List of Apps Working with Yunohost 2.4

Hi; I decide to make a list of which apps working with Yunohost 2.4.
For now, i’ll cover simple detail, which if I tried it, and if it not working for me, where I got the an error and the error.

NOTICE: Your experience may be different because, for me, every single apps have their own subdomain.

Your output and your experience are very welcome, i’ll try to keep my post update to date base on your experience.

Official Apps

* **AgenDAV (agendav) : work out of the box** * **Baikal (baikal) : work out of the box** * **Dokuwiki (dokuwiki) : @vey said : work out of the box** * **Hextris (hextris) : @vey said it's work** * **Jappix (jappix) : work out of the box** * **Jirafeau (jirafeau) : work out of the box** * **Kanboard (kanboard) : work out of the box** * **Custom Webapp** (my_webapp) : @frog said it's working well * **OpenSondage (opensondage)** : work well said @ljf * OpenVPN (openvpn) : @vey said : Error unkown application :disappointed: * **OwnCloud (owncloud) : work out of the box** * **phpMyAdmin (phpmyadmin) : @vey said it's work** * _Roundcube (roundcube)_ : got a error; and not working even in a subdirectory * **Searx (searx) : work out of the box** * **Shell In A Box (shellinabox) : @vey said it's work** * **Strut (strut) : @vey said it's work** * **Transmission (transmission) : @vey said it's work** * **Tiny Tiny RSS (ttrss) : work out of the box** * Wallabag (wallabag) : install fine, but error on access * WordPress (wordpress) : Install failed : incompatible with YunoHost version. * **Zerobin (zerobin) : work out of the box**

In Declared as Working Apps

* **20euros (20euros) : @vey said it's work** * **243 (243) : @vey said it's work** * _Ajax Google Apis (ajaxgoogleapis) : @vey said : Error domain is missing_ * _Ampache (ampache) : @vey said : Install failed_ * **BoZoN (bozon) : @vey said it's work** * _**Cesium (cesium) : @vey said seems to work**_ * **ChtickyNotes (chtickynotes) : @vey said it's work** * _Cops (cops) : @vey said : Blank Page Result_ * _Couchpotato (couchpotato) : @vey said : Error : Unable to download_ * **Cubiks-2048 (cubiks2048) : @vey said it's work** * EtherCalc (ethercalc) : Install Well, when running I receive an error : Cannot GET /true/1sdxjdh78vyz * Etherpad Lite (etherpadlite) : Install failed : incompatible with YunoHost version. * Firefox Sync Server (ffsync) : Install finish with an error but, seams working fine. * **Filebin (filebin) : @vey said it's work** * _Framagames (framagames) : @vey said : Install failed_ * **FreshRSS (freshrss) : work out of the box** * **FTP support for webapp (ftp_webapp) : work out of the box** * _**GateOne (gateone) : @vey said it's work if you choose carefully the path**_ * **Ghost (ghostblog) : @vey said it's work** * GLPI (glpi) : Install failed : incompatible with YunoHost version. * **Gogs (gogs) : work out of the box** * Wifi Hotspot (hotspot) : didnt try * **HTML Tools (htmltool) : @vey said it's work** * **Hubzilla (hubzilla) : work out of the box** * Huginn (huginn) : Installation failed * **I Hate Money (ihatemoney) : work out of the box** * _Jappix Mini (jappix_mini) : @vey said : Install failed_ * _**Jenkins (jenkins) : @vey said : Install complete with issues**_ * _**KiwiIRC (kiwiirc) : @vey said : Install complete with npm errors**_ * **Keeweb (keeweb) : @vey said it's work** * **Leed (leed) : work out of the box** * _Lektor (lektor) : @vey said: Install failed_ * LimeSurvey (limesurvey) : install failed : incompatible with YunoHost version. * **Linux-Dash (linuxdash) : @vey said it's work** * **Lutim (lutim) : work out of the box** * Mattermost (mattermost) : install failed : mysql-common must be >=5.6 * **MediaWiki (mediawiki) : @vey said it's work** * **Minchat (minchat) : @vey said it's work** * **MiniDLNA (minidlna) : work out of the box** * **Monit (monit) : work out of the box** * **Movim (movim) : work out of the box** * **Multi custom webapp (multi_webapp) : work out of the box** * **Mumble Server (mumbleserver) : work out of the box** * Munin (munin) : install=ok, but error on access * MyCryptoChat (mycryptochat) : install failed : incompatible with YunoHost version. * OpenWRT (openwrt) : install finish fine, but on access the nginx default page appear. * **phpBB (phpBB) : work out of the box** * **phpLDAPadmin (phpldapadmin) : work out of the box** * **PhpSysInfo (phpsysinfo) : work out of the box** * PirateBox (piratebox) : didnt try * _Piwigo (piwigo) : @vey said : Install failed_ * **Radicale (radicale) : work out of the box** * **Rainloop (rainloop) : work out of the box** said the @chris ;) * **ruTorrent (rutorrent) : @vey said it's work** * _Sabnzbd (sabnzbd) : @vey said : Install failed_ * _Seafile (seafile) : @vey said : Install failed_ * _Shout (shout) : @vey said : Don't Work_ * _Sickbeard (sickbeard) : @vey said : Install failed_ * **Syncthing (syncthing) : work out of the box** said the @tuxmouraille ;) * **TagSpaces (tagspaces) : @vey said it's work** * TeamSpeak3 Server (teamspeak) : didnt try * **TOR Client (torclient) : @vey said seems working** * _**Transwhat (transwhat) : @vey said it's seems working**_ * _**VPN Client (vpnclient) : @vey said it's seems working**_ * **Multi Instances Webapp (webapp_multi_inst) : @vey said it's work** * ** WordPress MultiSite (wordpressms) : work out of the box** said @Maniack_Crudelis * Yourls (yourls) : didnt try * _Youtube-dl-WebUI (youtube-dl-webui) : @vey said don't work_ * **Yunofav (yunofav) : @vey said it's work** * _Z-Push (z-push) : @vey said : Install failed_

