Problème services non démarrés

Bonjour @ tous,
L’architecture du serveur est bare-metal armhf

Le modèle/architecture du serveur est Olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME

Le serveur utilise le noyau Linux 6.1.63-current-sunxi

Le serveur utilise Debian 11.7

Le serveur utilise YunoHost (stable)

yunohost version : (stable)
yunohost-admin version : 11.2.5 (stable)
moulinette version : 11.2 (stable)
ssowat version : 11.2 (stable) 

J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin uniquement avec l’adresse ip attribuée par la box.

Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non

Depuis hier les deux services suivant dovecote et ynh-vpnclient ne s’active plus sans que je fasse quoique ce soit c’est arrivé d’un coup.
Je n’ai plus accès à ma messagerie et je ne vois pas comment résoudre le soucis pour tout redémarre.
Les différents port neccessaire à la messagerie sont bien ouvert dans la box de mon opérateur.
Dans l’attente d’une aide quii sera bienvue bonne journée @tous

Voici le retour pour dovecot après un essai de redémarrage:

Voici des messages d'erreurs
#### YunoHost a rencontré une erreur interne

*Vraiment désolé de cela.*

Vous devez chercher de l'aide sur [ le forum]( ou [le chat]( pour corriger la situation, ou signaler le bug sur [ le bugtracker](
Les informations suivantes peuvent être utiles à la personne qui vous aide :

**Erreur**: `"500" Internal Server Error`

**Action**: `"PUT" /yunohost/api/services/dovecot/start`

**Message d'erreur :**

Impossible de démarrer le service 'dovecot'

Journaux historisés récents : -- Journal begins at Mon 2024-05-06 09:52:46 CEST, ends at Mon 2024-05-06 10:47:54 CEST. --
May 06 09:53:31 systemd[1]: Starting Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server...
May 06 09:53:38 dovecot[1473]: Fatal: service(pop3) access(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3) failed: No such file or directory
May 06 09:53:38 systemd[1]: dovecot.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=89/n/a
May 06 09:53:38 systemd[1]: dovecot.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 09:53:38 systemd[1]: Failed to start Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server.
May 06 09:53:38 dovecot[1473]: master: Fatal: service(pop3) access(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3) failed: No such file or directory
May 06 10:47:53 systemd[1]: Starting Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server...
May 06 10:47:54 dovecot[5742]: Fatal: service(pop3) access(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3) failed: No such file or directory
May 06 10:47:54 systemd[1]: dovecot.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=89/n/a
May 06 10:47:54 dovecot[5742]: master: Fatal: service(pop3) access(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3) failed: No such file or directory
May 06 10:47:54 systemd[1]: dovecot.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:47:54 systemd[1]: Failed to start Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server.

**Pendant le traitement de l'action, le serveur a dit :**

Impossible d'exécuter la commande 'systemctl start dovecot'

et le lien YunoPaste:

Voici le retour pour ynh-vpnclient après un essai de redémarrage:

Voici des messages d'erreurs
Démarrer le service 'ynh-vpnclient'
YunoHost a rencontré une erreur interne
Vraiment désolé de cela.
Vous devez chercher de l'aide sur le forum ou le chat pour corriger la situation, ou signaler le bug sur le bugtracker.
Les informations suivantes peuvent être utiles à la personne qui vous aide :

Erreur: "500" Internal Server Error

Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/services/ynh-vpnclient/start

Message d'erreur :
Impossible de démarrer le service 'ynh-vpnclient'

