Thanks for the meeting minute. Here is the translation:
Hello everybody,
The YunoHost team is gathering once a month on Mumble to discuss our progress. We have decided in this meeting to post the minute on the forum and on the contrib mailing list. We believe it is a good way to keep you informed and invite you to contribute with us
All the meeting minutes can be found on
YunoHost Meeting Tuesday 7 juin 2016
- bram
- jerome
- opi
- Moul
- scara
- ljf
- sebian
Previous TODOs
- TODO: opi should create a common OVH account
Progress on 2.4 release
bram misses a big button to upgrade through the web interface
Overall, the upgrade went well with positive user feedbacks
Moul has started to write an article for LinuxFr:
Genma has wrote extensively about YunoHost
Lots of messages on Diaspora
Lots of users want to use YNH for multiple users
Remove openvpn from the official apps list? =>
TODO(sebian) is motivated to look into the package ( )
Add etherpad as an official app ? => validated but need love on the app first
Add hateMoney as an official app ? => validated (see with jocelyn)
It would be interesting to add Rainloop as an official app but the package must be cleaned first
Need to test the wordpress version of ManiackC
We need to “recruit” maintainers, #urgent => TODO [all] Write a call to maintain apps on the forum
List of Apps Working with Yunohost 2.4 : List of Apps Working with Yunohost 2.4
Find a “swaggier” theme for roundcube : [jerome] [Roundcube] Provide a modern theme with the app package
What are the next things we should be working on but left aside because of the 2.4 release?
Work on the external communication for the project
-> try to make sessions to think about what we want to put forward, the project goal…
Tools to manage the documentation
- as of now, we are not very happen of simone (not possible to create accounts)
- should have the possibility to contribute through the tool interface and through git
- git is still not very accessible so few contributors for the documentation
- Should we separate the frontend?
- improve simone? Find another tool?
- we should be able to add pictures easily
- keep markdown/html/js/css
- translate with weblate :
- as of now, we can write a javascript code that will be interpreted -> possible security breach if we open accounts
Work around the project contribution
see the work done at AGFFDN by opi/bram
-> (see ##apps) need maintainers
Packaging guidelines
- include upstream sources or not?
- manifest.json : champ license (talk about free/nonfree app license)
- app license file. Which structure for the official apps?
Common communication with Framasoft
- we should have in the documentation (or in the apps readme, to be decided), a line saying “if you wish to have framathing, here is what you should install”
Apps categories
- Apps categories to put in the manifest: webmail, file repo, cms, rss feed, chat, pad, forge, music, wiki, visioconference, torrent, game
- should put this in the manifest first, and implement it second
- leads: see gnome/kde/playstore to have so predetrmined categories
- create tickets
- pad on a previous discussion:
- should we set a fixed list? Or free for all? Or a fixed list plus a free list? The advantage of a fixed list is to be able to manage translations
- TODO scara: discussion on
ORGANIZATION #swag #yolo
shouldn’t we discuss the way we are organized?
create work teams? Something else?
let’s talk about that on the mailing list
put forward the chatroom dev@ [Todo] Moul
contribution/communication through chat, email, redmine (with web and mails discussions)
publish the meeting minutes on the forum
/etc/aliases (interactions with ticket@domain.tld, for the example)
ticket: “|/usr/local/bin/rdm-mailhandler.rb --url http://domain.tld/redmine/ --key-file /etc/redmine/rdm-keyring.txt --unknown-user ignore --project $default_project --tracker bug --allow-override tracker,priority,project”
/etc/redmine/rdm-keyring.txt is the hash (API Key) to configure in the admin interface (to authorize the API to create tickets)
- monitoring
- backup
Continuous Integration (not to discuss, just for reference)
Propositions :
- globenet
- gitoyen (sebian has already created a vm for CI)
- faimaison
- perhaps others
Need to roughly evaluate our need first
- Veganaise: 1cpu 1.6GHz, 2Go ram, 120Go disk (32Go used)
- Tartare: 4cpus 1.86GHz, 4Go ram, 120Go disk (10Go used)
Overall, we do not need much (except for CI) so we should better ask for standard VMs and increase the processing power if needed.
Should we re-do everything from scratch properly using ansible or something else? Or should we do some dirty rsync instead? Depends on who is motivated to work on that.
Bug tracker tickets
Target version: shouldn’t we decide ourselves instead of letting the ticket creator deciding? +1+1+1. Is it modifiable? Who wants to work on this? [TODO] ljf
suggestion :
discussions on@dev -> delete unstable, develop the new features / big bugfix in our branches (based on stable / testing) and merge later to test -> ok
another suggestion based on opi’s question on versinoning number -> change testing into rolling release (similar to unstable) -> ok
suggestion to use semantical versioning : -> all the attendees agree
- drop the odd/even system
suggestion to have explicit branch numbers with ticket number within -> ok
except for obvious bug fixes (eg typos), systematic pull request -> ok
we need to have ynh-dev able to easily use a branch to test (already quite easy to do)
how many people would use the testing branch? how many people would it take?
Need to update it. It is the opportunity to contact web4all again
- jerom has gotten in touch with kload because the demo server certificate has experied. Waiting for response
- opi thinks that it is reset by docker every half hour
- it would be nice to host it at a friend’s
- apparently, mails are blocked on the demo instance
- the deployment should be done on an isolated space for security reasons (install an app == execute shell script as root), or even deactive critical features (eg custom apps)
- [opi] do a common account at OVH
- [jerome] document LXC, just to see
and here it is !
(more seriously, check with opi and vagrant)
- [opi] Build a vagrant box for bram (CI) based on Debian --provider=lxc, ( filesystem betterFS, si possible)
- [moul] Put OpenVPN in community ‘not working’
- [all] Post a call to maintain apps on the forum
- [all] Test wordpress version Maniack to put that as an official app
- [jerome] Post on the forum to have feedback on a new roundcube theme :
- [scara] Spark up discussions on app categories (, and perhaps forum )
- [sebian] Assess the state of the OpenVPN app
- [sebian] Info on the redmine plugin to allow for mail comments (see line 98)
- [moul] Put forward the dev@ chatroom in the doc (sections : contribute, jappix_mini) : lik this
- [bram] post the meeting minute on the forum
- [ljf] check to see how to modify the privileges for a target version can be put on a new ticket
- [jerome] when kload has answered, retrieve the info on web4all
Moul added the suggestion on putting the dev chatroom in the website jappix mini, but it is not really user-friendly.
Check to see how to properly send when on the contribute page
Next meeting
tuesday 5th july, 20h30