How to (exactly :-)) use autodns/lexicon for «other» registrar, e.g. Hetzner?

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: no

Describe your issue

tl;dr: I would like to use the autodns function with Hetzner DNS. I read at several locations, that this could work. But found anywhere hints/documentation where to exactly find, how to use/configurate autodns for other registrars than officially supported.

Hi everyone
I’m new to Yunohost and no IT Pro, but set up my first server on a RPi behind a dynamic IP. In general, everything works great and I also set up DynDNS (with own domain) via YDNS.

But YDNS is restricted, I would like to use my top level domain (and no subdomain), and the DNS records with several subdomains are rather complicated for me. So I read about autodns/lexicon for use with any registrar, especially Hetzner, where my domain is registered.

I did a intensive search, but found only recommendations of autodns/lexicon (here, here), but nowhere any hint of how to use it exactly, nor a documentation, nor found it on my server, nor in the webadmin.

So: Can you help me how to proceed?
I’m grateful for any hints, thank you!

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Hi !
Here’s the documentation for getting the auth_token at Hetzner
Then you’ll have to paste it in the configuration of your domain, on yunohost webadmin.
From there you should be able to update your DNS zone from the webadmin.

Thanks @Tagada for your quick reply! Sounds very easy. But either something is not working here or I just don’t get it… :slight_smile:

I think by «configuration of your domain, on yunohost webadmin» you mean /yunohost/admin/#/domains/thedomain/dns ? There I just find the hint, that YH couldn’t recognize my registrar and I am encouraged to config dns manually. Did I do something wrong? Can I add information to the domain (e.g. in a config file) to make it work?

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately, this looks like a bug somewhere in YunoHost core.
As the doc says, we didn’t had the chance to try every registrar. We will have to investigate this.

Thanks again, @Tagada!
In the meantime I checked if the behaviour had to do with the YDNS nameservers. But it hadn’t. So I solved the problem now with the Hetzner DDNS Updater.

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