English version
We are glad to announce the release of YunoHost 4.1 !
This release includes the following major changes :
Groups and permissions v2.0: In version 3.7, we added a new permission mechanism. This new iteration allows more flexibility in the management of access rights. For example, it allows to easily show/hide/rename tiles in the portal, and (for packagers) add supports for regexes and multiple urls per permissions, and easier transition from the legacy system to the new system. The new system should also allow us to solve some infamous authentication issue such as in Bitwarden.
Backup download: You can now download a backup directly from the webadmin! No need for FTP client or cryptic
commands anymore! Backups are now also not compressed by default, because it was identified that the gain is not worth the cost/risks. (Though itâs still possible to manually compress/uncompress them afterwards) -
Support for mail relays: Many admins are unable to configure their mail stack because of ISP restrictions. A possible workaround is to use a mail relays which so far had to be configured manually. We now provide some more official support through YunoHost settings. The corresponding documentation is available here.
Simplified install process: During installation in a local network, you should be able to access your server using the magic
domain. No need to find the local IP address anymore! [Changes ongoing here in the doc, to be merged once we release pre-installed 4.1 images] -
Simplified user creation: During the creation of a new user, the email is now forced to be
. This should prevent some confusion where people would enter an external email address during the account creation - or use a different username for the email, later leading to misconfigured email clients. -
And of course miscellaneous small fixes and enhancement for everyday life!
Thanks to all contributors ! Aleks, anmol, Augustin T., Baptiste W., Bram, Christian W., Colin W., cricriiiiii, cyxae, danielschmalhofer, ekhae, Ăric G., E. Courteau, FĂ©lix P., F. Cristoforetti, JosuĂ©, Julien J., KaeruCT, Kayou, Leandro N., ljf, Maniack C, miloskroulik, Omnia89, ppr, QuentĂ, Quentin D., roukydesbois, Salamandar, SiM, Titoko, tituspijean, yalh76, Yifei D., Xaloc
- [enh] Extends permissions features, improve legacy settings handling (YunoHost#861, YunoHost-admin#297, SSOwat#161, SSOwat#175, SSOwat#176)
- [enh] During app installs, add a default answer for user-type questions (YunoHost#982)
- [enh] Default questions for common app manifest arguments (YunoHost#981)
- [enh] Only upgrade apps if version actually changed (YunoHost#864)
- [enh] Do not advertise upgrades for bad-quality apps (YunoHost#1066)
- [enh] Create uncompressed backup archives by default (instead of .tar.gz) (YunoHost#1020)
- [enh] Add possibility to download backups (YunoHost#1046, Moulinette#255, YunoHost-admin#312)
- [fix] Backup/restore DKIM keys (YunoHost#1098, #1100)
- [fix] Backup/restore Dyndns keys (YunoHost#1101)
Other important changes for admins
- [enh] Asking an email address during user creation was confusing, now define it a username@domain by default (admin only chooses the domain) (YunoHost#962, YunoHost-admin#298, YunoHost-admin/f0b1a0b YunoHost-admin#320, YunoHost#1104, YunoHost#1105, bdff5937, YunoHost#1113)
- [enh] Be able to configure an smtp relay (YunoHost#773, 11fe9d7e)
- [fix] Add a max limit to number of recipients per email (YunoHost#1094)
- [fix] Accept â+â sign in mail forward addresses (YunoHost#818)
- [enh] Add a diagnosis to detect processes recently killed by oom_reaper (YunoHost/f5acbffb)
- [enh] Simplify operation log list (YunoHost#955, YunoHost-admin#310)
- [enh] Smarter sorting of domain list (YunoHost#860)
- [enh] Add x509 fingerprint in /etc/issue (YunoHost#1056)
- [i18n] Translations updated for Catalan, Czech, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Spanish, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese
Apps packaging
- [enh] Add ynh_add_config helper (YunoHost#1055)
- [enh] Upgrade n version (YunoHost#1073)
- [enh] New permissions helpers (YunoHost#1117, example_ynh#111)
Misc technical fixes and improvements
ux: Ignore some unimportant apt warnings (YunoHost/199cc50) -
ux, diagnosis: Admin should manually run the first diagnosis (YunoHost-admin/d3b3236) -
ux: When searching for an app, also search in app descriptions (YunoHost-admin#317) -
diagnosis: report usage of backports repository in aptâs sources.list (#1069) -
cli: Display the install path of app in the output ofapp list
(#1120) -
