Openproject 14.0


Only wanted to point out, continuing this thread that OpenProject 14.0 is out.

Release OpenProject 14.0.0 · opf/openproject · GitHub

Current version in Yunohost is 12.5.8.

If it can be upgraded, for sure some users would gladly appreciate it :upside_down_face:

Thank you!


unfortunately, people have to work on it, it’s not magic :confused:

So I tried a new version with V14, and I tested it in a VM as suggested here by @Mamie .

I got an asking screen during the configuration step :

This may be where the testing bot is stopped. Thus the auto tests can’t validate.

Strangely, the current master branch does not print this screen. I don’t understand why. I am currently stuck here, I don’t know what to do to prevent this screen from popping.

I also tested by installing the current V12 version, then upgrade it to V14, and that works.

PR can be found here : Upgrade to V14 by Dazeilad · Pull Request #11 · YunoHost-Apps/openproject_ynh · GitHub

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