[CryptPad] Online Office Editor

I see, this is not normal and what you did was right, setting up DNS and LE certs.

I am trying to figure out why it does that…

Did you had Cryptpad installed on that server already before in the past ?
What other apps do you have installed now ?

Was it an upgrade ?

I’ve a similar issue. As far as I can work out, the YunoHost-installed CryptPad API is using port 5053 which I already use for Adguard Home DOH - when I inspect the CryptPad homepage that’s stuck at ‘Loading…’, the browser is throwing an SSL cert error because it’s trying to load https://cryptpad.(domain):5053/api/... but as port 5053 is already in use the browser is looking for https://adguard.(domain):5053/api... with obvious consequences. I think that’s the problem anyway.

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The copy of CryptPad I am using was first installed by YunoHost and there was no prior version on the system before that. The installation was not customised beyond adding the admin key (which I notice was erased by the upgrade to 5.2.1 - was that expected?). I have now rolled back to the previous version via delete/restore.

The apps installed are:

description: Web interface for Youtube-dl
id: alltube
name: AllTube
version: 3.1.0~ynh1
description: Simple, Fast, Secure, Flat-File CMS
id: bludit
name: Bludit
version: 3.14.1~ynh2
description: Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor
id: cryptpad
name: CryptPad
version: 4.12.0~ynh2
description: Web File Browser
id: filebrowser
name: Filebrowser
version: 2.23.0~ynh3
description: RSS aggregator with a nice and mobile-friendly design
id: freshrss
name: RSS
version: 1.20.2~ynh1
description: Collaborative editor to work on notes written in Markdown
id: hedgedoc
name: Docs
version: 1.9.5~ynh1
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes
name: Donations
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__2
name: COSM
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__3
name: Parked
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: A simple donation form with stripe
id: pepettes__4
name: Pepettes
version: 1.0.1~ynh3
description: Customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely
id: phpsysinfo
name: SysInfo
version: 3.4.2~ynh1
description: ActivityPub Federated Image Sharing
id: pixelfed
name: Pixelfed
version: 0.11.4~ynh4
description: Federated blogging application
id: plume
name: Blog
version: 0.7.2~ynh1
description: Open Source Webmail software
id: roundcube
name: Mail
version: 1.6.0~ynh3
description: File sharing which allows to send encrypted files
id: send
name: Send
version: 3.4.20~ynh2
description: Web based AJAX terminal emulator
id: shellinabox
name: Shell
version: 2.21~ynh3
description: Daily automatic upgrades
id: unattended_upgrades
name: Unattended-upgrades
version: 1.0~ynh6
description: Manage passwords and other sensitive informations
id: vaultwarden
name: BitWarden
version: 1.27.0~ynh1
description: For starting a minimalist, federated blog or an entire community.
id: writefreely
name: WriteFreely
version: 0.13.2~ynh1
description: Minimalist pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data
id: zerobin
name: Paste
version: 1.3.5~ynh3

that could be the cause yes

the fix is ready here

Thanks. I have installed that. Now I get to the loading screen then immediately get this message:

The webpage at https://sandbox-(domain)/drive/inner.html?ver=5.2.1-1676538769167#%7B"cfg"%3A%7B"baseUrl"%3A"%2Fdrive%2F"%2C"paths"%3A%7B"text"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequirejs-plugins%2Flib%2Ftext"%2C"json"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequirejs-plugins%2Fsrc%2Fjson"%2C"optional"%3A"%2Flib%2Foptional%2Foptional"%2C"jquery"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fjquery%2Fdist%2Fjquery.min"%2C"mermaid"%3A"%2Flib%2Fmermaid%2Fmermaid.min"%2C"json.sortify"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fjson.sortify%2Fdist%2FJSON.sortify"%2C"cm"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fcodemirror"%2C"tui-code-snippet"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcalendar%2Ftui-code-snippet.min"%2C"tui-date-picker"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcalendar%2Fdate-picker"%2C"netflux-client"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fnetflux-websocket%2Fnetflux-client"%2C"chainpad-netflux"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fchainpad-netflux%2Fchainpad-netflux"%2C"chainpad-listmap"%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Fchainpad-listmap%2Fchainpad-listmap"%2C"cm-extra"%3A"%2Flib%2Fcodemirror-extra-modes"%2C"asciidoctor"%3A"%2Flib%2Fasciidoctor%2Fasciidoctor.min"%7D%2C"map"%3A%7B"*“%3A%7B"css”%3A"%2Fbower_components%2Frequire-css%2Fcss.js"%2C"less"%3A"%2Fcommon%2FRequireLess.js"%7D%7D%2C"waitSeconds"%3A600%2C"urlArgs"%3A"ver%3D5.2.1-1676538769167"%7D%2C"req"%3A%5B"%2Fcommon%2Floading.js"%5D%2C"pfx"%3A"https%3A%2F%2F(domain)“%2C"themeOS”%3A"light"%2C"lang"%3A"en"%2C"time"%3A1676539752051%7D might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Then I remembered that you remove the sandbox domain when uninstalling, so the cert probably got removed too when I downgraded. I regenerated a Let’s Encrypt certificate and now everything appears to be working.

Thanks for the fix!

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yeah it is also needed for the service cryptpad to be restarted after those admin post-install tasks.

