Borg and Nextcloud fail

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Nextcloud, Borg

Describe your issue

borg is «failed» since two days ago because Nextcloud backup fails, the other installed apps are backuped (I have not check integrity data etc, they are just listed).

I’ve tried to create a backup manually (as root) with

yunohost backup create -n auto_nextcloud --method borg_app --apps nextcloud

and get a weird error

error: '''/etc/nginx/conf.d/nc.domain2.tld.d/nextcloud.conf'' and ''/home/yunohost.backup/tmp/auto_nextcloud/apps/nextcloud/backup/etc/nginx/conf.d/nc.domain2.tld.d/nextcloud.conf''
  are the same file'

and borg fails to backup.

I’ve deleted that tmp fileand try again but borg fails again with the same issue

Nextcloud instance works fine so far, no errors reported, so I think it’s about borg or younohost declaring what files should be bakcuped, but Nextcloud was updated to the latest version two days ago, so a finger points to nextcloud too.

I mean, I have no idea.

Thank you. I did not want to open another “borg fails thread but…” :frowning:

Share relevant logs or error messages


I’ve have manually created a backup from ynh webadmin and it has not reported errors.

I’m considering to restore nextcloud pre-upgrade backup

Edit 2

reversed to nextcloud 29.0.5 and then systemctl start borg and backup job reported no errors.

so I guess something in nextcloud 29.0.7 is not correct in ynh :person_shrugging: IDK


I got this error too

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After banging my head against the wall I came up with the following tentative fix: Fixed backup by orhtej2 · Pull Request #732 · YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh · GitHub

Basically nginx conf was declared twice for backup, and mount-based backups (like borg, or actually ynh core itself) don’t like that.


Thank you for making a tentative fix and sharing it! :slight_smile: What happens next? (Do we wait for the pull request to be merged?)

Fix merged to master


Where should we apply the fix, in the meantime ?

Responding to myself: one may apply the change at Fixed backup by orhtej2 · Pull Request #732 · YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh · GitHub on /etc/yunohost/apps/nextcloud/scripts/backup

Hope this helps,


Fonctionne parfaitement depuis trois jours ! Merci. :heart:

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