[ update ] go down… faster and safer solution with http-bind working all together at the end [ update ]
Since there isn’t an app to install via github like “conversejs_ynh”… I done a couple of roundabouts to solve the need of a xmpp client bypassing the old and unsupported jappix.
First, I already have a XMPP redirection for http-bind working.
Create/install an app “custom webpage”
Literally copycat (in the plagiarism sense of the word) the web https://inverse.chat even the folder structure.
The only thing that I changed from the original converse.html was the http-bind address to prevent overloading unnecessarily the creator’s http-bind, and by the way, the name of the file to index.html
Absolutely JUST THAT. Nothing more… and WORKS!!!
I feel so bad, for such a copy/paste technic, but solve the problem…
Nope… thanks to you… that already solved me half the problem… now I’m fighting to prevent using the CDN they use, in one hand to completely host the web client, and in other hand not to abuse CDN traffic.
There specify witch data need to be copied. Don’t forget the css/webfonts folder… is for the icons… the sounds folder… blah blah blah… everything available in the github.
Quand je rentre mes identifiants sur la page d’accueil de converse, rien ne se passe.
Avez-vous une idée ?
I wanted to test it, but there must be something I don’t understand.
That’s what I did:
webapp_custom initialization
install converse (root) in /var/www/my_webapp/www:
wget https://miradordemontepinar.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/tMKdgajBoQ8jpT3/download
mv index.html index.html.bup
unzip download
mv converse-js-modded/* ./ && rmdir converse-j-modded
sed -i.bup -e '/bosh_service_url/ s/https:\/\//miradordemontepinar.net/https:\/\/MY_DOMAINE.noho.st/' index.html
chown -R webapp1:webapp1 *
When I enter my login details on the converse homepage, nothing happens.
Do you have any idea?
I’ll love to see it packaged, cos it will be automatically updated, and could pack the converse.js and the xmpp http-bind in a whole app. What I did was something dirty, unreliable, fast and uncomfortable… but works. If that solve the problem for someone… I’m happy.
Nowhere nobody said it hurts… but you are loading work in an external server that connects again to your server… it’s like another step that degrades security and speed. I don’t know if you need to reinstall or rework the http-bind, but sounds like that.
Oui, passer par un serveur externe est une mauvaise chose et va à l’encontre des objectifs de l’autohébergement.
Je ne comprends pas clairement les tenant et aboutissant de HTTP-bind, mais j’imagine que cela permet de mettre en relation converse.js et le serveur BOSH !?
Si c’est ça, cela veut surement dire que le service BOSH est accessible via un port externe du serveur ?
Bref, le HTTP-bind n’est pas une chose que je maitrise.
Je serai ravi de voir un package arrivé pour cette webapp. Je ne sais pas faire du packaging, mais si je peux aider ce sera avec plaisir.
Yes, going through an external server is a bad thing and goes against the objectives of self-hosting.
I don’t clearly understand the ins and outs of HTTP-bind, but I guess it allows to connect converse.js and the BOSH server!
If that’s the case, it probably means that the BOSH service is accessible via an external port on the server?
In short, HTTP-bind is not something I master.
I will be happy to see a package arrived for this webapp. I don’t know how to make packaging, but if I can help it will be a pleasure.