Could you please fill the support template when you submit a ticket? It’ll be much easier to help you.
I can see this line in your log file:
2020-02-14 12:10:49,188: DEBUG - This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3. You are currently running 7.4.2.+ ynh_die ‘–message=Unable to install Nextcloud’
Have you somehow upgraded the PHP version of your server?
I have no idea how my server was upgraded to 7.4. ;(
I tried the solution of apt remove php7.4* apt install php7.0-zip
nextcloud installs just fine, no warnings whatsoever. Looked good, but
but my nextcloud says on the landing page of nextcloud that no php is installed.
What do i do
Could you please tell us on what hardware your yunohost is installed? What other apps are installed? And give the exact error displayed on the Nextcloud homepage? Thanks