Soucis d'upgrade de ma brique

Bonjour a tous
et un petit coucou particulier a tierce

J’ai upgradé ma brique vers stretch et elle redemarre sans soucis
le hotspot fonctionne le vpn semble fonctionner aussi car je sais faire un ping sur mon domaine qui lui marche aussi par contre lorsque j’essaie d’installer nextcloud ou wordpress ca tourne en boucle mais j’avais essaye deja de l’installer avant l’upgrade
lorsque je veux via l’admin aller sur wifi hotspot ou vpn client et d’autre j’ai un message 502 Bad Gateway
j’ai testé aussi en installant Hextris et ca ca marche bien

je viens de voir que php7.0-fpm est failed ???

Merci pour votre aide

1 Like


merci pour la description détaillée de ton problème :+1:

Est-ce que tu peux donner + d’infos sur php7.0-fpm ?

Par exemple, que renvoie systemctl php7.0-fpm status | cat ?

Ou tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?

Est-ce que faire un systemctl php7.0-fpm restart systemctl restart php7.0-fpm résout le problème (du service marqué comme ‘failed’)

Deja un grand merci a toi de prendre en compte mon soucis
voici ce que donne la premiere commande demandée

 systemctl php7.0-fpm status | cat ?=

cat: '?': No such file or directory
Unknown operation php7.0-fpm.

la seconde

root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERRORroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a di Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not existroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiti Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERRORroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a di Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not existroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiti Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package froroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERRORroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a di Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not existroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiti Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERRORroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a di Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not existroot@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
==> /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log <==
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 20378
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:28:01] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 24381
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:30:33] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:38:14] NOTICE: exiti Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-datam debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data

service dnsmasq start
ng, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM i Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
nitialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: fai Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
led to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?

service dnsmasq start
ng, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 582
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:39:42] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:11] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 6015
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Jul-2018 10:56:12] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:16] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Jul-2018 11:00:17] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:01:01] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[16-Jul-2018 11:20:43] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: [pool vpnadmin] cannot get uid for user ‘admin’
[17-Jul-2018 05:05:04] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:30:55] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 07:31:10] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM i Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
nitialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?
or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 06:19:31] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
not a directory
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[03-Nov-2016 18:17:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:25:22] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 11:27:05] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:25:33] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:27:00] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: fai Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
led to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: [pool phpmyadmin] the chdir path ‘/var/www/phpmyadmin’ does not exist or is not a directory
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[17-Jul-2018 12:41:49] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
tail: cannot open ‘?’ for reading: No such file or directory
root@philoxweb:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?tail -n 100 /var/log/php7.0-fpm.log ?

la troisieme commande donne ceci et ne change rien le problème est pareil

root@philoxweb:~# systemctl php7.0-fpm restart
Unknown operation php7.0-fpm.

quand je suis dans service dans le haut de la page j’ai ce message qui apparait

Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed - Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start
2018-06-25 (Read more)

Jessie users : Upgrade is fixed

EDIT: A fix has been deployed you can now upgrade your system safely


We have discovered a big issue on the jessie update. It seems there is a bug in an update of the dnsmasq package from debian jessie repo. If you upgrade now, you won’t be able to upgrade next because your server won’t be able to resolve domain name.

To test if you can resolve domain name:


If you can’t ping correctly and you have upgraded your system yesterday or today, you can try to remove this package to fix the issue:

apt remove dns-root-data
service dnsmasq start

voila tout ce que j’ai recolté

Dans les commandes fournies par @Aleks il ne fallait pas copier les ‘?’ :slight_smile:
Du coup la commande à taper pour voir si php7.0-fpm tourne correctement c’était ça :

systemctl status php7.0-fpm | cat

Si le service n’est pas marqué Active: active (running) alors essaye de le relancer comme ceci :

systemctl restart php7.0-fpm

Regarde à nouveau la commande systemctl status php7.0-fpm pour voir si le status a changé. Si le service n’est toujours pas Active: active (running) alors copie-nous les 100 dernières lignes de logs correspondantes :

journalctl -n 100 -u php7.0-fpm
1 Like

ok merci a toi
bon ce problème la est résolu toute les page s’ouvrent comme il faut nickel
il n’y a plus de messages d’erreur non plus
il ne reste qu’un soucis c’est que lorsque j’essaye d’installer nextcloud il tourne en rond et ne s’installe pas ni wordpress

y a t’il un moyen d’installer nextcloud via terminal ou github ???


