Import Users: Unexpected server error II

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: SSH

Describe your issue

This seems to bethe same as: Import Users: Unexpected server error

I exported our users, but when I try to re-import the file (without any changes to it), it throws “Unexpected server error” at me. When I try to run

Error: The following columns are missing: username, firstname, lastname, password, mail, mail-alias, mail-forward, mailbox-quota, groups

(som eof the colums are addedb by us I believe). We do not have “quota” column. When I tried to add it or when I tried to modify the file, for example by deleting all but one user or by deleting columns that were not full, nothing helped, the same error happened.

Share relevant logs or error messages

There is nothing in thelogs for today when I tried this.

i would be curious if the importing users works for other people?

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