cli: Also display app labels when attempting to remove a domain that still has app installed (YunoHost#1124) -
cli: Be able to change user password without writing it in clear (YunoHost#1075) -
perf: Lazy loading of smtplib to reduce memory footprint a bit (0f2e9ab1) -
refactoring, perf: Clean /usr/bin/yunohost, make it easier to use yunohost as a python lib + some performance improvement (YunoHost#922, Moulinette#245) -
refactoring: App manifest arguments parsing (YunoHost#1013) -
helpers: Detect misformated arguments in getopts (YunoHost#1052) -
app: Refactor app download process, make it github-independent (YunoHost#1049) -
postinstall: Test at the beginning of postinstall that iptables is working instead of miserably crashing later (YunoHost/f73ae4ee) -
services: journalctl -x in fact makes everything bloated, the supposedly additional info it displays does not contains anything relevant⊠(YunoHost/452b178d) -
services: Add configuration tests for dnsmasq, fail2ban, slapd (YunoHost/6e69df37) -
regenconf: Add redis hook to enforce permissions on /var/log/redis (YunoHost/a1c1057a) -
fail2ban: Remove some old fail2ban jails that do not exists anymore (YunoHost/2c6736df) -
nginx, postinstall: Get rid of yunohost.local in main domain nginx conf (YunoHost/ba884d5b) -
doc: Auto-generate helper doc when a new yunohost tag is pushed (YunoHost#1080) -
security, mail: Add âabuse@you_domain.tldâ alias to the first user (YunoHost/67e03e6)
How to upgrade
From the web admin
- Go to âUpdate systemâ
- Then hit the âUpdateâ button in the âSystemâ section.
- This may take a few minutes, grab your favorite beverage. You will need to re-log into the webadmin once itâs done.
- Make sure to force-refresh the browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+R in Firefox)
- Make sure that everything went well (green check
) in Tools > Logs
Or from the command line
$ sudo yunohost tools update
$ sudo yunohost tools upgrade --system
Other project news
So many things are moving behind the scenes, itâs pretty hard to keep track of it ! But hereâs a try to say a few words about the most import highlights.
During these last few months, weâve been improving the app quality criteria to keep progressively improving the robustness, reliability and consistency of the application ecosystem. In particular we reworked the definitions of our internal âquality levelsâ.
The awesome app packaging team is doing an epic work : since July thereâs a whooping 40 additional good-quality apps available in the catalog - all while continuing to maintain and upgrade hundreds of other applications !
Coming for 4.2, so far we have a rework of the webadmin using VueJS ongoing, and features for user management with CSV import/export (thanks to the support of ApprentiLAB). Weâre also finally moving to Python3 (thanks to the support of CodeLutin), paving the way for Debian Bullseye !
Weâre also trying to fix our donation interface (or find alternatives) for the people desperately trying to give us money ! Hopefully weâll figure out something soon
Version française
Nous sommes heureux dâannoncer la sortie de la version 4.1 !
Voici les points clefs de cette version :
Groupes et permissions v2.0: Dans la version 3.7, nous avons ajoutĂ© un nouveau mĂ©canisme de permission. Cette nouvelle itĂ©ration permet une plus grande souplesse dans la gestion des permissions. Par exemple, elle permet de montrer/cacher/renommer les tuiles dans le portail, et (pour les packagers) ajoutes le support des regex, des url multiples, facilite la transition de lâancien systĂšme au nouveau. Le nouveau systĂšme devrait aussi nous permettre de rĂ©soudre des bugs dâauthentification comme par exemple dans Bitwarden.
Téléchargement des backups: Vous pouvez maintenant télécharger une sauvegarde directement depuis le webadmin ! Plus besoin de client FTP ou de commandes
cryptiques ! Les sauvegardes sont aussi maintenant non compressĂ©es par dĂ©faut, car il a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© que le gain ne vaut pas le coĂ»t/risque. (Bien quâil soit toujours possible de les compresser/dĂ©compresser manuellement par la suite) -
Prise en charge des relais dâemail: De nombreux admins ne peuvent pas configurer leur serveur de courrier en raison des restrictions imposĂ©es par les fournisseurs dâaccĂšs Internet. Une solution possible consiste Ă utiliser un serveur relais qui, jusquâĂ prĂ©sent, devait ĂȘtre configurĂ© manuellement. Nous fournissons maintenant un support plus officiel par le biais des paramĂštres de YunoHost. La documentation correspondante est disponible ici.
