What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Headscale
Describe your issue
i found the same issue here: Problème d'ajout d'utilisateur dans Headscale but the thread is already closed. I could only find little help elsewhere, thats why i thought it might be helpful to others to open a new thread with the solution. (Even though posting a reply to the thread above seems better. Maybe a moderator can fix this?)
Headscale error: “Could not connect: context deadline exceeded” solved it as follows:
Can’t run “headscale”?
Use “__INSTALL_DIR/headscale” instead
(thanks to the yunohost admin doc: “To call Headscale’s program, use sudo -u bash __INSTALL_DIR/headscale followed by its parameters.”)
NOTE: “sudo -u bash” is NOT working!
Yunohost admin doc help (“To call Headscale’s program, use sudo -u bash __INSTALL_DIR/headscale followed by its parameters.”) did not work for me. I guess the user is missing?
Try: “sudo” without “-u bash”.
(Or) Try: “sudo -u headscale”
Full error message
“sudo: unknown user: bash”)
Can’t find the “__INSTALL_DIR”?
Try: “/var/www/headscale/”
Get “Error loading config”?
Try passing the path to the config file: “__INSTALL_DIR/headscale/config.yaml”
(Example: “-c /var/www/headscale/config.yaml”)
(Thanks to Problème d'ajout d'utilisateur dans Headscale )
Full error message
Error loading config error="fatal error reading config file: Config File "config" Not Found in "[/etc/headscale /root/.headscale /home/yunoadmin]".)
Get “Could not connect”?
Try: “headscale serve” before running your headscale command:
- “sudo mkdir /var/run/headscale” (not sure if this is needed)
- “sudo /var/www/headscale/headscale -c /var/www/headscale/config.yaml serve”
Full error message
“Could not connect: context deadline exceeded error=“context deadline exceeded””)
Share relevant logs or error messages
Error messages shared in the post. Hope that is ok