How to configure ipv6 on Netcomm NF20MESH to work with a ip4 unohost



My YunoHost server

Old gaming computer. nividia 970 display card, 500gig crucial ssd, mbord: gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R with 16gig of mem

**YunoHost version:
yunohost-bullseye-11.0.9-amd64-stable run from usb that was made using balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.11
HDD was formatted using gparted-live-1.5.0-6-amd64

I have access to my server as admin

Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?

Description of my issue

What I hope to achieve? ipv6 router working with ipv4 unohost server

Is there anyone who can help me configure my router to send ipv6 to my yunohost server.

I have verified with my isp (aussie broadband) that ipv6 is enables and working. The router indicates that ipv6 is being recieved but my yunohost server is not recieving it.
Also, my personal computer does not have an ipv6 address. Both computers are on wired lan and dont show an ipv6 under network properties. Note: my wireless devices do have an ipv6 address.

best regarfds,


Hi uncertain,

The NF20MESH is your router and is the only device providing internet and WiFi in the house, is that correct?

Is it an ISP-provided router, and does your personal computer run an operating system that your ISP supports? In that case maybe (users on the forum of) your ISP can help you get IPv6 on your desktop running

Without that, pages 41-42 of the manual (sorry, could not find a Netcomm-site for download) tell how it should work on this router.

As an aside, while trying to find a manual for your router, I found a vulnerability in older (pre-R6B025) firmwares, if you have not updated the firmware in a long time you might look into that.

Good luck!


many thanks for the quick response.

[quote=“wbk, post:2, topic:29445, full:true”]
Hi uncertain,

The NF20MESH is your router and is the only device providing internet and WiFi in the house, is that correct?


Is it an ISP-provided router, and does your personal computer run an operating system that your ISP supports? In that case maybe (users on the forum of) your ISP can help you get IPv6 on your desktop running

yes. I contacted technical support and they helped setup static ip, domain loopback ( I think its called) and verifying that ip6 is indeed working on the modem side. They ( ) said its outside their scope to help me forward the ipv6 to my server. (I know its not called forwarding)

Without that, pages 41-42 of the manual (sorry, could not find a Netcomm-site for download) tell how it should work on this router.

Yes, we found those pages but understanding it is another matter. I am familiar with ipv4 port forwarding but this “does not compute”

As an aside, while trying to find a manual for your router, I found a vulnerability in older (pre-R6B025) firmwares, if you have not updated the firmware in a long time you might look into that.

thank you thank you. I will check it. I’ll do some screenshots of my router screen and post them after blanking out importan info. :slight_smile:


Here are the screenshots:

I assume where I have noted a “1” that there should be something here?

Best regards,


Hi uncertain,

IPv6 needs none of the workarounds that make IPv4 a hell to work with, but with it being “only” 25 years old, it is less familiar. To me too.

Your screenshot has “Enable DHCPv6 server” and “Stateless” enabled.

With stateless configuration (search online for “SLAAC”), devices ‘just pick’ an IPv6, and start communicating. They pick the address by combining the ‘prefix’ (the ‘hard coded first half’ of the ISP-supplied IPv6) that your router ‘advertises’, with their own ‘interface ID’ (based on the MAC address of the device).

For my own server I did the ‘just pick an IPv6’ by myself. For ease of recognition, I picked something based on the IPv4.

For sake of conversation, my /etc/network/interfaces is

# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet6 static
        address 2a10:3781:2d49:172:26:003:104::/64
        post-up ip route add 2a10:3781:2d49:172:26:001:001:: dev eth0
        post-up ip route add default via 2a10:3781:2d49:172:26:001:001:: dev eth0
        pre-down ip route del default via 2a10:3781:2d49:172:26:001:001:: dev eth0
        pre-down ip route del 2a10:3781:2d49:172:26:001:001:: dev eth0

iface eth0 inet static

You’ll recognize:

  • as IPv4
  • 2a10:3781:2d49 as IPv6 prefix
  • 172:26:003:104::/64 as Interface ID; note the :: meaning: “just add zero’s as needed” (allowed only once per address)
  • the address ending in 001:001:: is the router/gateway.

You’ll need to log in via SSH or at the keyboard, and change to root (or use sudo) to change /etc/network/interfaces. Make a copy first:

$ sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/

so you can revert in case you mess up.

Your current configuration already will have the iface xxxy inet static (or dhcp). Add a new section for IPv6: iface xxxy inet6 static, and the corresponding lines with the IP’s replaced by what’s required for your connection.

Some ways to figure out your prefix:

  • find it in your router
  • compare two mobile devices; the first half is identical and would be the prefix (or a link local ‘fe80:…’)
  • visit a ‘what is my IP’ website with your mobile device

Good luck!

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