Journaux historisés récents : -- Journal begins at Mon 2024-05-06 09:52:53 CEST, ends at Mon 2024-05-06 10:58:18 CEST. --
May 06 09:52:55 ynh-vpnclient[959]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 09:52:50 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 09:53:50 ynh-vpnclient[1809]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 09:53:50 ynh-vpnclient[1813]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 09:53:51 ynh-vpnclient[1831]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: available at
May 06 09:53:51 ntpd[1865]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: proto: precision = 1.250 usec (-20)
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 4 lo [::1]:123
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 5 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 09:53:52 ntpd[1865]: Listening on routing socket on fd #24 for interface updates
May 06 09:53:53 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:53 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:53 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:54 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:54 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:54 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server 2a02:8106:21:9400::3
May 06 09:53:55 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server 2003:a:47f:abe4::3
May 06 09:53:55 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:55 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:55 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:56 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:56 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server 2003:a:87f:c37c::2
May 06 09:53:56 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:57 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:57 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server 2001:638:502:c015::232
May 06 09:53:58 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:53:58 ntpd[1865]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:54:00 ntpd[1865]: ntpd: time slew +0.001351 s
May 06 09:54:02 ynh-vpnclient[2059]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 09:54:03 ynh-vpnclient[2106]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 09:54:03 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 09:54:03 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 09:54:03 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 09:54:03 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 4.026s CPU time.
May 06 09:55:32 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 09:55:32 ynh-vpnclient[2723]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 09:55:36 ynh-vpnclient[2730]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 09:55:36 ynh-vpnclient[2732]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 09:55:36 ynh-vpnclient[2736]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: available at
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: proto: precision = 1.333 usec (-19)
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 09:55:36 ntpd[2741]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 09:55:37 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:38 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:38 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:39 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:39 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:39 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:40 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:40 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:40 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:40 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:41 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:41 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:42 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:42 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:43 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:55:43 ntpd[2741]: Soliciting pool server 2003:a:47f:abe4::3
May 06 09:55:46 ntpd[2741]: ntpd: time slew +0.000046 s
May 06 09:55:47 ynh-vpnclient[2809]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 09:55:47 ynh-vpnclient[2816]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 09:55:47 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 09:55:47 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 09:55:47 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 09:55:47 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.477s CPU time.
May 06 09:59:11 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 09:59:11 ynh-vpnclient[3185]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 09:59:13 ynh-vpnclient[3190]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 09:59:13 ynh-vpnclient[3192]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 09:59:13 ynh-vpnclient[3196]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: available at
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: proto: precision = 1.250 usec (-20)
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 09:59:14 ntpd[3201]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 09:59:15 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:16 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:16 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:17 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:17 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:17 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:18 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:18 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:18 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:18 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:19 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:19 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:19 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:20 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:20 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 09:59:21 ntpd[3201]: Soliciting pool server 2a03:4000:6b:191:9825:1cff:fe34:bbe
May 06 09:59:24 ntpd[3201]: ntpd: time slew +0.000596 s
May 06 09:59:24 ynh-vpnclient[3215]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 09:59:24 ynh-vpnclient[3222]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 09:59:24 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 09:59:24 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 09:59:24 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 09:59:24 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.021s CPU time.
May 06 10:04:14 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:04:14 ynh-vpnclient[4022]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:04:17 ynh-vpnclient[4027]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:04:17 ynh-vpnclient[4029]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:04:17 ynh-vpnclient[4033]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: available at
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: proto: precision = 1.333 usec (-19)
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:04:17 ntpd[4038]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 10:04:18 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:19 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:19 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:20 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:20 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:20 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:21 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:21 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:21 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:21 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:22 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:22 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:22 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:23 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:23 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:04:24 ntpd[4038]: Soliciting pool server 2001:41d0:701:1100::38fc
May 06 10:04:26 ntpd[4038]: ntpd: time slew +0.036215 s
May 06 10:04:27 ynh-vpnclient[4053]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:04:27 ynh-vpnclient[4060]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:04:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:04:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:04:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:04:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.123s CPU time.
May 06 10:09:15 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:09:15 ynh-vpnclient[4337]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:09:17 ynh-vpnclient[4342]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:09:17 ynh-vpnclient[4344]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:09:18 ynh-vpnclient[4348]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: available at
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: proto: precision = 1.292 usec (-19)
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:09:18 ntpd[4353]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 10:09:19 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:20 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:20 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:21 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:21 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:21 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:22 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:22 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:22 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:22 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:23 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:23 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:23 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:24 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:24 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:25 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:09:25 ntpd[4353]: Soliciting pool server 2a01:239:25e:bd00::2
May 06 10:09:27 ntpd[4353]: ntpd: time slew +0.005409 s
May 06 10:09:27 ynh-vpnclient[4366]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:09:27 ynh-vpnclient[4373]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:09:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:09:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:09:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:09:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.046s CPU time.
