Reverse proxy to Nextcloud after upgrade

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: no

Describe your issue

I have just upgraded my main server to Yuno 12, everything seems to work, except that I have a reverse proxy pointing to another computer running Yuno 11 only for a Nextcloud instance. I can access this Nextcloud on a browser, but I can’t through the Windows Nextcloud app. I have nothing special in the proxy log of my main server, nor in the Nextcloud log of the second server.
Any idea or path to troubleshoot?
Thank you in advance

Share relevant logs or error messages


See this thread. May help…

Shame on me, I didn’t find this post. I use Reverse Proxy, and not Redirect. Disabling for Reverse Proxy does not work. I tried ti replace Reverse Proxy by Redirect, but no success.
Error message on the desktop client:
FINISHED WITH STATUS “AuthenticationRequiredError L’hôte requiert une authentification”

Ok. I tried to reproduce your issue (YNH reverse proxy to NC server with ReverseProxy App) → same issue to connect NC desktop client and same log entry (FINISHED WITH STATUS "AuthenticationRequiredError).

protect_against_basic_auth_spoofing is already disabled in /etc/yunohost/apps/reverseproxy/settings.yml but may not work as expected (because of SSO ?).

  • I tried :
    yunohost app setting reverseproxy protect_against_basic_auth_spoofing -v false and yunohost app ssowatconf to reload conf.
    → NC client could connect to server (better to clear browser cookies of the NC page, logout user and try new connection from NC client).

  • Reverting to protect_against_basic_auth_spoofing -v true, the NC client could no longer reconnect… So…
    … the issue is so similar to RedirectApp that it seems like the right way to fix it.

It’s a workaround but it does the trick.

Hope it helps.

Oh thanks, it works. I know Yuno is not bug-proof, but I love its community !!

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