How to turn YunoHost into a NAS with Samba

Provided there is a mechanism to prohibit installation on a publicly exposed server. This complicates things a bit (but it’s still doable with the remote diagnostics API).

I made a samba configuration, I think the setup is as follows:

Install samba

apt install samba

Create some groups

In the permissions section of the webadmin you have to create groups. If a person is in the group he will have access to this or that samba folder.

Create shared dir

mkdir -p /home/public/dir1
mkdir -p /home/public/dir2
mkdir -p /home/public/dir3

Prohibition to explore via sftp/ssh if you don’t have the rights:

chmod o=--- /home/public/dir*

Giving rights to groups

setfacl -R -m g:group1:rwx,d:g:group1:rwx /home/public/dir1
setfacl -R -m g:group2:rwx,d:g:group2:rwx /home/public/dir1
setfacl -R -m g:all_users:rwx,d:g:all_users:rwx /home/public/dir2
setfacl -R -m g:group1:rwx,d:g:group1:rwx /home/public/dir3
setfacl -R -m g:group2:rwx,d:g:group2:rwx /home/public/dir3

It may be possible to manage the transferability of rights differently with the setgid. To think about.

Create the configuration



   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 1000
   logging = file
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

   server role = standalone server

   obey pam restrictions = yes
   unix password sync = yes
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
   pam password change = yes
   map to guest = bad user

   usershare allow guests = yes

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   read only = yes
   create mask = 0700
   directory mask = 0700
   valid users = %S

   comment = dir1 (D)
   read only = no
   path = /home/public/dir1
   guest ok = no
   browsable = yes
   valid users = @group1, @group2
   directory mask = 770
   create mask = 0660
   vfs objects = dfs_samba4 acl_xattr recycle
   recycle:repository = .recycle
   recycle:keeptree = yes
   recycle:versions = yes

   comment = dir2 (E)
   read only = no
   path = /home/public/dir2
   guest ok = no
   browsable = yes
   valid users = @all_users
   directory mask = 770
   create mask = 0660

   comment = dir3 (Z)
   read only = no
   path = /home/public/dir3
   guest ok = no
   browsable = no
   valid users = @group1, @group2
   directory mask = 770
   create mask = 0660
   vfs objects = dfs_samba4 acl_xattr recycle
   recycle:repository = .recycle
   recycle:keeptree = yes
   recycle:versions = yes

Set the samba password for each user

One has to define for each user⋅ices a password with smbpasswd -a USER. It might be possible to link authentication to ldap, but that I haven’t done probably for a good reason.



echo "${password}
" | sudo smbpasswd -a $user


sudo smbpasswd -x $user


(Optionnel) Supprimer les fichiers de plus de 7 jours


# Clean all empty directory inside .recycle and all files older than 7 days
#set -eux
find /home/public/dir3/.recycle/ -ctime +7 -type f -delete
find /home/public/dir3/.recycle/ -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -delete

find /home/public/dir1/.recycle/ -ctime +7 -type f -delete
find /home/public/dir1/.recycle/ -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -delete

Reload samba

systemctl reload smbd

Open the ports

You need to open the ports 445 in UDP and TCP

Backup Hook



# Source YNH helpers
source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

ynh_restore_dest (){
    cd "$YNH_CWD"

# Exit hook on subcommand error or unset variable

# Samba
app="custom_samba" # Cette variable est importante pour le helper suivant
ynh_install_app_dependencies "samba" 

ynh_restore_dest "data/custom/samba"
ynh_restore_file "/etc/samba"
ynh_restore_file "/var/lib/samba"
ynh_restore_file "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create/99-samba"
ynh_restore_file "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_delete/99-samba"
ynh_restore_file --src_path="/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_update/99-samba" --not_mandatory
ynh_restore_file "/etc/cron.daily/clean-trash"



# Source YNH helpers
source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

ynh_backup_dest (){
    mkdir -p $YNH_CWD
    cd "$YNH_CWD"

# Exit hook on subcommand error or unset variable

# Samba
ynh_backup_dest "data/custom/samba"
ynh_backup "/etc/samba"
ynh_backup "/var/lib/samba"
ynh_backup "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create/99-samba"
ynh_backup "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_delete/99-samba"
ynh_backup --src_path="/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_update/99-samba" --not_mandatory
ynh_backup "/etc/cron.daily/clean-trash"

Je te remercie pour ce paramétrage, je vais mettre le nez dedans car j’ai essayé WebDav et c’est beaucoup plus lent. Quand je suis sur le réseau local connecté avec WebDav, la connexion part à l’extérieur pour revien, avec une connexion ADSL c’est pas top pour transférer des gros fichiers.


Dis donc il y a beaucoup de choses là-dedans à ingurgiter ! :scream:
Merci pour ce travail !

Pour configurer Samba, et empêcher de rendre public sur internet le contenu du dossier partagé, je m’étais basé sur les conseils du bon @tituspijean qui parlait notamment de dé-commenter ces lignes du fichier smb.conf :

   interfaces = eth0
   bind interfaces only = yes

Avais-je bien compris ? Et est-ce suffisant ? @ljf , tu sembles dire ici que non… :grimacing:

Oui, ou simplement ne pas ouvrir le port sur la box. Mais la sécurité de titus est probablement une bonne idée, même si je la comprend pas.

En me relisant, je réalise pourquoi tu ne comprends pas. :sweat_smile: De base j’utilise Samba via un VPN, et en réalité j’ai donc mis ça plutôt:

   interfaces = vpn_interface
   bind interfaces only = yes

Sauf que dans mon explication j’ai voulu généraliser, et j’ai mis eth0, ce qui est un peu con car toute connexion vient du réseau local… @Nardanaito le mieux est en effet de t’assurer que les ports 445 de ton routeur ne sont pas ouverts.

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Can someone translate it in English please? Can we configure Nfs along with Samba?

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Sorry, sometimes i don’t see that i am writing in french… It’s quickly translated

I don’t know