[Pixelfed] Pictures not loading

For those willing to try, I’m implementing those changes in testing branch Picture not available when posting · Issue #211 · YunoHost-Apps/pixelfed_ynh · GitHub

This is only a partial fix, more investigations are needed.

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Hello Lapineige,

yes this is exactly what I mean :
-2 days ago I installed pixelfed on a brand new yunohost server, all working except… images not showing (nor on the pixelfed, nor the app or mastodon account distant following the pixelfed only user)
-then I tried modifying the filesystems.php manually according to your previous message, and the php8.2 artisan commands no changes, even the chown bit as well;
-“aren’t enough” indeed mean : no change, no pictures able to load wether previously uploaded ones or the actual ones.

I will try upgrading right away with the testing branch :slight_smile:

Hey hey ! It seems to solve it !

I can see my picture on the pixelfed webUI,
AND on pixelDroid (from f-droid) as well.
AND on Mastodon from distant account, It says “unavailable” but I can see it by clicking on it.

NICE JOB ! :clap:

The good news is : no of this is lost. It’s a permissions issue, once fixed you won’t have to reupload them and so on.

Uh… that’s not was it supposed to happen. You should have the pictures display (on Pixelfed) fixed after running those commands.
I wonder if new installation are affected differently… But it’s too late to check now that you upgrade to that branch ^^

Ok, “as expected” from my experience.

Oh, that’s neat !
So it may access to those pictures differently…

That’s great, but it won’t work for newly uploaded pictures. However running the chown command again should fix it.

thanks for the update, I will try to upload new pictures and check if it works, and if it doesn’t I’ll make sure the “only” thing to do is to run the chown command.

If so, and for my own, I’ll juste crontab the command, but I guess It could be troublesome for other users.

Thanks anyway. will keep you posted.

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I didn’t think about this solution, very interesting workaround !
Maybe I will implement while we search for a real fix, as (YNH) Pixelfed instances are currently broken…

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as you predicted : the uploaded image wasn’t visible on the webUI, before the end of the upload (while typing description, alt-text etc…) I ran the chown command and it became visible straight away.

Will crontab this for now, thanks a lot !

Edit: on this second post (that needed a chown) the image now correctly appears in the mastodon distant timeline with the following account \o/.

Oh really ? :astonished:

Maybe it was because of the chown before posting the picture ? :thinking:

caveating that i am at the limits of my sys-admin knowledge…

since this seems to be a YUNOHOST issue, is YNH doing something to the users / user groups that is causing the need to CHOWN to www-data? or is there a user NOT in the pixelfed group that should be that would fix the issue?

Perhaps … :thinking: , if the activitypub only “pushes” it once to followers ??
It seems a bit edgy as servers could not all be up at the exact time of the upload. Probably a side effect of some kind, dunno enough about activityPub for this :confused:

If you don’t post it, nothing is shared until you do.

We really need to investigate that. This is the only working scenario I’ve seen so far.
What are the current rights and owners of that file ?
Did you check before ? What were they ?
Did you do anything else ?

Are you able to reproduce it ?

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Please see related discussion on github for those details.

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So… It is solved in latest testing, coming soon as normal version (v0.11.6~ynh2) :tada:
At least it should fix the issue on Pixelfed side ! :tada:

Not yet on Mastodon, we still need to figure out why.

Thanks a lot to all people who contributed to solve this mystery ! :smiley:


ran the test upgrade, image worked just fine, AND i see it just fine on mastodon.

Thank you again for all the work on this!

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Sorry wasn’t clear, I meant about the pictures posted.

The first one I posted wasn’t visible anywhere, after the upgrade to latest testing branch AND using the chown command, I was able to see (on pixelfed webUI and pixeldroid app connected to my pixelfed) the image, and on mastodon distant follower timeline, the picture was “unable to load” but available by a click in a new tab of my browser.

The second One I posted, with the chown done BEFORE finishing the post, was visible everywhere (pixelfed webUI, pixeldroid app, mastodon distant follower’s timeline).

Hope it is more clear :stuck_out_tongue:

here’s the public folder (it has many more files than I have posted haha) :

Had reproduced this on a third post, for which the cron - chown passed during the posting (still after upload, but before ending the post with texts and alt-text…) and again, picture visible everywhere (pixelfed webUI/pixeldroid AND mastodon distant timeline).

Shall I pull the new “testing branch” again?
Should I remove my crontab entry with this one ?

cheers to all.

Oooooh !
Very interesting !
I’ll report that.

However, I tried, and it doesn’t work for me.
By the rights where wrong in my case:

.rw-r–r-- 3.3M pixelfed www-data somePicture.jpg
.rw-r–r-- 63k pixelfed pixelfed somePicture_thumb.jpg

Could your cron have interfered in the process ?
It does only a chown, right ?

It should no longer be necessary (but it will do not harm appart from the few wasted computation).

it might have, but yes it only chowns the folder to the group :www-data :slight_smile:

will pull the new branch.

For what it’s worth, the upgrade is failing for me (YunoHost 11.1.18, Raspberry Pi 4), I think at this point:

323481 WARNING chmod: cannot access '/var/www/pixelfed/public/storage/m/_v2/*': No such file or directory

323473 DEBUG + '[' -d /var/www/pixelfed/public/storage/m/_v2/ ']'
323473 DEBUG + chmod 750 -R '/var/www/pixelfed/public/storage/m/_v2/*'
323481 WARNING chmod: cannot access '/var/www/pixelfed/public/storage/m/_v2/*': No such file or directory
323482 DEBUG + ynh_exit_properly
323482 DEBUG + local exit_code=1
323483 DEBUG + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]

Log available here: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/lumovetutu

YunoHost’s Lychee app has also been experiencing broken image links but I have no idea if the two are connected.

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Did you upload any picture in your instance since your installed it ?