Error while restoring Wordpress

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.1
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: Restoring

Describe your issue

Our hard drive has burn. Local backup was destroyed. We had a remote backup using Borg server.

I’ve been reinstalling everything. For that, I did :

  • Install a fresh YUNoHost on a new harddrive,
  • I own the remote server so I could get the backup directely there, ssh, su, borg list, borg export-tar auto_lorenipsum APP.tar.gz, where APP is the name of the app,
  • moved back the tarballs scp *.tar.gz, on log there as user,
  • edit the tarballs so their relative paths were okay :
    cd /home/user
    rm -r home/   #each tarball will create a `home` folder in `/home/user`, I need to delete it, please be very careful and do not rm /home instead of home!
    tar -xvf APP.tar.gz #extract
    tar cv -C home/yunohost.backup/tmp/auto_APP/ . > APP.tar #repackage with correct root
    cp home/yunohost.backup/tmp/auto_APP/info.json #copy the info.json file next to the archive
    mv APP.* /home/yunohost.backup/archives

It works for every app, except Wordpress. I’ve had this message:
WARNING - ERROR at line 1: Unknown command '\-'.
which may or may not be linked with a MariaDB import issue (first link on google).

Would you have any idea what I’ve done wrong or what I should do to restore Wordpress ?

Thanks in advance!

Share relevant logs or error messages

Are you sure it isn’t related to the db.sql file ?

As I have explain here

and here

Probably the same indeed, I could not find that topic, sorry ! I’ll have a look !

It worked like a charm !
Thanks !

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