Raspberry Pi's image SHA512 doesn't match

I downloaded Raspberry Pi’s image and SHA512 check didn’ return an expected value.

My value (first numbers):
expected value (first numbers):

Am I missing something?


I have just downloaded the RPi image, and everything seems good. You may try to download the image again.

On Win10

certUtil -hashfile "YunoHost_v251_rpi.zip" SHA512


12 c8 c6 c8 19 db 47 82 4e 3e 6b 54 bd 0b df 34 6b 23 90 f7 23 4f d2 cc e2 1e 4c 42 62 c1 bb 85 57 52 29 c2 3d d6 1b 82 d7 3f c8 ac f5 be ad 29 79 a9 74 a1 93 78 85 4c 68 70 58 a0 8f 8e 31 60