CryptPad is a privacy-friendly alternative to popular office tools and cloud services. All content stored in CryptPad is encrypted before being sent, which means that no one can access your data unless you give them the keys.
There was an already official topic I made here : Paquet Cryptpad/Cryptpad Package It’s a bit old… but if we do a new one, it’s better to add again the introduction to the app.
It doesn’t work out of the box for now, it doesn’t recognize correctly something about path in the url
Do we need to create a dedicated subdomain for it ?
can someone help me what I should put in config.js to become admin? I can’t seem to figure it out…
* CryptPad contains an administration panel. Its access is restricted to specific
* users using the following list.
* To give access to the admin panel to a user account, just add their user id,
* which can be found on the settings page for registered users.
* Entries should be strings separated by a comma.
So I am still somewhat at a loss which part I have to replace with the code from my personal settings page. What is the magic combination of the full address that should go between the quotes?
I’ve upgraded from the last 3.x stable version (fresh install) on my Raspberry Pi 3 B to this last update without any trouble.
Just have to be a little bit patient regarding the machine … but it works
This admin has no idea how to respond to the changes involved in adding a sandbox domain on Yunohost, and I see no config for it it the Yunohost Applications page for Cryptpad. Are there instructions please? I have tried hacking as foillows:
I see you have added a “sandbox-(domain-name)” subdomain in YunoHost domains, so I have added an extra CNAME to my DNS and I have added a Lets Encrypt certificate to the new domain. I’ve then restarted the service. Accessing the app just gives me the initial pre-load splash-screen with “Loading”.
Log says:
Feb 13 21:11:49 systemd[1]: Started Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor…
Feb 13 21:11:50 npm[1154926]: > cryptpad@5.2.1 start
Feb 13 21:11:50 npm[1154926]: > node server.js
Feb 13 21:11:51 npm[1154996]: Serving content for https://(domain)/ via http://[::]:3001.
Feb 13 21:11:51 npm[1154996]: Your instance is not correctly configured for safe use in production.
Feb 13 21:11:51 npm[1154996]: See https://(domain)/checkup/ for more information.
Visiting (domain)/checkup gives an error message:
It’s possible that this server’s administrators forgot to install its client-side dependencies with ‘bower update’, or that some other required resource couldn’t be loaded. See your browser’s console for more details.
Failed to load https://(domain)/api/config?cb=1864c9c3419.