[Photoprism] An AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web


Photoprism for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status
Install Photoprism with YunoHost

This app has been packaged by @Limezy, all thanks to him :tada:


PhotoPrismÂź is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.


  • Browse all your photos and videos without worrying about RAW conversion, duplicates or video formats
  • Easily find specific pictures using powerful search filters
  • Includes four high-resolution world maps to bring back the memories of your favorite trips
  • Play Live Photosℱ by hovering over them in albums and search results
  • Recognizes the faces of your family and friends
  • Automatic classification of pictures based on their content and location

Demo: https://demo-fr.photoprism.app


Screenshot of Photoprism

Disclaimers / important information

  • Known limitations:

    • Although reaching level 7, Photoprism hasn’t yet been extensively tested in real conditions
    • Please use with extreme care if you install it on a test server !
    • Not tested yet with AMD architecture
    • Photoprism currently supports only one user. OIDC should be supported within a few months
    • Photoprism requires an important amount of RAM and disk to install or to work properly
  • At first install, you’ll be prompted for credentials

    • Username is “admin”
    • Password is the password you have set during the installation

Documentation and resources

Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade photoprism -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh/tree/testing --debug

More info regarding app packaging: https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps


Photoprism pour YunoHost

Niveau d'intégration Statut du fonctionnement Statut de maintenance
Installer Photoprism avec YunoHost

Cette application a été packagée par @Limezy, grand merci à lui :tada:

Vue d’ensemble

PhotoPrismÂź is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.


  • Parcourez toutes vos photos et vidĂ©os sans vous soucier de la conversion RAW, des doublons ou des formats vidĂ©o
  • Retrouvez facilement des photos spĂ©cifiques grĂące Ă  des filtres de recherche puissants
  • Inclut quatre cartes du monde en haute rĂ©solution pour raviver les souvenirs de vos voyages prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s
  • Lancez les Photos Liveℱ en les survolant dans les albums et les rĂ©sultats de recherche
  • ReconnaĂźt les visages de votre famille et de vos amis
  • Classification automatique des photos en fonction de leur contenu et de leur emplacement

DĂ©mo : https://demo-fr.photoprism.app

Captures d’écran

Capture d'Ă©cran de Photoprism

Avertissements / informations importantes

  • Limites connues :

    • Bien qu’ayant atteint le niveau 7, Photoprism n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© testĂ© de maniĂšre approfondie en conditions rĂ©elles.
    • Veuillez l’utiliser avec extrĂȘme prudence si vous l’installez sur un serveur de test !
    • Pas encore testĂ© avec l’architecture AMD
    • Photoprism ne supporte actuellement qu’un seul utilisateur. OIDC devrait ĂȘtre supportĂ© d’ici quelques mois.
    • Photoprism nĂ©cessite une quantitĂ© importante de RAM et de disque pour ĂȘtre installĂ© et fonctionner correctement.
  • Lors de la premiĂšre installation, il vous sera demandĂ© de fournir des informations d’identification.

    • Le nom d’utilisateur est “admin”.
    • Le mot de passe est celui que vous avez dĂ©fini lors de l’installation.

Documentations et ressources

Informations pour les développeurs

Merci de faire vos pull request sur la branche testing.

Pour essayer la branche testing, procédez comme suit.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade photoprism -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh/tree/testing --debug

Plus d’infos sur le packaging d’applications : https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps


Great @Tho thanks for that post !

@All please be aware that @tituspijean has recently found a bug here : initrd.img error, bad gateway but service running · Issue #22 · YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh · GitHub, for which we haven’t been yet able to find the root cause.

If you are lucky, photoprism will just run, and in that case should work very well.
If you are not, you may bump into a 502 nginx error message
 until we find a fix !

I’ll report here once the fix will be made.


A fix is on the way !


Just a small question : is the world map included here ?
I thought it was a premium function.

Is it also possible to use it as read only of NextCloud folders ?
(In my case, the photos are not in the shared multimedia folder but 100% handled by NextCloud)

Cool! I’ve been running this over a year with Docker. It’s a great app.

