Nextcloud Internal Server Error, car Mysql ne veut pas se lancer

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Description du problème

Bonjour, depuis quelques jours j’ai des difficlutés avec Nextcloud auquel je n’arrive pas à accéder à distance.
En regardant, j’ai vu que le service MySQL était arrêté, j’ai donc tenter de le redémarrer en vain.
Lorque j’essaie d’accéder à Nextcloud, il est affiché sur la page :

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

Voici les logs pour MySQL : hastebin

  • ceux obtenues avec “Partager avec YunoPaste” : hastebin

Et voici les logs pour Nextcloud des derniers jours : hastebin

I bet I have similar symptoms. =( I tried to restore some previous backups, and it didn’t help at all. So let me subscribe to your topic. Did you defeat this problem by any chance?

Do you speak English? I mostly guessing semantics of your post, and Firefox doesn’t picking up the page for translation. If switching further to English isn’t an option – I’ll run replies through a translator. %)

Nextcloud version, I’m having problems with, is 27.1.4~ynh1.

My shorter story is that I tried to upgrade it, didn’t immediately check results, then it was found like this, restoring didn’t help.

Meanwhile I tried to remove Nc and install it again. Now the same “Internal Server Error” is displayed not as plaint text but with Nc styling, heading, Ynh overlay square, and “Technical details” section which contains “Remote Address” (IP), and “Request ID”.

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