root@philoxweb:~# systemctl status php7.0-fpm | cat
● php7.0-fpm.service - The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/php7.0-fpm.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-07-17 19:33:05 CEST; 4min 38s ago
Docs: man:php-fpm7.0(8)
Main PID: 559 (php-fpm7.0)
Status: “Processes active: 0, idle: 10, Requests: 0, slow: 0, Traffic: 0req/sec”
Tasks: 11 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/php7.0-fpm.service
├─559 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf)
├─938 php-fpm: pool nextcloud
├─943 php-fpm: pool nextcloud
├─945 php-fpm: pool vpnadmin
├─951 php-fpm: pool vpnadmin
├─954 php-fpm: pool vpnadmin
├─956 php-fpm: pool wifiadmin
├─957 php-fpm: pool wifiadmin
├─958 php-fpm: pool wifiadmin
├─959 php-fpm: pool www
└─960 php-fpm: pool www

Jul 17 19:32:45 systemd[1]: Starting The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager…
Jul 17 19:33:05 systemd[1]: Started The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager.

voila apres pas mal de chipot j’ai reussi a faire fonctionner rondcube etc il y a juste nextcloud qui me fait encore des soucis voici ce qu’il me dit

<dpkg-preconfigure: impossible de réouvrir stdin :

debconf: Utilisation de l'interface Teletype en remplacement

debconf: (Cette interface a besoin d'un terminal de contrôle.)

debconf: Impossible d'initialiser l'interface : Readline

debconf: Utilisation de l'interface Readline en remplacement

debconf: (L'interface dialog ne fonctionnera pas avec un terminal rustique (« dumb »), un tampon shell d'Emacs ou sans terminal de contrôle.)

debconf: Impossible d'initialiser l'interface : Dialog >


Les messages d’erreur que tu cites sont peu parlants.

Essaye d’installer Nextcloud en ligne de commande :

sudo yunohost app install nextcloud

Si l’installation échoue alors recommence avec l’option --debug pour avoir plus d’infos :

sudo yunohost app install nextcloud --debug

Déjà merci a toi pour ta réponse
voici la réponse a la commande que tu as mise

<root@philoxweb:~# sudo yunohost app install nextcloud --debug
903  DEBUG loading actions map namespace 'yunohost'
1039 DEBUG extra parameter classes loaded: ['ask', 'password', 'required', 'pattern']
1040 DEBUG initializing base actions map parser for cli
1050 DEBUG registering new callback action 'yunohost.utils.packages.ynh_packages_version' to ['-v', '--version']
1765 DEBUG initialize authenticator 'ldap-anonymous' with: uri='ldap://localhost:389', base_dn='dc=yunohost,dc=org', user_rdn='None'
1794 DEBUG lock has been acquired
1988 DEBUG loading python module took 0.192s
1991 INFO processing action [2239.1]: with args={'app': 'nextcloud', 'args': None, 'auth': <moulinette.authenticators.ldap.Authenticator object at 0xb656fc90>, 'label': None, 'no_remove_on_failure': False}
2086 DEBUG Downloading...
2281 ERROR unable to download
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 1620, in _fetch_app_from_git
    'wget', '-qO', app_tmp_archive, tarball_url])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 186, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
CalledProcessError: Command '['wget', '-qO', '/var/cache/yunohost/', '']' returned non-zero exit status 4
2302 DEBUG action [2239.1] executed in 0.309s
2305 DEBUG lock has been released
2307 ERROR Unable to fetch sources files

L’installation échoue apparemment à cause d’un problème réseau qui empêche de télécharger l’appli.