May 06 10:14:15 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:14:15 ynh-vpnclient[4468]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:14:17 ynh-vpnclient[4473]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:14:17 ynh-vpnclient[4475]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:14:17 ynh-vpnclient[4479]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: available at
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: proto: precision = 1.250 usec (-20)
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:14:18 ntpd[4484]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 10:14:19 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:20 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:20 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:21 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:21 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:21 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:22 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:22 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:22 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:22 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:23 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:23 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:23 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:24 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:24 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:25 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:14:25 ntpd[4484]: Soliciting pool server 2003:a:87f:c37c::4
May 06 10:14:27 ntpd[4484]: ntpd: time slew +0.000321 s
May 06 10:14:27 ynh-vpnclient[4499]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:14:27 ynh-vpnclient[4506]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:14:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:14:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:14:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:14:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.093s CPU time.
May 06 10:19:15 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:19:15 ynh-vpnclient[4633]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:19:17 ynh-vpnclient[4638]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:19:17 ynh-vpnclient[4640]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:19:17 ynh-vpnclient[4644]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: available at
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: proto: precision = 1.292 usec (-19)
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [2a01:cb10:dc:aa00:41:5ff:fec2:b081]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 8 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listen normally on 10 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:19:17 ntpd[4650]: Listening on routing socket on fd #27 for interface updates
May 06 10:19:18 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:19 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:19 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:20 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:20 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:20 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:21 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:21 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:21 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:22 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:22 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:23 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:23 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:24 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:19:24 ntpd[4650]: Soliciting pool server 2a02:8106:21:9400::6
May 06 10:19:26 ntpd[4650]: ntpd: time slew +0.000328 s
May 06 10:19:27 ynh-vpnclient[4664]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:19:27 ynh-vpnclient[4671]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:19:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:19:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:19:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:19:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 2.999s CPU time.
May 06 10:24:15 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:24:15 ynh-vpnclient[4763]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:24:18 ynh-vpnclient[4768]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:24:18 ynh-vpnclient[4770]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:24:18 ynh-vpnclient[4774]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: available at
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: proto: precision = 1.250 usec (-20)
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:24:18 ntpd[4779]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:24:19 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:20 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:20 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:21 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:21 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:21 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:22 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:22 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:22 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:22 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:23 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:23 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:23 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:24 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:24 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:24:25 ntpd[4779]: Soliciting pool server 2a03:7220:8081:2900::1
May 06 10:24:26 ntpd[4779]: ntpd: time slew -0.000058 s
May 06 10:24:27 ynh-vpnclient[4792]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:24:27 ynh-vpnclient[4799]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:24:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:24:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:24:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:24:27 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.152s CPU time.
May 06 10:29:21 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:29:21 ynh-vpnclient[4901]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:29:24 ynh-vpnclient[4906]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:29:24 ynh-vpnclient[4908]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:29:24 ynh-vpnclient[4912]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: available at
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: proto: precision = 1.333 usec (-19)
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:29:24 ntpd[4917]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:29:25 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:26 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:26 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:27 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:27 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:27 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:28 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:28 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:28 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:28 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:29 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:29 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:29 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:30 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:30 ntpd[4917]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:29:33 ntpd[4917]: ntpd: time slew +0.003733 s
May 06 10:29:33 ynh-vpnclient[4933]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:29:33 ynh-vpnclient[4940]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:29:33 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:29:33 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:29:33 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:29:33 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 2.969s CPU time.
May 06 10:34:25 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:34:25 ynh-vpnclient[5056]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:34:27 ynh-vpnclient[5061]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:34:27 ynh-vpnclient[5063]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:34:27 ynh-vpnclient[5067]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: available at
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: proto: precision = 1.291 usec (-19)
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:34:27 ntpd[5072]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:34:28 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:29 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:29 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:30 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:30 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:30 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:31 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:31 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:31 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:31 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:32 ntpd[5072]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:34:35 ntpd[5072]: ntpd: time slew +0.000405 s
May 06 10:34:36 ynh-vpnclient[5086]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:34:36 ynh-vpnclient[5093]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:34:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:34:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:34:36 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:34:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.027s CPU time.
May 06 10:39:25 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:39:25 ynh-vpnclient[5348]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:39:27 ynh-vpnclient[5353]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:39:27 ynh-vpnclient[5355]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:39:28 ynh-vpnclient[5359]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: available at
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: proto: precision = 1.250 usec (-20)
