The server does not have working IPv4 | Der Server hat kein funktionierendes IPv4

Hi Levin,

Can you give us the result of this command on your server please :
ip a


sure :wink:

In my opinion the port forwarding does not work, somehow.

What kind of router / modem do you have ? Do you have several router by any chance ?

I have the Fritz!Box 7583

No, unfortunately I only have this one.

I restarted the Router again and now the Internet seems to work :stuck_out_tongue:
But now I have DNS Problems :see_no_evil:

did you try the given command yunohost dyndns update --force ?

Screenshot from 2022-04-28 14-57-01

There is some Version problem

Did you try to upgrade everything ?


try sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

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ok if you do

sudo yunohost tools update
sudo yunohost tools upgrade system
sudo yunohost tools upgrade apps

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you should have an old version
sudo yunohost tools upgrade --system
sudo yunohost tools upgrade --apps

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OK so it should have fix problems regarding upgrade in the diagnostic section ?

nope :see_no_evil:

what is writtent in the detail sections of errors ?

Do you have 2 domains with the dyndns of yunohost ?

In order to make self-hosting as accessible as possible, the YunoHost Project provides a free and automatically configured domain name service. By using this service, you won’t have to configure DNS records yourself, which can be tedious and technical.
As a fairness measure, each instance may only have one such domain setup at any given time. from

You should choose between your two domains. You can’t have them both. But you can create subdomain of the main domain.