Reinstall / Configuration-process gets stuck in post-install on webadmin

Type of hardware: Internet Cube with VPN
YunoHost version: fresh Reinstallation of Yunohost12.0.7 on top of Armbian Linux 6.6.62-current-sunxi basesystem
Access to server: via Webadmin / SSH

i proceeded a reinstall (as suggested here to avoid this) and got stuck at the end of the post-install.
during post-install i filled in all the same credentials as on the earlier running machine.
After the last step , although got informed that the configuration will take a few minutes now, the panel stuck for more than an hour.
So i refreshed the page and was thrown back to the start of the post-install :frowning:

I started the post-install again and this time was left with this info:

iptables/nftables does not seems to be working on your setup. You may be in a container or your kernel does (sic) have the proper modules loaded. Sometimes rebooting the machine may solve the issue.

A reboot of the board as suggested, starts the post-install anew.
Clearly, the webadmin does not work (at least not for my setup…) :frowning:

But running the same post-install via CLI the process succeeds:

Success! DynDNS domain subscribed
Success! Self-signed certificate now installed for the domain '*******'
Success! Domain created

yes, it works! :man_dancing: :man_dancing: :man_dancing: :man_dancing:

Here is the full log:

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