Sauvegarde wordpress sous windows puis mise à jour yunohost

(Excuse que je ecris Anglais, ma Francais n’est pas tres bon…)

I recalled there was a similar discussion a while ago, of which I thought it might help you, but it turns out you already know about it :slight_smile:

Is it correct that your Yunohost is on a VPS?
Can people leave comments while you edit the site? When you restore the backup, the comments will disappear.

Maybe you could run Yunohost at home as well, and use a backup app (Borg for example) to backup your VPS-Wordpress to home, restore, make edits, and then backup from Yunohome to YunoVPS, and then use Yunohost functionality to restore the backup there. I think that is less complicated than trying to have Windows run a 1:1 copy of your Wordpress.

If your Windows computer runs Windows 10 or 11, you can use the Windows repository to install Debian under Windows (with WSL), it should be ok to install Yunohost on it.