Essaye un téléchargement manuel du fichier de l’appli pour avoir plus de détails concernant le problème réseau :

wget -O /tmp/

excuse moi de ne pas avoir répondu plus tot
mais j’ai été par un membre de mon asbl que je remercie d’ailleur
en fait le soucis provenait du fait que pour une raison x je n’etais plus dans le groupe admin
ce qui a été réparé et a présent ca roule
encore un grand merci a tous ceux qui m’ont bien aidé

Je ne comprends pas vraiment le rapport avec le fait que tu appartiennes ou non au groupe admin car :

  1. tu exécutes une commande avec sudo
  2. le dernier message d’erreur que tu as posté indiquait un problème avec wget qui échouait avec comme EXIT STATUS 4, qui signifie normalement “Network failure”

Cela dit je suis content que tes problèmes soient résolus mais moi de mon côté je vais avoir du mal à trouver le sommeil ce soir avec de tels mystères en suspens :confused:

Tu m’as bien fait rire la Mitchum
Je me suis gouré je voulais dire group root
Ecoute je dois avouer que je débute avec yunohost VPN etc et je patauge un peu bcp a la folie :wink:
Il est vrai que j’ai encore quelques soucis dirait’on avec les install de certain logiciels
Et aussi ce qui n;est pas un soucis pour l’instant mais pour le futur j’ai toujours un message qui me dit que me système est fixed et que je ne pourrai pas passer a la prochaine version

j’ai télécharge manuellement le fichier demandé sans aucun soucis mais ne me demande pas ou il est lol

Il a été enregistré dans /tmp/ à priori.

Bon du coup je ne comprends pas où tu en es.
Est-ce que tu as encore des soucis avec nextcloud ou autre applis suite à l’upgrade ?

Je n’ai plus de soucis avec d’autre logiciels installé,
Par contre quand j’essaie d’installer d’autre logiciels je suis occupe par exemple avec wordpress ca tourne et tourne je ne sais pas combien de temps et quand je le stoppe je vois qu’il est installe
Et donc il me semble que le soucis provient plus du système d’installation plutôt que des logiciels

Si tu rencontres ce genre de soucis avec l’interface Web il faut jeter un œil dans le panneau déroulant en haut de page pour avoir des infos utiles.
Sinon je t’encourage à utiliser l’interface en ligne de commandes : sudo yunohost app install wordpress --debug par exemple.
Tu verras les mêmes infos que dans le panneau déroulant de la WebUI mais au moins tu sauras vraiment lorsque ce sera terminé.

voila pitchum c’est ce que je voudrais apprendre a utiliser
tu as pas une url a me conseiller ???

Non malheureusement je ne connais pas d’URL.
Mais une fois connecté en SSH sur ta brique, tu peux découvrir les commandes et les options de la commande yunohost grâce à l’option -h.
Par exemple pour la sous-commande app :

sudo yunohost app -h
usage: yunohost app

Manage apps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    fetchlist           Fetch application lists from app servers, or register
                        a new one.
    listlists           List registered application lists
    removelist          Remove and forget about a given application list
    list                List apps
    info                Get information about an installed app
    map                 List apps by domain
    install             Install apps
    remove              Remove app
    upgrade             Upgrade app
    change-url          Change app's URL
    setting             Set or get an app setting value
    register-url        Book/register a web path for a given app
    debug               Display all debug informations for an application
    makedefault         Redirect domain root to an app
    ssowatconf          Regenerate SSOwat configuration file
    change-label        Change app label
    addaccess           Grant access right to users (everyone by default)
    removeaccess        Revoke access right to users (everyone by default)
    clearaccess         Reset access rights for the app

La commande yunohost et ses sous-commandes permettent de réaliser les mêmes opérations que celles que tu peux effectuer depuis l’interface Web.

je viens de tester la commande pour installer worpress et cela n’a pas reussi
mais j’airrive pas a mettre ce que dis le terminal car j’arrive pas a mettre le texte en menu deroulant comme toi dans le forum
normalement c’est quand meme </> et mettre le texte dedans non ?

Pour coller un gros paquet de texte sur le forum il faut l’entourer par des lignes contenant uniquement ``` (trois apostrophes inverses).

Par exemple :

ici un gros pavé de texte copié-collé
avec plein de lignes parfois super longues, vraiment très très longues et même tellement longues qu'elles débordent sur la droite mais c'est pas grave