Kanboard package


I’ve packaged Kanboard for Yunohost, if someone wants to test and give me feedbacks you are welcome.

Sources: https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh


Kanboard is a simple visual task board web application.

Official website: http://kanboard.net

  • Inspired by the Kanban methodology
  • Get a visual and clear overview of your project
  • Multiple boards with the ability to drag and drop tasks
  • Minimalist software, focus only on essential features (Less is more)
  • Open source and self-hosted
  • Super simple installation


sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh

Great! Installed on my Banana Pi (under Bananian). First tests successfull. I was wondering about a post-it application. With Kanboard, you cannot stick them anywhere. But that’s better, cause that lets you get organized. I have now to use it to tell more.

As far as I see : good integration in YunoHost, Tostaki. A must to integrate in the official application list.

You should advertise on your app here :

@xof Thanks for the feedback ! If you’re looking for a true post-it application you can give scrumblr a try : https://github.com/aliasaria/scrumblr

@juju done

Thanks for the information about scrumblr: must have on Yunohost ! Who takes it?
Live dedicated demo: http://scrumblr.ca/yunohost

The package has been updated to Kanboard v1.0.9.

Upgrade from command line with:

sudo yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh kanboard

Thank you for the update.
Earlier each user could see the list of registered users which was breach in the privacy.
But now only admin can see the list.
Now it is a very usable package.

Update to Kanboard v1.0.10

Changelog here : http://kanboard.net/news

Upgrade from command line with:

sudo yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh kanboard

Update to Kanboard v1.0.11

Changelog here : http://kanboard.net/news

Upgrade from command line with:

sudo yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/mbugeia/kanboard_ynh kanboard

Thanks for the update.

Update to Kanboard v1.0.12

Changelog and upgrade as usual. Many new features :smiley:

Thanks for the super fast update!

Changelog for the lazy: http://kanboard.net/news/version-1.0.12 (a lot of new features indeed)

Is public access mode possible ? I still get redirected to yuno panel :slight_smile:

Probably possible but not implemented, I suggest that you read this issue (in french):

Moreover in the current state of the package, any update will overwrite kanboard’s config file. Since kanboard can accept multiple source of authentification (internal, ldap, reverse proxy, github, google), I’m not sure what’s the best way to handle public access.

I will try to implement it soon.


Is there any update on accessing the kanboard login page directly for users created in kanboard ? Kanboard users do not have the access to the yuno login.


Can the LDAP integration be removed so that I can give public access to the Kanboard ?
Can it run as separate app ?

Hi, sorry for the lack of response.

Yes you can remove the LDAP integration by modifying the file /var/www/kanboard/config.php and set REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH to false
You also need to make kanboard available to public with the command

sudo yunohost app setting kanboard skipped_uris -v "/"
sudo yunohost app ssowatconf

With this, user will be able to register in kanboard. Note that you can also activate Github or Google login.

BUT, all modification of the config.php file will be overwritten if you upgrade the app, so in case of upgrade backup your config in another directory.

Without template system for config file, there is currently no easy way to manage multiple configuration in package. :confused:

It worked
Do I need to keep backup of all the config.php or I can add RREVERSE_PROXY_AUTH to false again after updation to disable Ldap ?

If it’s the only chnage you made it may be better to turn REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH to false after an upgrade. The developer of Kanboard often add options to config.php with updates and the only option I have to handle this is to overwrite the file during upgrade.

Version 1.0.36 was released
Any one test this version? Does the Yunohost package need to be updated or should we wait another kanboard released? (each month there’s a new released, the developpment goes fast)