March 17, 2023, 9:12pm
FitTrackee for YunoHost
Lire ce readme en français.
FitTrackee allows you to track your outdoor activities (workouts) from gpx files and keep your data on your own server.
No mobile app has been developed yet, but several existing mobile apps can store workouts data locally and export them into a gpx file.
Documentation and resources
Developer info
Please send your pull request to the testing branch .
To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.
sudo yunohost app install --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade fittrackee -u --debug
More info regarding app packaging:
Note that this app requires a dedicated domain name. I will try again once my subdomain is fully enabled.
I installed FitTrackee.
The default admin user isn’t recognized.
So, I created/registered a new user. Login invalid.
I followed the guide to make that user an administrator (in case of the first created user needs to be the admin).
pushd $install_dir/
pipenv shell
ftcli users update <user> --set-admin true
with the accurate path/username.
Login still invalid.
→ What did I miss ?
March 19, 2023, 6:02pm
First of all, thanks for your feedback!
Is the login still invalid or does it only refresh to the login page?
I’ve come accross an issue where login won’t work untill you disconnect from the Yunohost portal.
Could you try this or try FitTrackee in a private window?
Hmm, the page doesn’t seem to refresh, I only get:
With the developer tools from my browser (Vivaldi / [F12]), I see a JavaScript (?) message:
> POST 401
…but the page doesn’t reload, it’s only adding the message each time I click on the [Se connecter] button.
I tried on a private window, same result.
March 19, 2023, 7:01pm
Mmmh could you try to create a new user and set the new as admin to be sure it’s not a credential fault?
Yes, I already did it:
Here is a new screenshot:
I guess that something is missing with JS ?
March 20, 2023, 5:32pm
Mmmh strange…
Could you please telle me what was the exact result of
ftcli users update <user> --set-admin true
Is there a way to get back the results of older commands in the terminal/pipenv ?
I don’t remember the output, but I’m sure it was OK (some kind of confirmation that the command was validated).
PS: I did it again, result:
User 'blablabla" updated.
I tried to connect again, same result (Identifiants invalides )
March 20, 2023, 7:20pm
Could you please send the logs from fittrackee.service and fittrackee_workers.service?
-- Journal begins at Wed 2022-12-07 14:50:41 CET, ends at Tue 2023-03-21 07:57:22 CET. --
mars 19 08:54:17 systemd[1]: Started fittrackee service.
[2023-03-19 08:54:17 +0100] [816816] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
[2023-03-19 08:54:17 +0100] [816816] [INFO] Listening at: (816816)
[2023-03-19 08:54:17 +0100] [816816] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2023-03-19 08:54:17 +0100] [816967] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 816967
-- Journal begins at Wed 2022-12-07 14:50:41 CET, ends at Tue 2023-03-21 07:59:01 CET. --
mars 19 08:54:17 systemd[1]: Started fittrackee task queue service.
March 21, 2023, 7:13am
Mmh yes I misconfigured showed logs a bit, could you have a look in /var/log/fittrackee/fittrackee.log ?
March 21, 2023, 5:37pm
So logs are normal…
Are there special characters in your login name or password ?
March 21, 2023, 6:38pm
Installation failed
full log here
2023-03-21 18:34:10,946: DEBUG - Loading .env environment variables...
2023-03-21 18:34:12,578: DEBUG - Creating a virtualenv for this project...
2023-03-21 18:34:12,578: DEBUG - Pipfile: /var/www/fittrackee/Pipfile
2023-03-21 18:34:12,700: DEBUG - Using /usr/bin/python3.9 (3.9.2) to create virtualenv...
2023-03-21 18:34:14,209: DEBUG - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'virtualenv.activation.xonsh'
2023-03-21 18:34:14,209: DEBUG -
2023-03-21 18:34:14,219: DEBUG - ✘ Failed creating virtual environment
2023-03-21 18:34:14,220: DEBUG - [pipenv.exceptions.VirtualenvCreationException]:
2023-03-21 18:34:14,220: DEBUG - Failed to create virtual environment.
March 21, 2023, 8:23pm
python, pipenv
It seems to be an issue with the installation of virtualenv.
Could you try again after making sure your virtualenv installation is correct?
I never encounter this error so I can’t tell you exactly what do: I’m not an expert yet
No, everything is standard.
March 21, 2023, 8:27pm
Last hope, did you try with another browser?
If it still not work, try to force upgrade the app with
sudo yunohost app upgrade fittrackee -f --debug
I’ve just tried a new installation (a second FitTrackee instance on my server), and it works as expected for me
March 22, 2023, 4:47am
thank you.
I did (as root):
apt remove python3-virtualenv
then installation was successful , I’ve installed from webadmin (FTR).
Personal ToDo now: I’ll try to link data directory to an existing nextcloud folder with .gpx files from FitoTrack and also import some data from garmin’s backup file.
Just for clarification:
when installing, yunohost-admin is prompted to set a yunohost user as admin , set tile portal text, etc. but after installation (admin doc info) we have to create an user from fittrackee web interface and then set they from CLI as fittrackee admin. I have set the same ynh-user as admin in both, and apparently worked fine, but what’s the point of setting it in the first time? (at installation point). Thank you!!! (I will report here any issue or problem)
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It should be, I think:
sudo yunohost app upgrade -f fittrackee --debug
It didn’t change anything, as the app was up to date.
PS: I uninstalled/reinstalled fittrackee, still no go.
I also have AdguardHome on my yunohost machine, can there be a conflict ? (I already disabled the adblocking stuff on my browser, Vivaldi)