As it shall be correctly stated in the email sent to admin in both upgrade and install cases.

there is fix for the upgrade procedure already pushed here.

The restore procedure seems to be broken and yet not solved…

I just applied the most recent update and the update is still treating the necessary edit to config.js to add an admin key as damage and wiping it away. I had to once again go edit the file to add my admin key. Is there anything that can be done about this please? Log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/atukamafes

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yes it can be solved.

can you make an issue about it on github repo so we can follow up nicely on this.


OK, thanks - Upgrade loses admin key from config.js · Issue #184 · YunoHost-Apps/cryptpad_ynh · GitHub

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I am trying understand why I have few different permissions between an instance Cryptpad upgraded and another fresh install…

On the server with the Cryptpad upgraded from older version

ls -l /var/www/cryptpad

-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  44825 Dec 21 15:34 and_so_it_begins.png
drwxr-x---  67 cryptpad www-data   4096 Apr  1 10:28 blob
drwxr-x---  20 cryptpad www-data   4096 Mar 16 08:24 block
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   1365 Dec 21 15:34 bower.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 399414 Dec 21 15:34 CHANGELOG.md
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   3351 Dec 21 15:34 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
drwxrwx---   2 cryptpad www-data   4096 Apr  1 10:11 config
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 202130 Dec 21 15:34 cryptofist.png
drwxrwx---   3 cryptpad www-data   4096 Apr  1 10:25 customize
drwxrwx---   8 cryptpad www-data   4096 Dec 21 15:34 customize.dist
drwxrwx---  10 cryptpad www-data   4096 Feb 13 21:12 customize.old
drwxr-x---   8 cryptpad www-data   4096 Nov 11  2021 data
drwxr-x--- 226 cryptpad www-data   4096 Apr  1 07:44 datastore
drwxrwx---   2 cryptpad www-data   4096 Dec 21 15:34 docs
drwxrwx---   6 cryptpad www-data   4096 Dec 21 15:34 lib
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  34520 Dec 21 15:34 LICENSE
drwx------   2 cryptpad www-data   4096 Nov 11  2021 lost+found
drwxrwx--- 284 cryptpad www-data  12288 Feb 13 20:39 node_modules
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   1955 Dec 21 15:34 package.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 246864 Mar 31 22:02 package-lock.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   5509 Dec 21 15:34 readme.md
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 127697 Dec 21 15:34 screenshot.png
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 211678 Dec 21 15:34 screenshot-suite.png
drwxrwx---   5 cryptpad www-data   4096 Dec 21 15:34 scripts
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  13413 Dec 21 15:34 server.js
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data      0 Sep  9  2021 temp.md
drwxrwx---  39 cryptpad www-data   4096 Dec 21 15:34 www

On the server with a fresh install:

-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  44825 21 déc.  15:34 and_so_it_begins.png
drwxr-xr-x   4 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:44 blob
drwxr-xr-x   3 cryptpad cryptpad   4096  2 avril 16:47 block
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   1365 21 déc.  15:34 bower.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 399414 21 déc.  15:34 CHANGELOG.md
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   3351 21 déc.  15:34 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
drwxrwx---   2 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:47 config
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 202130 21 déc.  15:34 cryptofist.png
drwxr-xr-x   3 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:37 customize
drwxrwx---   8 cryptpad www-data   4096 21 déc.  15:34 customize.dist
drwxr-xr-x   8 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:37 data
drwxr-xr-x   7 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:44 datastore
drwxrwx---   2 cryptpad www-data   4096 21 déc.  15:34 docs
drwxrwx---   6 cryptpad www-data   4096 21 déc.  15:34 lib
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  34520 21 déc.  15:34 LICENSE
drwxr-xr-x 284 cryptpad www-data  12288  2 avril 16:37 node_modules
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   1955 21 déc.  15:34 package.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 246864  2 avril 16:37 package-lock.json
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data   5509 21 déc.  15:34 readme.md
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 127697 21 déc.  15:34 screenshot.png
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data 211678 21 déc.  15:34 screenshot-suite.png
drwxrwx---   5 cryptpad www-data   4096 21 déc.  15:34 scripts
-rw-rw----   1 cryptpad www-data  13413 21 déc.  15:34 server.js
drwxrwx---  39 cryptpad www-data   4096  2 avril 16:37 www

So I am not quiet, whith some permissions and owners different for
the folders blob, block, data, datastore, node_modules

Why on a fresh install the permissions seems be drwxr-xr-x and on my older instance seems be drwxrwx--- ??

And why n a fresh install the folder block owners are cryptpad:cryptpad but on the older one are cryptpad:www-data ??

Ok, I finally found my mistakes… I had moved the app time ago on another volume disk and with mount --bind. If I do this, the permissions change…
I have look for all permissions and owners and put it back like as on the fresh install, keeping the app on /var/www/

Hello, I have tested upgrade to testing branch version 2024.12.0
And it works fine !
Just need add a suggested dns for cryptpad.domain.tld in the registar zone dns

; cryptpad
sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.

and renew the let’s encrypt certificate for cryptpad.domain.tld

and as always paste the public key in /var/www/cryptpad/config/config.js
in the following array (uncomment and replace the placeholder):

adminKeys: [

I am happy the upgrade have keep my customizations in the folder /var/www/cryptpad/customize/