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There will still be some work to be done for guys like you, to help for the migration from Docker to the “native” app. I’ll have a look of what photoprism provides for instance migration.

I don’t think so, but I would have to recheck

Yes, but you would have to amend manually the .env file

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@Mamie after double checking, world map is included by default !

Hello from Bangkok :slight_smile:

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No worries. I’m happy with my docker install for now. The key feature I’m waiting for is multi-user support.

Currently, I run two instances of photprism + mariadb, one for me and one for my other family member.

It is not ideal.

Yes I understand
 The OIDC feature request has been waiting since 3 years

Once done I’ll use the dex app to bind yunohost users to photoprism !


Or you symlink your directory with /home/yunohost.app/photoprism/photos/originals (or something like that). That’s what I have done and it works great!


Good to know ! I didn’t think something like this would work

I thought photoprism had an explicit function to import its photos from nextcloud. I’d like it to sync though. Which didn’t work when I ran it in Docker, apparently because the nginx server which runs (yunohost) nextcloud doesn’t allow for that due to some webdav config shortcomings (which apache would not have). I’m not knowledgeable on this at all so I stopped trying after that.

Sync with nextcloud would be awesome though. My phone uploads automatically to nextcloud, but many photos can be deleted later. Managing photos in nextcloud itself is basically impossible for me (too slow, pretty much crashing on larger folders due to thumbnails generation, the plugin preview generator didn’t work for me either and I can’t find an easy documentation on it).

I sync my photos from phone to nextcloud. Then I run an rsync script to move it to my RAID-1 drive where I have photoprism running. I then run index again and photoprism picks up the photos.

A bit old now but my tutorial on it is here. Ask any other questions you have. I’ve been runnig it for at least 2 years now.

NOTE: I do not use the Photoprism yunohost app. I am just running it with Docker.

Thanks for the tutorial.

On my side I already have the pictures on my phone, in NextCloud (on a RAID on 2 disks), on a local backup and soon on a distant backup.

I really do not want them in double (even if borg deduplication could lead to a not bigger backups).

I think Photoprism can be configured to look at some specific folder and then import the new pics coming in. (I will have to dig in the config panel documentation to implement this in the app
You still would have some “doubles” though (mainly pre-computed various previews sizes).
There is no magic, this is the cost for a faster interface

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Hi @Limezy , I have an issue to run Photoprism with a 32bits raspberry3 (install well done :white_check_mark: )

admin@polochon:~ $ sudo yunohost service log photoprism
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)
  - /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /var/www/photoprism/live/bin/photoprism)

My system is up do date, but I only have the 2.31 version:

admin@polochon:~ $ ldd --version
ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.31-13+rpt2+rpi1+deb11u5) 2.31

Is there anything I can do? I’m not sure I can force an upgrade of this without collateral dammage. Is there a plan to compile photoprism with older glibc version?

Thanks :slight_smile:

edit: the issue was due to 32 bits OS, which is not supported apparently. No issue with 64 bits.

Hi here,
I’m not sure if it is really a bug, or maybe it should be mentioned in the documentation, but the webdav adress showed in the settings is not necessary the right one.
For my case, it was: https://admin@my-domain-name/originals.
But of course, in a case of a yunohost setup, you should add the prefix you setup for the app. So in my case it was https://admin@my-domain-name/photoprism/originals because this is the suffix setup at installation


Are you on latest master of the Photoprism package (version from 1st of September 2022)?
I don’t have your glibc issue with this version.

If I try to update, then the same problem arise because the new Photoprism builds are based on Jammy (Ubuntu 22.10) which has a higher glibc version.
The upstream maintainer is open for a pull request that re-add the Debian Bullseye builds, if someone wants to give a try: Update the Debian Bullseye docker image · Discussion #3123 · photoprism/photoprism · GitHub

Hi Tho, the issue was (probably) due to a 32bits OS. After raspbian 64bits reinstallation, everything is fine!

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