Version de Wordpress

Description du problème


J’ai voulu installer l’extension Only Office sur mon Wordpress qui m’a indiqué que Cette extension ne fonctionne pas avec vos versions de WordPress et de PHP. Les recommandations minimum semblent être WordPress 5.7 et PHP 7.4.

Je suis en version Worpress 5.5.6 et l’état de santé du site m’indique Les mises à jour de sécurité et de maintenance sont bloquées par le filtre allow_minor_auto_core_updates. Dans l’interface admin de Yunohost mon application est indiqué en version “5.9.3~ynh2” et sur le github je lis Shipped version: 5.8~ynh1.

J’aurais aimé savoir si j’étais bien sur la bonne dernière version de Wordpress validé par Yunohost ? Je sais que j’avais un peu mal saisi le principe il y a quelques années et j’avais du mettre les mises à jours automatique dans Wordpress lorsque je l’ai configuré ce que j’ai retiré quand j’ai compris qu’il fallait les passer via yunohost…

Si je ne suis pas sur la bonne version vous sauriez comment je peux rattraper le coup ?

Concernant PHP dans la section service de la webui j’ai php7.3-fpm & php8.0-fpm.

Merci d’avance pour vos retours.

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: Serveur Kimsufi KS-4C
Version de YunoHost: 4.4.2(Stable)

I’ll try in English:

Description of the problem


I wanted to install the Only Office extension on my Wordpress which told me this extension does not work with my versions of WordPress and PHP. The minimum recommendations seem to be WordPress 5.7 and PHP 7.4.

I’m on Worpress 5.5.6 and the site health status tells me Security and maintenance updates are blocked by the allow_minor_auto_core_updates filter. In the admin interface of Yunohost my application is indicated in version 5.9.3~ynh2 and on the github I read Shipped version: 5.8~ynh1.

I would have liked to know if I was on the right last version of Wordpress validated by Yunohost? I know that I had a little misunderstood the principle a few years ago and I had to put the automatic updates in Wordpress when I configured it which I removed when I understood that it was necessary to pass via yunohost…

If I’m not on the right version, Do you know how I can switch back to the correct version and re-link with Yunohost ?

Concerning PHP in the service section of the webui I have php7.3-fpm & php8.0-fpm.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

If any information is missing, do not hesitate to tell me what is needed to complete it.

S’il manque des informations n’hésitez pas à m’indiquez ce qu’il faut pour compléter.

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Kimsufi KS-4C server
YunoHost version: 4.4.2(Stable)

Apparently no. Don’t you see an available update for Wordpress in the “System update” menu?

FYI YunoHost 11 (for Debian Bullseye) has been released, and includes PHP7.4.

Hello Tituspijean

The update system menu tells me that all my applications are up to date.

The Yunohost Wordpress applications menu tells me this:

ID Wordpress 
Label WordPress
Description Software of creation of blog or Web site
Version 5.9.3~ynh2
Can be installed multiple times Yes
Install date December 6, 2019 at 23:58:47

In Wordpress I see this

WordPress 5.5.6 		
PHP 7.3.33-4+0~20220627.98+debian10~1.gbp40b3e4 (Required: 5.1.0 or up) 		
Database 3.8.3 (Latest: 3.8.3) 		
Time Zone +01:00 (GMT 1) - UTC

Any idea what I can do to fix this? Or just advice where to look to investigate it would be great.

I would like to transfer a backup of my Nextcloud at home before upgrading to version 11. I had problems when I upgraded to version 4. If I can fix the Worpress version problem before, that would be fine.


Vous pensez que je peux faire un backup wordpress avec une extension tel que Updraft plus. Ensuite je désinstalle reinstalle Wordpress pour le re-synchroniser avec Yunohost et je fais une restauration Udraft ? Et si ça ne fonctionne pas je restore ma version bancale avec un backup Yunohost ?

Merci :blush:

Do you think I can make a wordpress backup with an extension such as Updraft plus. Then I uninstall reinstall Wordpress to re-synchronize it with Yunohost then I do a Udraft restore? And if it doesn’t work I restore my wobbly version with a Yunohost backup?

Thanks :blush:


Not finding a solution I made the switch to Yunohost My Wordpress is still in version 5.5.6 and the version of Php is 7.4.30.

Do you have any idea what I should try?


Ne trouvant pas de solution j’ai fait le passage en Yunohost Mon Wordpress est toujours en version 5.5.6 et la version de Php est 7.4.30.

Auriez-vous une piste sur ce qu’il faudrait que je tente?

There is this branch who needs testing.

It adds the following changes:

  • Upgrade to 6.0.1
  • Upgrade to PHP8.0
sudo yunohost app upgrade wordpress -u
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Hi @ericg

I have done the update as you advised me.

Now I have this in Yunohost

ID wordpress
Label WordPress
Description Software to create a blog or a website
Version 6.0.1~ynh1

But Wordpress keeps telling me that I am in version 5.5.6. Php is now in version 8.0.22

Do you think i try to update Wordpress from inside WP-Admin ?

Thank you

cf: GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/wordpress_ynh: WordPress package for YunoHost

Thanks @ericg, it’s done. The upgrade was very fast. Do you think the link is lost with Yunohost? I’ll still have to update from Yunohost & Wp-Admin?

Moreover I will stay on the testing branch when it becomes stable?

no, don’t worry, if the stable branch will show a version higher, you will be invited to upgrade normally…

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