it was a good solution if yunohost have a script to reeinstall all the services.

hey again
if sudo yunohost app upgrade https://github.com/matlink/mumbleserver_ynh
Erro: https://github.com/matlink/mumbleserver_ynh não está instalada
if i use remove is the same.
if sudo yunohost app upgrade roundcube
say not installed
i lost the option of updating or removing apps…

La problématique est résolu.

Il faut éditer le fichier “/etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua”, trouver les lignes suivantes:

-- Force servers to use encrypted connections? This option will
-- prevent servers from connecting unless they are using encryption.
s2s_require_encryption = true

Remplacer la valeur “true” par “false”

Cela fonctionne pour la version 3.6 de metronome.

EDIT: Ne pas oublier de relancer le service metronome par la commande suivante:

service metronome restart

/ ! \ Il faut savoir que cela a indubitablement un impact sur la sécurité de vos communications avec vos correspondants dans la mesure ou gmail ne chiffre pas ou mal les liaisons. / ! \

thanks,i have to go back to a old dd version,i cant install or reeinstall nothing so is better come back.
and i will stay without updates or upgrades…

if i sudo apt-get upgrade
Serão mantidos em suas versões actuais os seguintes pacotes:
metronome moulinette-yunohost ssowat yunohost-config-nginx yunohost-config-others yunohost-config-postfix
Serão actualizados os seguintes pacotes:
curl dpkg dpkg-dev libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libdpkg-perl libmysqlclient18 libraspberrypi-bin libraspberrypi0 libruby1.8 libxrender1
lua-socket moulinette mysql-client-5.5 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server-core-5.5 nginx-common python-bottle
raspberrypi-bootloader raspi-config ruby1.8 yunohost-admin yunohost-config-amavis yunohost-config-dovecot yunohost-config-mysql
yunohost-config-slapd yunohost-predepends

no they want!!!

i just put a # in front of the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
i hope its enought
i like the pacman of yunohost :slight_smile:

Now i have LTS (long term support)
so anybody test this solar panels,i want one for my raspberrypi, can be this powered with this types of 2w 6v USB Mini Solar Panel Module Solar ?