Reverse proxy and Reverse DNS for YunoHost installation

Hi all, especially @tituspijean


My ISP - Tangerine Telecom - still can’t set a reverse DNS record for my yunohost domain.

ISP attempt 1

Set reverse DNS to:

  • = (< the public facing sticky IP assigned to my internet connection)

Result 1

Domain shows as not a valid domain (despite me using it fine, it showing up in browsers, being able to install a Let’s Encrypt certificate etc)

My edits

Based on this advice about getting a VM behind a Frtizbox set up correctly with a dynamic DNS service (separate issue of trying to get IPv6 working), I did the following:

  • In yunohost admin I edited the etc/network/interfaces file to include lines

car enp0s3
allow-hotplug enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet dhcp
address (@IP yunohost)
gateway (@IPv4 router)
dns-nameservers (@IPv4 fritzbox)
iface enp0s3 inet6 dhcp
dns-nameservers fd00:0:0:0:b2f2:8th:fe0d:a7fc (@IPv6 fritzbox)

ISP attempt 2

Set reverse DNS to:

  • = (< the public facing sticky IP assigned to my internet connection)

Result 2

Reverse DNS setup failed. But some progress! They can see the domain is valid via reverse dns lookup now.
But! They still can’t successfully set up the Reverse DNS for my domain.

ISP attempt 3

Set reverse DNS to:

  • = (< the internal IP of my yunohost server on my network, behind a fritzbox)

Result 3

Reverse DNS setup failed.

Potentially relevant context

Here is the list of my currently exposed ports on my home network (in case it is relevant to why this attempt by my ISP failed.

My ISP recommedations

They advised/suggested that:

  • My dynamic DNS service is probably not contributing to this error (
  • they have only successfully set up Reverse DNS for .net and .com domain names in the past
  • They don’t have any publicly available reverse DNS information for their service
  • Perhaps my DNS provider - - has some support information regarding reverse dns settings that will help.

My attempt: Reverse DNS at

I followed the ISP advice by looking here. But it seems I am not eligible to set my reverse DNS with them, as I don’t “own a dedicated IP space” or have access to “add nameservers provided for the zone at your Regional Internet Registry (RIR).”

  • Please correct me if I’m wrong about this!

My questions

  • Did my editing of the network interfaces file contribute to my ISP seeing my domain name as valid?
  • Are there further edits I could make to my etc/network/interfaces file to make my ISP’s Reverse DNS attempt more successful?
  • is my ISP just terrible (based on above), and perhaps I should just give up on trying with them?
  • Are there any of my ISPs recommendations you would definitely discard or try?
  • Based on this thread, would appending a “/32” on the end of either my public IP or yunohost IP be likely to make the Reverse DNS attempt at my ISP work?
  • @tituspijean Does Reverse DNS via Dynamic DNS service seems workable/viable, based on the information I shared above from

I am continuing to work on this issue. Any advice or direction or solidarity while I do so would be greatly appreciated. :smiley: :crossed_fingers: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: