[Cypht] Lightweight Webmail

Cypht for YunoHost

Integration level
Install Cypht with YunoHost


All your E-mail, from all your accounts, in one place. Cypht is not your father’s webmail. Unless you are one of my daughters, in which case it is your father’s webmail. Cypht is like a news reader, but for E-mail. Cypht does not replace your existing accounts - it combines them into one. And it’s also a news reader.

Shipped version: 1.3.0~ynh1


Documentation and resources


Thank you @ericg !
This seems great, and while my own daughters are too young to enjoy it, I’d like to give it a try :smiley:

After fresh installation, Cypht is not loading…it returns error message below, I tried different browser, same issues.

Invalid auth configuration

where can I check the logs to debug the problem?

**yunohost is running on arm64 board

What do you mean by Cypht is not loading? Do you have something in the screen or just a blank page?

hi @ericg

After I install Cypht under a subdomain cypht.xyz.com successfully.
I go to the link cypht.xyz.com, it returns a page on browser with error msg : “Invalid auth configuration”


I just installed Cypht, no errors at installation, but when I try to open via the tile, I get a login screen.
None of my credentials seem to work.
No SSO for this app? Did I miss something?

Thanks for your help.

u can only use the user, not the full email of that…

That didn’t seem to work either for me… :confused:

Looks like the app doesn’t support SSO. I finally got it to work by manually running the user creation command from the Cypht documentation:

# create an account
php ./scripts/create_account.php username password

# delete an account
php ./scripts/delete_account.php username

# change an account password
php ./scripts/update_password.php username password

To run these, I logged in to my server as root (i.e. as a normal user and then using su and typing the admin password). From there, you can run

sudo -u cypht bash

to open a shell as the cypht user. (This might be cypht__2, cypht__3, etc. if you have multiple installations, but in the case of Cypht I think that’s highly unlikely :wink:).

As cypht, I did a cd to switch to the Cypht home directory (/var/www/cypht in my case) and then ran the PHP command to create a new user.

@ericg it might be worth adding this to the documentation! Feel free to copy text from here, or I can write up a proper PR next week when I have time.


This seems great. I would surely give it a try

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yes - during installation you have to add a password.
This is the password you have to enter if you open cypht from the tile view. The account you creat via yunohost is not supported by default.

Sso support would be a great feature to add.

has anyone tried to connect their cypht feed to an android feed reader?
if so, which one have you used?

Hi Thanks for this app!

I am using it and added succesffully a Yandex account and it’s working ok.

BUT when i add an imap account it gets stuck after i hit the save button after filling the username and password fields.
So, the imap server IS recognized and added but some error occurs after saving the credentials for that server…

After this CYPHT becomes unusable and the only way i found is restarting all the yunohost server as i have not found way to restart CYPHT only…

I found some logs on the UI but they are from the CYPHT installation…

I confirm SSO is not configured on this app, even if the APP page on the catalog is saying it is.
The only user available is the one specified as admin during the installation, with the password you provided.

I will try the command shared by @badrihippo , we will see.

that’s strange… SSO is set as not supported in the manifest: cypht_ynh/manifest.toml at 9b0aba915e0206639f90afc91e7653afc6b10ab4 · YunoHost-Apps/cypht_ynh · GitHub

Got it installed. Got logged in. Tried to add gmail but it says authentication failed. Yes, turned on imap in gmail; works with thunderbird.

Thoughts on not be able to add account?

With the old memories I have about some big mail providers, you’ll need a special password for each application.
It is somewhere in the options and will be generated by them.

And for some providers, it can NOT be done on a recent account.

Thanks. Completely forgot about that extra step of creating specific passwords.

How can i configure Oauth for outlook