[Contributors meeting] Septembre 4th, 2018


  • Gofannon
  • Irina
  • Aleks
  • Josue
  • Klorydryk
  • ljf
  • pitchum
  • Bram
  • anmol
  • frju365

Misc news

Organization of the forum

:white_check_mark: Proposal validated

Annex discussion : getting a wiki, displaying app’s README in the web admin

Create a new ‘support’ working group ?

c.f. :

Proposal is to split existing “Communication group” into :

  • a group dedicated to “Support & Doc” + propose ppr to be in this group
  • a group dedicated to “Translation”
  • (a group dedicated to “Communication”)

:white_check_mark: Proposal validated

Other TODO : Find a place on forum to explain that anyone can come and offer support on forum / transform a topic into doc / deduce the main bug case and ask for adding it to the diagnosys system of Aleks

Josue’s project

Discussion about Josue’s student project, which is to work on user permissions and groups (and also the position of ‘admin’ in YunoHost)

[Apps CI] yunorunner update

New CI deployed here during the brique camp:

Adminsys/infra discussion

  • Adminsys is hell :fire:
  • Weblate is down
  • Weblate could be upgrade if saperlipopette(<- name of machine/container) can be upgraded to yunohost v3
  • Pitchum and Gofannon would be happy to help with adminsys (can “happy” and “adminsys” even exist in the same sentence ?)

TODO Aleks : look at Bram’s list of stuff to free space
TODO Bram : retry to snapshot with LXC stopped
TODO recover docs from redmine

Testing 3.2

Discussion on the status and release date

:white_check_mark: Let’s release 3.2 when :

Discussion with Klorydryk about app packaging tutorial

klorydryk would be happy to maintain some apps (IHatemoney for example) but has a C++ dev background and is not familiar with linux sysadmin.

He’d like to meet other packagers to learn how to work on yunohost.

=> Goto FPH in Paris every thursday afternoon during SCL (Soirée Contribution au Libre) : https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/17340

Discussion with Gofannon, pitchum, Klorydryk on the difficulty to understand the big picture to setup a dev environment and understand how to contribute (especially git)

A nice quick start guide for git: git - the simple guide - no deep shit! (or simple reminder) also available en French!!!

[Support Self-Hosting™] Association paperwork /

Needed :

  • name, firstname, job, address, nationality for each person in Collège solidaire or Permanent Assembly, i asked Aquilenet about that point)
  • address of our headquarter
  • Le procès-verbal de l’assemblée constitutive ou son extrait daté et signé, portant le nom et le prénom du signataire. Le fichier doit être au format .pdf.et ne pas dépasser le poids de 1.5 Mo
  • Les statuts de l’association datés et signés par au moins deux personnes mentionnées sur la liste des dirigeants (bureau ou conseil d’administration), portant leur nom, prénom, et fonction au sein de l’association. Le fichier doit être au format .pdf.et ne pas dépasser le poids de 1.5 Mo

Aucune date de naissance ne doit figurer sur les documents joints (statuts, procès-verbal, mandat) sous peine de rejet de la déclaration.

TODO everyone involved (Collège Solidaire) : transmit this information in the post in the forum

[Council] Arbitration

  • Vote on topic “Update composition of the council”
  • [Decision] Jinja or not jinja, that’s the question
    • ljf writes a synthesis of all debates about this question. The private message is close until the composition of the council topic will be solved
  • [Decision] Translation in french : “Package” vs “Paquet” and derivated terms…
    • ljf: I wait before writing this second synthesis because it take times to write it and i think it’s better to don’t open all hot topics in the same time

Next meeting

Next YunoHost meeting : September 18th

Next Internet cube’s meeting : September 10th