OpenSondage - Clicking on "Create" give error 500 (blank page)

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12
What app is this about: OpenSondage

Describe your issue

Hi everyone!

After installing OpenSondage, I tried to create one to test and I end up on a blank page with error 500.

I seach the forum and found this topic : New survey after new install of OpenSondage delivers only empty page

I was trying to understand what I needed to do exactly to solve this. Perhaps my resume will benefit other members.

Option 1 from @mrflos

In /etc/yunohost/apps/opensondage/settings.yml :

Make sure that the email is opensondage@domain.tld
=> No email entry in the file…

In /var/www/opensondage/app/inc/config.php

=> opensondage@domain.tld
Make sure that the value of host in smtp_options is domain.tld and smtp_options[‘host’] and smtp_options[‘username’]
=> host : domain.tld
=> username : opensondage

Option 2 from @lolgzs

In /etc/postfix/app_senders_login_maps

First, check /etc/postfix/app_senders_login_maps and note the mail account associated to opensondage.
=> opensondage@domain.tld

Then in /etc/yunohost/apps/opensondage/settings.yml

Get the value of mail_pwd and domain
=> series of letters and number
=> domain.tld

In /var/www/opensondage/app/inc/config.php :

ADRESSEMAILADMIN : put the mail referenced in app_senders_login_maps
in $config :
** auth => true
** username => opensondage
** host => the value of domain
** password => the value of mail_pwd

=> Password is the same as the one in /etc/yunohost/apps/opensondage/settings.yml. Domain is good.

In the end, just putting use_smtp to false solved the problem. I do not have a working email server on my Yunohost server. ISP/FAI is blocking it.

Share relevant logs or error messages

Error 500 when clicking on create

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