[SnappyMail] Lightweight webmail

Are the Nextcloud Contacts (or any other CardDav contacts) not yet available ?

As I said, we are using sqlite (witch doesn’t need password).

If you want to install SnappyMail with a database, you need to install it from mentioned branch

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/snappymail_ynh/tree/mysql.

Database credentials are sent to admin e-mail. you will need to applie those in the application.ini config file in the [contacts] section and also in the admin panel

edit: mysql branch is not well tested.

I don’t especially want a branch with a database. The branch that is provided by default with Yunohost is fine for me. I was digging into parameters to see if anything could solve my problem. It looks like those parameters won’t solve my problem.

Originally I was trying to figure out if I could configure contacts with CardDAV like I previously had with Rainloop. Which seems not to be available yet.

the configuration is in the settings of your account. Once configured you have access to your nextcloud contacts

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I don’t have this menu:



Please try to reboot your server.
Clear your browser cache.
Relog on your snappymail user account.

On my case, it has not appear after setting it up, but after this precedure (not sure if everything is needed, but it’s always better to test :wink: )

Petit souci “L’authentification a Ă©chouĂ©â€ ici : Snappymail - "L'authentification a Ă©chouĂ©", envois mail impossible

Suite à la restauration d’une sauvegarde sur installation propre RPiOS + yuno, Snappymail m’affiche :

[302] The following PHP extensions are not available in your PHP configuration!


cf fil dédié.

Des propositions de pistes Ă  creuser ?
Merci !


Ce matin suite à la derniùre mise à jour de snappymail, j’ai ceci dans mon navigateur web :

[301] Your PHP version is 32bit, 64bit is required!

C’est assez fñcheux !

Si quelqu’un a une idĂ©e lumineuse, je lui en serais grandement reconnaissant !

Since the last version there is a check to see if PHP is running on 64-bit:

  • Check PHP_INT_SIZE if SnappyMail runs on 64bit

You can check if your PHP is running in 64 or 32-bit with this command.

php -r "echo (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ? '32 bit' : '64 bit').PHP_EOL;" && php -i | grep Thread

I don’t know how to upgrade PHP from 32 to 64 bit, but if you want help, you need to provide more details about your server configuration.

Thank you for your answer ! My whole system is 32 bit
 I used the backup restore tool and it works again.

i use it on a raspberry pi 3 
 only 32bits 

is there a way to keep it up to date ? or i’ll need to change the pi itself ?

after a little search, i think the only option is to make a full save of the system and reinstall it on 64bit version 
 will try next time

With the last Snappymail version you should be able to install to a 32bit arch again.

tried today, can’t update, yuno says that update can only be done on x64 systems 

that is because the fix is still in testing
 will be merged soon


keep us up to date ! ty

I tried today, successfully :wink:

Hey, my mobile Firefox is not able to autowrite login/pass in the index page.
Am I alone with this bug ?

Cannot login Admin Panel after upgrade recently
 version: 2.29.1~ynh1, Authentication failed. Am I alone?