Calibre-web update - Testing

Hello there,
I’ve just pushed into testing a new version of calibre-web, which is now based on the last release (0.6.7beta).
I’ve been using it for a few days now without issues and I wanted to have some feedback before pushing it to master.
This version has a better LDAP integration (which is now in the app and not via a patch, allowing me to do more up to date releases in the future), allows OPDS (which was not working), handle audiobook and has kobo devices integration among others improvements.

if you want to help, you may run upgrade:
sudo yunohost app upgrade calibreweb -u
or install
sudo yunohost app install

The upgrade from the last 0.6.0 version may run for a long time on small boards like raspberry pi and such as we have to run through multiple versions and to install a few things each time, this is normal.

Obviously, this is testing, so be prepared to unwanted behavior (but the library itself should be fine as it’s never touched by any script)

If you could report any issue encountered with the package, here or on the github, that would be very helpful.

Thanks for your help!

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Hi @Krakinou when i try install CalibreWeb testing. installation not working, with this error : If you want more details tell me

Can you try this version?
yunohost app install

Nop installation not possible :

Both issues are linked to certificate error while downloading packages.
One says : curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate is not yet valid
And the date of your server seems to be wrong :
started_at: 2020-04-29 18:53:35.827999 as we are 5th of may.
Coincidence? I think not!
Could you try to set correct date / time on your system and retry?

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Hello there,
I just pushed to testing new 0.6.8 version of calibre-web

if you want to help, you may run upgrade:
sudo yunohost app upgrade calibreweb -u
or install
sudo yunohost app install
Any feedback is welcomed before I push to master.
