I’ve a similar issue. As far as I can work out, the YunoHost-installed CryptPad API is using port 5053 which I already use for Adguard Home DOH - when I inspect the CryptPad homepage that’s stuck at ‘Loading…’, the browser is throwing an SSL cert error because it’s trying to load https://cryptpad.(domain):5053/api/... but as port 5053 is already in use the browser is looking for https://adguard.(domain):5053/api... with obvious consequences. I think that’s the problem anyway.
The copy of CryptPad I am using was first installed by YunoHost and there was no prior version on the system before that. The installation was not customised beyond adding the admin key (which I notice was erased by the upgrade to 5.2.1 - was that expected?). I have now rolled back to the previous version via delete/restore.
The apps installed are:
description: Web interface for Youtube-dl
id: alltube
name: AllTube
version: 3.1.0~ynh1
description: Simple, Fast, Secure, Flat-File CMS
id: bludit
name: Bludit
version: 3.14.1~ynh2
description: Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor
id: cryptpad
name: CryptPad
version: 4.12.0~ynh2
description: Web File Browser
id: filebrowser
name: Filebrowser
version: 2.23.0~ynh3
description: RSS aggregator with a nice and mobile-friendly design
id: freshrss
name: RSS
version: 1.20.2~ynh1
description: Collaborative editor to work on notes written in Markdown
id: hedgedoc
name: Docs
version: 1.9.5~ynh1
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes
name: Donations
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__2
name: COSM
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__3
name: Parked
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__4
name: Pepettes
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: Customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely
id: phpsysinfo
name: SysInfo
version: 3.4.2~ynh1
description: ActivityPub Federated Image Sharing
id: pixelfed
name: Pixelfed
version: 0.11.4~ynh4
description: Federated blogging application
id: plume
name: Blog
version: 0.7.2~ynh1
description: Open Source Webmail software
id: roundcube
name: Mail
version: 1.6.0~ynh3
description: File sharing which allows to send encrypted files
id: send
name: Send
version: 3.4.20~ynh2
description: Web based AJAX terminal emulator
id: shellinabox
name: Shell
version: 2.21~ynh3
description: Daily automatic upgrades
id: unattended_upgrades
name: Unattended-upgrades
version: 1.0~ynh6
description: Manage passwords and other sensitive informations
id: vaultwarden
name: BitWarden
version: 1.27.0~ynh1
description: For starting a minimalist, federated blog or an entire community.
id: writefreely
name: WriteFreely
version: 0.13.2~ynh1
description: Minimalist pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data
id: zerobin
name: Paste
version: 1.3.5~ynh3
Thanks. I have installed that. Now I get to the loading screen then immediately get this message:
The webpage at https://sandbox-(domain)/drive/inner.html?ver=5.2.1-1676538769167#%7B"cfg"%3A%7B"baseUrl"%3A"%2Fdrive%2F"%2C"paths"%3A%7B"text"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequirejs-plugins%2Flib%2Ftext"%2C"json"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequirejs-plugins%2Fsrc%2Fjson"%2C"optional"%3A"%2Flib%2Foptional%2Foptional"%2C"jquery"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fjquery%2Fdist%2Fjquery.min"%2C"mermaid"%3A"%2Flib%2Fmermaid%2Fmermaid.min"%2C"json.sortify"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fjson.sortify%2Fdist%2FJSON.sortify"%2C"cm"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fcodemirror"%2C"tui-code-snippet"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcalendar%2Ftui-code-snippet.min"%2C"tui-date-picker"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcalendar%2Fdate-picker"%2C"netflux-client"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fnetflux-websocket%2Fnetflux-client"%2C"chainpad-netflux"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fchainpad-netflux%2Fchainpad-netflux"%2C"chainpad-listmap"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fchainpad-listmap%2Fchainpad-listmap"%2C"cm-extra"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcodemirror-extra-modes"%2C"asciidoctor"%3A"%2Flib%2Fasciidoctor%2Fasciidoctor.min"%7D%2C"map"%3A%7B"*“%3A%7B"css”%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequire-css%2Fcss.js"%2C"less"%3A"%2Fcommon%2FRequireLess.js"%7D%7D%2C"waitSeconds"%3A600%2C"urlArgs"%3A"ver%3D5.2.1-1676538769167"%7D%2C"req"%3A%5B"%2Fcommon%2Floading.js"%5D%2C"pfx"%3A"https%3A%2F%2F(domain)“%2C"themeOS”%3A"light"%2C"lang"%3A"en"%2C"time"%3A1676539752051%7D might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Then I remembered that you remove the sandbox domain when uninstalling, so the cert probably got removed too when I downgraded. I regenerated a Let’s Encrypt certificate and now everything appears to be working.
I just applied the most recent update and the update is still treating the necessary edit to config.js to add an admin key as damage and wiping it away. I had to once again go edit the file to add my admin key. Is there anything that can be done about this please? Log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/atukamafes
Ok, I finally found my mistakes… I had moved the app time ago on another volume disk and with mount --bind. If I do this, the permissions change…
I have look for all permissions and owners and put it back like as on the fresh install, keeping the app on /var/www/
Hello, I have tested upgrade to testing branch version 2024.12.0
And it works fine !
Just need add a suggested dns for cryptpad.domain.tld in the registar zone dns
; cryptpad
sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.
and renew the let’s encrypt certificate for cryptpad.domain.tld
and as always paste the public key in /var/www/cryptpad/config/config.js
in the following array (uncomment and replace the placeholder):