[Docker] Docker containers and management in YunoHost!

I started to create a YunoHost package that will use docker, see: Using Docker in a YunoHost package

But there is a open question how to deal with docker hub rate limits and caching in YunoHost see. See Using Docker in a YunoHost package - #3 by jedie

Why redirect and not reverse proxy one?

This post should definitely go in Discuss/Tuto.
Thank you for your answer that make me discover this post. I file it with this one How to install apps with Docker on Yunohost (how I did it) for future use.

Does anyone here have experience of running GoToSocial as a Docker container?

I know that GoToSocial is also available as a YH app, but unfortunately I am not allowed to run it because of the licence (point 5c) of the package maintainer.



I canā€™t laugh about it. :wink:

Iā€™m one of those people who stick to licences. And the maintainer has just chosen an exclusionary licence. Iā€™ve been in early retirement for 12 years, but I was once a member of the Berlin police force and will always be a police officer (retired). The licence therefore prohibits me from using the package with YunoHost, whereas the licence for the software itself does not have this restriction.

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As per that licence, Iā€™m not allowed to use that same package too.
How do you define ā€œbigotryā€ ? How do you define ā€œsupportā€ for cops or military ?
I donā€™t understand how the Yunohost team has allowed such a strange licence to be used within the official app catalogā€¦ Itā€™s not even free.

As for the use of this licence i cannot speak for anyone else but me and my stance would be : packagerā€™s choice.

As for the definitions, i guess it can be summarized by : no tolerance for oppression. To be more specific :

Often used to refer to a preconceived (usually unfavourable) evaluation or classification of another person based on that personā€™s perceived personal characteristics, such as political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, beliefs, values, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, culture, complexion, beauty, height, body weight, occupation, wealth, education, criminality, sport-team affiliation, music tastes or other perceived characteristics

Could translate to defending, advocating in favor of institutionnal violence, organized repression, imperialism, colonization and such.

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This is all ā€œSchwurbeleiā€. On the one hand, the terms of the licence are so vague and fuzzy that it is ultimately up to the licensor to interpret who may and who may not. But this is unreasonable for the potential licensee because he does not know the licensorā€™s crude ideas.
I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea to allow such a licence at all.


I answered in the GTS package topic because the discussion was out of subject here
you can read it here: Gotosocial, a fediverse server written in Golang - #67 by OniriCorpe

as a moderator, please do not pursue the discussion on this subject here, thank you!