In some appplications, like Owncloud for example, the home logo for Yunohost at the bottom right is a hindrance. Is there a proper way to remove it or to mask it?
I plan to make it “draggable”, so you can move it elsewhere.
Thanks opi. Alternatively, it could fade away “on mouse long stay”.
For now, I’ll go with a dirty CSS display:none.
today i try to reduce the button in the bottom right because in the android is too big.
so i find where is the code to change, now is perfect with chromium browser and firefox,but in android still a little big.
Any one knows where to look to reduce for small ecrans.
the file is ynhpanel.css
this is what i changed:
******************************************************************* */
#ynhportal {
display: block;
position: fixed;
z-index: 10000000;
bottom: 51px;
right: 20px;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
padding: 7px;
border: 7px solid #41444f;
border-radius: 100px;
background: #41444f;
@olho You can probably use some Media Queries:
It allows you to set different CSS rules for different screen resolutions.
Yes i check and i see the css rules and i try to change but not changed in the android. Well, for now is perfect!
Hello all,
After upgrade, the logo is draggable ! You can even drag it out of the window
Thanks (@opi ?)
It looks so cute.
you’re welcome, glad you like it !!
The link to logo don’t work after I have changed the portal domain in conf.json.persistent.
"portal_domain": "random.domain.tld"
The main domain is set to domain.tld but the link don’t take me back to the home page now
The link is created here : https://github.com/yunohost/ssowat/blob/unstable/portal/assets/js/ynhpanel.js#L203-L208 , and is basically a link to “/yunohost/sso”, no matter the current domain. Maybe SSOwat is not ready for a proper portal_domain
change. I’ve never tested it out.
Note, you may use the bugtracker for reporting issues
Hey everybody
I would like to hide or turn off this bottom right logo, because I host a public website on my YNH (with https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh).
Can I hide the logo only for this app ?
Thanks !
I think you can edit the config file, should be something like /etc/nginx/conf.d/your.domain.tld.d/my_webapp.conf
, then comment the line related to ynhpanel.js, and reload nginx
It works thanks a lot!
Beware on update the logo will come again.
Any idea of a way to turn it off automatically after updates ?
You can have a look there : YunoHost switch box in the lower right side blocks apps UI elements
On my side, I commented everything in
So the js is not even present in the pages.I’ll see if this is overrided when YunoHost is updated
It was months ago and no update broke it
It will disable the panel for every panel
admin@the:/etc/nginx/conf.d $ sudo mv yunohost_panel.conf.inc yunohost_panel.conf.inc.bak
admin@the:/etc/nginx/conf.d $ sudo touch yunohost_panel.conf.inc
it worked and it was so easy!!!
thank you!
You can use the following command to remove the overlay:
yunohost settings set ssowat.panel_overlay.enabled -v False