Processus dâinstallation simplifiĂ©: Lors de lâinstallation dans un rĂ©seau local, vous devriez pouvoir accĂ©der Ă votre serveur en utilisant le domaine magique
. Plus besoin de trouver lâadresse IP locale ! [Changements en cours ici dans la doc, Ă fusionner une fois que nous aurons publiĂ© les images 4.1 prĂ©-installĂ©es] -
CrĂ©ation des utilisateurs simplifiĂ©e: Lors de la crĂ©ation dâun nouvel utilisateur, lâe-mail est maintenant forcĂ© dâĂȘtre
. Cela devrait Ă©viter une certaine confusion dans le cas oĂč les gens entreraient une adresse Ă©lectronique externe lors de la crĂ©ation du compte - ou utiliseraient un nom dâutilisateur diffĂ©rent pour lâe-mail, ce qui conduirait plus tard Ă des clients e-mail mal configurĂ©s. -
Et bien sûr de nombreux correctifs et améliorations pour la vie de tous les jours !
Merci Ă toutes les contributeurices ! Aleks, anmol, Augustin T., Baptiste W., Bram, Christian W., Colin W., cricriiiiii, cyxae, danielschmalhofer, ekhae, Ăric G., E. Courteau, FĂ©lix P., F. Cristoforetti, JosuĂ©, Julien J., KaeruCT, Kayou, Leandro N., ljf, Maniack C, miloskroulik, Omnia89, ppr, QuentĂ, Quentin D., roukydesbois, Salamandar, SiM, Titoko, tituspijean, yalh76, Yifei D., Xaloc
(voir la version anglaise)
Comment mettre Ă niveau
Depuis la webadmin
- Aller dans âMettre Ă jour le systĂšmeâ
- Puis cliquez sur âMettre Ă jourâ dans la section âSystĂšmeâ.
- La mise à jour peut prendre quelques minutes. Il vous faudra ensuite vous re-logger à la webadmin une fois terminée.
- Forcez le raffraichissement du cache navigateur (Ctrl+Shift+R in Firefox)
- Assurez-vous que tout sâest bien passĂ© (petite coche verte
) dans Outils > Journaux
Ou Ă partir de la ligne de commande
$ sudo yunohost tools update
$ sudo yunohost tools upgrade --system
Autres nouvelles du projet
Il y a tellement de choses qui se passent dans les coulisses du projet quâil est difficile de tout suivre ! Mais tentons de dire quelques mots sur les sujets les plus important .
Au cours de ces derniers mois, nous avons amĂ©liorĂ© les critĂšres de qualitĂ© des applications pour continuer Ă amĂ©liorer progressivement la robustesse, la fiabilitĂ© et la cohĂ©rence de lâĂ©cosystĂšme. En particulier, nous avons retravaillĂ© les dĂ©finitions de nos âniveaux de qualitĂ©â internes.
La formidable Ă©quipe de packaging dâapplications fait un travail Ă©normissime : depuis juillet il y a 40 applications supplĂ©mentaires de bonne qualitĂ© disponibles dans le catalogue - tout en continuant le travail de fourmi de maintenance et mise Ă jour des centaines dâautres applications !
En ce qui concerne la 4.2, un travail de remaniement de la webadmin basé sur VueJS est actuellement en cours. Nous prévoyons aussi de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour gérer les utilisateurs avec des import/export CSV (grùce au soutien de ApprentiLAB). Aussi, nous prévoyons enfin le passage à Python3 (grùce au soutien de CodeLutin), amorçant le passage à Debian Bullseye !
Nous essayons Ă©galement de rĂ©parer notre interface de don (ou de trouver des alternatives) pour les personnes qui essaient dĂ©sespĂ©rĂ©ment de nous donner de lâargent ! Nous espĂ©rons mettre en place une solution bientĂŽtâą