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:39:28 ntpd[5364]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:39:29 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:30 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:30 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:31 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:31 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:31 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:32 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:32 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:32 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:32 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:33 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:33 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:33 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:34 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:34 ntpd[5364]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:39:37 ntpd[5364]: ntpd: time slew -0.002325 s
May 06 10:39:37 ynh-vpnclient[5380]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:39:37 ynh-vpnclient[5387]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:39:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:39:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:39:37 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:39:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.019s CPU time.
May 06 10:44:25 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:44:25 ynh-vpnclient[5483]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:44:28 ynh-vpnclient[5497]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:44:28 ynh-vpnclient[5499]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:44:28 ynh-vpnclient[5503]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: available at
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: proto: precision = 1.292 usec (-19)
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:44:28 ntpd[5511]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:44:29 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:30 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:30 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:31 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:31 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:31 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:32 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:32 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:32 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:32 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:33 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:33 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:33 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:34 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:34 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:35 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:44:35 ntpd[5511]: Soliciting pool server 2a00:1080:800::6:1
May 06 10:44:36 ntpd[5511]: ntpd: time slew +0.000207 s
May 06 10:44:36 ynh-vpnclient[5551]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:44:36 ynh-vpnclient[5558]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:44:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:44:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:44:37 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:44:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.156s CPU time.
May 06 10:49:24 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:49:25 ynh-vpnclient[5811]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:49:27 ynh-vpnclient[5816]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:49:27 ynh-vpnclient[5818]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:49:27 ynh-vpnclient[5822]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: available at
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: proto: precision = 1.333 usec (-19)
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:49:27 ntpd[5827]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:49:28 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:29 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:29 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:30 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:30 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:30 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:31 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:31 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:31 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:31 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:32 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:32 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:32 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:33 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:33 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server 2001:67c:288::128
May 06 10:49:34 ntpd[5827]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:49:35 ntpd[5827]: ntpd: time slew +0.000052 s
May 06 10:49:36 ynh-vpnclient[5842]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:49:36 ynh-vpnclient[5849]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:49:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:49:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:49:36 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:49:36 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 2.998s CPU time.
May 06 10:54:25 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:54:25 ynh-vpnclient[5950]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:54:28 ynh-vpnclient[5955]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:54:28 ynh-vpnclient[5957]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:54:28 ynh-vpnclient[5961]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: available at
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: proto: precision = 1.292 usec (-19)
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:54:28 ntpd[5966]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:54:29 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:30 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:30 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:31 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:31 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:31 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:32 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:32 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:32 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:32 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:33 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:33 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:33 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:34 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:34 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server 2a00:1080:800::6:1
May 06 10:54:35 ntpd[5966]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:54:36 ntpd[5966]: ntpd: time slew +0.000074 s
May 06 10:54:36 ynh-vpnclient[5984]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:54:37 ynh-vpnclient[5991]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:54:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:54:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:54:37 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:54:37 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 2.986s CPU time.
May 06 10:58:04 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost VPN Client....
May 06 10:58:04 ynh-vpnclient[6171]: [INFO] Retrieving Yunohost settings...
May 06 10:58:07 ynh-vpnclient[6177]: [ OK ] Settings retrieved
May 06 10:58:07 ynh-vpnclient[6179]: [INFO] [vpnclient] Starting...
May 06 10:58:07 ynh-vpnclient[6183]: [INFO] Now synchronizing time using ntp...
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@1.3728-o Wed Sep 23 11:46:38 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Command line: ntpd -qg
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: corporation. Support and training for ntp-4 are
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: available at
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: ----------------------------------------------------
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: proto: precision = 1.333 usec (-19)
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: basedate set to 2020-09-11
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: gps base set to 2020-09-13 (week 2123)
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): good hash signature
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list'): loaded, expire=2024-12-28T00:00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00:00Z ofs=37
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 2 lo
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 3 eth0
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 4 wlx98ded0163ab2
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 5 lo [::1]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 6 eth0 [fe80::42:acab%2]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 7 eth0 [fe80::41:5ff:fec2:b081%2]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 8 wlx98ded0163ab2 [2a00:5881:8118:400::1]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listen normally on 9 wlx98ded0163ab2 [fe80::de:d0ff:fe16:3a00%3]:123
May 06 10:58:07 ntpd[6188]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
May 06 10:58:08 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:09 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:09 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:10 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:10 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:10 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:11 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:11 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:11 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:11 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:12 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:12 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:12 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:13 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:13 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server 2001:67c:288::128
May 06 10:58:14 ntpd[6188]: Soliciting pool server
May 06 10:58:16 ntpd[6188]: ntpd: time slew -0.000346 s
May 06 10:58:16 ynh-vpnclient[6202]: [INFO] Checking if configuration is valid...
May 06 10:58:16 ynh-vpnclient[6209]: [CRIT] The client certificate expired on May 5 07:57:51 2024 GMT
May 06 10:58:17 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 06 10:58:17 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 06 10:58:17 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost VPN Client..
May 06 10:58:17 systemd[1]: ynh-vpnclient.service: Consumed 3.043s CPU time.

