YunoHost 4.0 (Buster) release / Sortie de YunoHost 4.0 (Buster)


Thanks everyone for the migration, it worked well on my server (Proxmox VM, ~10 users).
I had to manually remove a file used by a previous OnlyOffice installation :
rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/ds.conf
Then run :
sudo apt install --fix-broken
Anf then the migration again.

Congratulations ! Big up for you @Aleks

Have a nice day (or night :crescent_moon:)

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LancĆ© la migration hier soir, en 2h cā€™Ć©tait pliĆ© : pas une erreur, tout fonctionne au poil.
Bravo Ć  toute lā€™Ć©quipe YNH cā€™est du beau boulot !

Erratum :smiley: : en local tout va pour le mieux mais Ć  distance lā€™interface admin est trĆØs instable et me rĆ©pĆØte ā€œUne instance est dĆ©jĆ  en cours dā€™exĆ©cution, merci dā€™attendre sa fin avant dā€™en lancer une autre.ā€ quand je veux accĆ©der Ć  la liste des services ou au diagnostic par exemple. De plus, la version nā€™apparaĆ®t pas dans le coin infĆ©rieur droit, la commande yunohost --version me renvoie :
yunohost: repo: stable version: 4.0.8 yunohost-admin: repo: stable version: 4.0.4 moulinette: repo: stable version: 4.0.3 ssowat: repo: stable version:

Edit 2 : en SSH je lui demande yunohost service status pour essayer de voir ce qui coince et Ƨa mouline et ne renvoie rienā€¦

Same issue for me after restoring backup from serverA (with lasted yunohost version) to serverB

After forcing an upgrade with YNH_FORCE_UPGRADE=1 yunohost app upgrade agendav -u
All the apps are now running

Before the upgrade

# ls /var/run/php/ -l
total 4
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.0-fpm-agendav.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.0-fpm-dokuwiki__2.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.0-fpm-freshrss.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.0-fpm-kanboard.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.0-fpm-wallabag2.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm-ampache.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm-baikal.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm-dokuwiki.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm-nextcloud.sock
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     3 Oct 20 19:42
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm-roundcube.sock
srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Oct 20 19:42 php7.3-fpm.sock


# ls /var/run/php/ -1

PS: transmission is not listed as restore failed (I took the log but didnā€™t dig into it. I can reinstall it quickly)

ping @ericg who could be interested too

Hello !
For information, this release is available for docker, with delay :confused: and with an hard work :laughing: ! Donā€™t hesitate to give me feedbacks

I also remind : ā€œWarning, all links ars changed ! Like domainelibre/yunohost3 became domainelibre/yunohostā€

Edit: fix links


I have a VPS running YunoHost on Debian 9. It has Nextcloud 18.02, Rainloop and Borg. I need to move it to another VPS. What would be the recommended order of operations to migrate it?

  • Backup existing YH
  • Upgrade existing YH to
  • Upgrade apps on existing YH
  • Backup existing YH
  • Install Debian 9 to new VPS
  • copy over backup to new VPS
  • Shutdown existing YH
  • Update DNS IP at registrar
  • Wait an hour for DNS to propagate
  • Install YH
  • Restore backup?
  • Migrate from 3.8.5+Debian9 to 4.0+Debian 10 using the upgrade tools?

Or is there a better or smoother process if I installed Debian 10 and Yunohost 4.0 and then tried to restore the backup from 3.8.5/Debian 9?

Or, should I just upgrade the existing YH to 4.0/Debian 10, then migrate to the new VPS on parity with YH 4.0/Debian 10?


I think you can try this yes, that should work smoothly if you only have a handful of well-known apps. Ideally make sure to upgrade them to their latest version before the backup.

c.f. also the doc about ā€œrestore an archive instead of the postinstallā€ : YunoHost ā€¢ index (though doing the postinstall then the restore should also work anyway)

1 Like

Thanks for the reply.

I went and upgraded both servers to Debian 10/Yuno 4.0 and then migrated. It went fairly welly, having to patch up some nextcloud and php stuff.

The remaining issue is getting borg working again. When yunohost starts or if I restart the service, Iā€™ll get the flurry of emails that first backup is starting. The service runs, then stops. Borg base doesnā€™t report any activity, nload doesnā€™t report any significant traffic, and top doesnā€™t show anything using much CPU for it to be backing up anything.

But it doesnā€™t seem to immediately know the service is dead and stop. The webGUI is currently chomping away after I told it to start borg. The log is greyed out and I canā€™t copy it at the moment. ā€œyunohost service log borgā€ from the command line hasnā€™t returned and itā€™s been a while.

It looks like /home/admin/.ssh didnā€™t get migrated over, so I manually did that before starting borg the last time. I was thinking it was just failing when trying to contact borgbase repo, but something else is going wrong and not properly error/failing out.

I thought I recall there being a known issue or at least someone else ran into this borg issue after upgrading to Debian 10/YH4 (or a full system restore), but havenā€™t found that post yet to see whether it was related or not.

IIRC, I did have to modify some borgbase scripts initially to get it working, so Iā€™ll let it chill for a bit and if it doesnā€™t return on its own, Iā€™ll compare all the borgbase config and notes I have to see if I can spot an issue. The previous server was backing up to borgbase nightly without issue for over a year (AFAIK).


