External LDAP authentication

Thank you for rephrasing your question between the chatroom and here, it made me think of a solution. :wink:

I am no expert, but you can try to edit /etc/ldap/ldap.conf to add an URI that your domain controller / samba can reach. It can be a public URI, but maybe it is preferable to use a private IP address (from the local network or a VPN, depending on your little ecosystem).

The line URI ldap://localhost:389 would become:

URI    ldap://localhost:389 ldaps://

Note that I suggest to use LDAPS for a secure connection, and I assume your YunoHost server has as an IP reachable by your controller.

Do not forget to open port 636 within YunoHost and reload LDAP:

yunohost firewall allow TCP 636
systemctl restart slapd.service


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