It would be so awesome if any email service in YunoHost started supporting JMAP, which is an IETF-approved, open, and modern standard for email communication!
What do you think? Where could I submit a feature request?
It would be so awesome if any email service in YunoHost started supporting JMAP, which is an IETF-approved, open, and modern standard for email communication!
What do you think? Where could I submit a feature request?
This feature is being tracked down in JMAP support · Issue #2333 · YunoHost/issues · GitHub .
Hi Tommy
Just out of curiosity, can you tell me how this would be an improvement on IMAP?
We had POP3 which was substandard, but today I cannot imagine a use case that IMAP doesn’t meet.
I’ve attended a conference by JMAP developer and found that JMAP was nice and would have been a nice upgrade to POP3.
But today with IMAP supported everywhere I cannot imagine why the open source community should spend manpower to redevelop every server and client and then hope that major service providers like Gmail will do the same.
I cannot spot a major flaw in IMAP that would require a complete rewrite of a new protocol. If IMAP is lacking some feature it can be added as an extension (just like GMail does).
My point is that starting from clean state is always compelling but is underestimating the effort required. Joel Spolsky call it “single worst strategic mistake” in Things You Should Never Do.
So yes, JMAP is a nice protocol that could be, and IMAP is the protocol that works today, everywhere, so I don’t see the point.