Pendant le traitement de l'action, le serveur a dit :
Impossible d'exécuter la commande 'systemctl start ynh-vpnclient'

et voici le lien YunoPaste:

Ci-joint également le lien de YunoPaste de diagnostique:

As tu essayé un yunohost tools regen-conf --force (yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot --force si tu veux régénérer la config de dovecot uniquement).
Et il faut aussi voir pourquoi le certificat n’a pas été mis à jour. Il faudra probablement le faire manuellement

Bonjour jarod5001,
Merci pour ta réponse le problème pour le certificat est réglé j’ étais arrivé à la fin de mon abonnement mais pour dovecot rien à faire je n’ arrive pas à le redémarrer même en régénérant avec la commande " `yunohost tools regen-conf dovecot --force".
Si tu vois autre chose à essayer je suis preneur.
Bonne journée @toi.

Je suggère d’essayer la solution déjà donnée sur ce topic “cannot-start-dovecot” :

apt install dovecot-pop3d
systemctl restart dovecot

Bonjour @pitchum,
j’ai désactiver le pop3 dans Outils/Paramètres de yunohost/Email et tout est rentré dans l’ordre.
Faut-il absolument pop3?
Merci pour ton aide et ta réponse bonne aprem.

non, POP3 n’a quasiment plus aucun intérêt de nos jours, sauf cas particulier.
Donc laisse-le désactivé.

Très bizarre mes deux serveurs me rapportent :

sudo ls -l /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3': No such file or directory

J’ai aussi pop3 désactivé, je pense qu’il est désactivé par défaut sur yunohost ou bien c’est que je préfère m’en passer.
Tant mieux que c’est corrigé

Ok donc je laisse désactiver merci pour la réponse.

Merci pour ton aide et ta réponse.

1 Like

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