Hi, Nice post!

Agendav, Owncloud and gogs work out of the box
You didn’t mentioned letsencrypt, which dont work

Excellente idée ce post !

  • Wordpress est incompatible (je travaille sur la mise à jour!)

Ces applications sont normalement compatibles avec la 2.4:

  • FTP support for webapp (ftp_webapp)
  • Leed (leed)
  • MiniDLNA (minidlna)
  • Multi custom webapp (multi_webapp)
  • Radicale (radicale)
  • WordPress MultiSite (wordpressms)

Hi Bachy;
I did’nt mention Let’s Encrypt because sadly is in
Work in progress applications list;
so those are not yet finished applications, we strongly advise against installing them except if you know what you are doing.


+1, très bonne idée ce post.

Comme le couple roundcube/baikal est ko, j’ai installé rainloop, celui-ci fonctionne très bien, de plus l’interface avec baikal fonctionne également.

je n’ai aucun soucis avec FreshRSS depuis la migration.

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Syncthing est compatible avec Yunohost 2.4:

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Grâce à ton commentaire; j’ai douté et donc retenté l’installation de RoundCube; mon erreur de GATEWAY était sûrement relié au sous-domaine, car RoundCube répond très bien sous le répertoire /webmail :wink:

@jodumont : really nice idea, thanks for reporting

@everyone : could you try to respect post initial language ? English readers would appreciate :confused:

For OpenVPN, it works IF :

  • You use old self-signed certs (doesn’t work with let’s encrypt)
  • Start OpenVPN with sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/yunohost.conf (the OpenVPN service doesn’t work with me)
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Using default settings (no subdomains) I get a message saying installation of baikal failed.

[EN] However, is the application functionnal? It’s labelled in dev here, and it’s rather confusing :confounded:

[FR] Par contre, l’application est fonctionnelle ? Elle est marquée en développement ici, et c’est assez déroutant. :confounded:

Je n’ai pas encore ajouté le support pourle multi-instances.

@Krands & @tuxmouraille vous parlez de quelle applications ? :slight_smile:

[EN] The Syncthing app. I really want to install it actually.
[FR] L’application Syncthing. J’ai en fait très envie de l’installer.

@Krands @jodumont @tuxmouraille @chris : could you try to respect post initial language ? English readers would appreciate

I respond in french to people speak french because maybe like you they are uni-lingual and they have the right to receive an answer.

Also working otb in 2.4:

  • Laverna
  • DocuWiki

Both Seafile and Etherpad fail on install.


  • Syncthing - works fine.
  • Let’s Encrypt - so far everything is ok. :sunglasses: :+1:


  • Rutorrent - Installs but doesnt work ( No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file. )

I can confirm that Custom Webapp works with version 2.4. That is, I only tried without mysql support. SFTP connection works fine. Should be sufficient to setup a basic website.

Strut works as well.