Edit: Like a minute later, webGUI went 504 gateway timeout and log window had:

-- Logs begin at Sun 2020-11-29 16:38:42 PST, end at Sun 2020-11-29 20:27:31 PST. --
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]:     conf_ssowat: Success
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]:     conf_xmpp: Success
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]:     conf_ynh_certs: Success
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]:     conf_ynh_currenthost: Success
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]:     conf_ynh_firewall: Success
Nov 29 19:11:45 backup-with-borg[5546]: size: 976900
Nov 29 19:11:47 backup-with-borg[5546]: Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backup created
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]: name: auto_data
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]: results:
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]:   apps:
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]:   system:
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]:     data_home: Success
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]:     data_mail: Success
Nov 29 19:11:48 backup-with-borg[5546]: size: 39949025
Nov 29 19:11:49 backup-with-borg[5546]: Collecting files to be backed up for borg...
Nov 29 19:11:50 backup-with-borg[5546]: Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backup created
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]: name: auto_borg
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]: results:
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]:   apps:
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]:     borg: Success
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]:   system:
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]: size: 96300
Nov 29 19:11:51 backup-with-borg[5546]: Collecting files to be backed up for nextcloud...
Nov 29 19:11:55 backup-with-borg[5546]: Loading installation settings...
Nov 29 19:11:55 backup-with-borg[5546]: Declaring files to be backed up...
Nov 29 19:11:56 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backing up the MySQL database...
Nov 29 19:12:00 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backing up data directory...
Nov 29 19:12:08 backup-with-borg[5546]: Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backup created
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]: name: auto_nextcloud
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]: results:
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]:   apps:
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]:     nextcloud: Success
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]:   system:
Nov 29 19:12:11 backup-with-borg[5546]: size: 74595296054
Nov 29 19:12:12 backup-with-borg[5546]: Collecting files to be backed up for rainloop...
Nov 29 19:12:12 backup-with-borg[5546]: Loading installation settings...
Nov 29 19:12:12 backup-with-borg[5546]: Declaring files to be backed up...
Nov 29 19:12:14 backup-with-borg[5546]: Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]: Backup created
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]: name: auto_rainloop
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]: results:
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]:   apps:
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]:     rainloop: Success
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]:   system:
Nov 29 19:12:16 backup-with-borg[5546]: size: 46991852
Nov 29 19:12:16 systemd[1]: borg.service: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Unit succeeded
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- The unit borg.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Nov 29 19:12:16 systemd[1]: Started Run backup borg.
-- Subject: A start job for unit borg.service has finished successfully
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- A start job for unit borg.service has finished successfully.
-- The job identifier is 501.

A small bug fix released in Yunohost :

Thanks to frju365 :heart: !


After upgrading to Yuno 4 from 3.8.5, Iā€™ve noticed that the borg backup name for nextcloud changed:





When I list the files of both nextcloud files above, I see files in the data dir and appears the same contents (all the data), which is good. It would jive with the instructions from the recent tutorial (and added to the README as a restore example) where the data was extracted and then the nextcloud app from the same auto_nextcloud_timestamp (without the data).

I initially set this up nearly two years ago, and I was thinking that maybe I should have been seeing two nextcloud backups, one with just the app and one with just the data. Itā€™s simpler to have both in one backup, so Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m just remembering that wrong.

So Iā€™m just trying to find out what caused the nextcloud backup name change and to confirm that the same data is still being backed up and will be OK if needing to restore from it in the future. Anyone know where this change would have occurred?


After an upgrade that was performed I get the following error. Even if i retry to upgrade I still get the openssl package as availabe for upgradeā€¦What can i do?

  • 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

  • openssl

  • The following packages have been kept back:

  • Calculating upgradeā€¦

  • Reading state informationā€¦

  • Building dependency treeā€¦

  • Reading package listsā€¦

apt install openssl

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
yunohost : Conflicts: openssl (>= 1.1.1g) but 1.1.1g-1+0~20200421.17+debian10~1.gbpf6902f is to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.

apt install openssl=1.1.1d-0+deb10u3 --allow-downgrades

I got thisā€¦

sudo apt install openssl=1.1.1d-0+deb10u3 --allow-downgrades
Reading package listsā€¦ Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state informationā€¦ Done
openssl is already the newest version (1.1.1d-0+deb10u3).
openssl set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

and still it shows as available upgrade

Does the diagnosis shows anything in particular ?

Some system packages should be downgraded

    Some packages were inadvertendly installed from a third-party repository called Sury. The Yunohost team improved the strategy that handle these packages, but it's expected that some setups that installed PHP7.3 apps while still on Stretch have some remaining inconsistencies. To fix this situation, you should try running the following command: apt install --allow-downgrades libssl1.1=1.1.1d-0+deb10u3 libssl-dev=1.1.1d-0+deb10u3

Should I do this?


Well this is turning into a loop. I downgraded those packages, then i run the system update and of course they were shown again together of course with the openssl issue, did the upgrade and the openssl error remained and is still shown as an upgrade to be madeā€¦

Does the diagnosis says anything elseā€¦

Apart from some closed ports and things Iā€™ve tweaked the newest error is this:

Configuration file /etc/apt/preferences.d/extra_php_version appears to have been manually modified.

This is probably OK if you know what you're doing! YunoHost will stop updating this file automatically... But beware that YunoHost upgrades could contain important recommended changes. If you want to, you can inspect the differences with yunohost tools regen-conf apt --dry-run --with-diff and force the reset to the recommended configuration with yunohost tools regen-conf apt --force

Which appeared if I remember when i installed Firefly iii earlier this dayā€¦