Beta-stage testing for Yunohost 11.0/Bullseye and Buster->Bullseye migration

Whenever I try to run diagnostics I face the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 196, in diagnosis_run code, report = diagnoser.diagnose(force=force) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 449, in diagnose items = list( File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/diagnosers/", line 52, in run good_resolvconf = self.good_resolvconf() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/diagnosers/", line 192, in good_resolvconf content = read_file("/etc/resolv.conf").strip().split("\n") File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/utils/", line 34, in read_file raise MoulinetteError("file_not_exist", path=file_path) moulinette.core.MoulinetteError: File doesn't exist: '/etc/resolv.conf'

Is there any way to fix this?

System resources or services diagnostics work, but DNS config or ports don’t.

It’s a clean install of Raspbian Lite ARM64 + YunoHost 11.0.4

Weeeeeeeeeeeell what the fuck … How can this file not exists …

I guess you can create it with something like echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf Ê_è

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When I execute that command I get

/etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory

But when I try mkdir (maybe it’s not the right command) I get: File exists

So I have browsed the directories (GUI) and there is, in fact, a resolv.conf file in /etc, but —by the icon— it seems to be a link. There is also a resolv.conf.bak file (contains nameserver, resolv.dnsmasq.conf, resolvconf (directory, not file), and resolveconf.conf, which says:

# If you run a local name server, you should uncomment the below line and
# configure your subscribers configuration files below.

So my guess is that I should uncomment that last line?

Yes un-comment the name_servers line.

Yeah it’s probably pointing to resolv.dnsmasq.conf, so just echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf

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Hi all,
I restarted an installation (still under armbian bullseye) with this time the launch of the post-install, I did not have this problem that I had previously when finalizing by backup restore instead of the post -install…
I was able to install Roundcube without any errors…
However there is the rspamd service which does not start and I do not really know what is wrong??
post-install log =>
log rspamd failed => hastebin
I also noticed that when starting the Box I also have a “logrotate.service” error message I modified /etc/default/armbian-ramlog in order to disable ramlog in armbian, maybe the problem comes from there…?
If you have any ideas I’m a taker, thank you again team…
journalctl -xe => hastebin

Thanks @arkadi and @Aleks, I have tried your solutions but the problem persists.

Don’t worry about it, thought — I had to have this server running by Sunday so I installed it somewhere else, and even if I still get that the “resolv.conf file has been manually edited” —which is not true—, I am able to run diagnostics and everything seems to be fine.

I have installed YunoHost 11 on top of Bullseye and basically the findings are the same as the ones described here.

After reboot, matrix-synapse refused to start (module “synapse” not found) until I renamed /opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/lib/python3.7/site-packages to /opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/lib/python3.9/site-packages, following the new python3 version in bullseye.

Actually, this might affect every app that uses python3 from system.

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Actually it’s not enough (maybe because some python deps needs to bind to native library?). I fixed it by reinstalling the venv completely, in the same way the function install_sources of synapse_ynh does it.

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After each python update (major or minor), venv are generally affected and need to be updated. Actually yunohost doesn’t handle that automatically. The easiest way is to force the upgrade of the app with yunohost app upgrade app -u --force.

Upgraded Buster and Yunohost on an OVH vps successfully.

apps: nextcloud, rainloop, coturn element


Hello, I’m preparing to install this testing version, on a Raspberry Pi 3B, with a fresh install of Debian Bullseye (64 bits). I’ll report my feedback about this experience.

I’m just not sure if the script mentioned in the first post is also valid for ARM, or if it’s only for x86?

wget -O install_script
bash install_script -d testing

And when the final version will be released, will I have to reinstall everything from scratch, or will it be a simple update?

Thank you!

It will be a simple update.

Thank you @ljf! And I have looked into the script, I understand there are specific steps for Raspbian (as far as I understand, it’s called Raspberry Pi OS now, but I guess it isn’t important for YunoHost), so I guess the commands will work. Thanks again!

In fact, I read in the script that the check to know if the device is a RPI is the following:

function is_raspbian() {
    # On Raspbian image lsb_release is available
    if [[ "$(lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null)" != "Raspbian" ]] ;
        return 1
    return 0

I installed Raspberry Pi OS light 64 bits, as advised in Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi and lsb_release -a gives me the following result:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:        11
Codename:       bullseye

So I guess the test above won’t find Raspbian and it won’t work (I didn’t try to avoid doing a mistake). If I change the test like this, will it work?

function is_raspbian() {
    return 0

Will it be enough? Should I change something else?

[edit]: I have done the modification above, and apparently the script understands we’re on RPI, but I get this error when I launch the script as root, after having run sudo -i:
[FAIL] The user pi should be logged out.

Using sudo su doesn’t help either. The solution is to enable the login of root over SSH (see instructions in (section Allow SSH access for root) and to login as root.

Experimenting is good but you are overthinking and making it difficult.

  1. Simply download Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64bit) Bullseye and copy it to your SD card / hard drive.

  2. You can copy the image to your SD / hard drive using the terminal or if you prefer a GUI via balena etcher or the official Raspberry imager.

  3. The benefit of the Raspberry imager is that it is able to download the image for you, can enable SSH easily within the options (a must do unless you have a screen and keyboard connected to your raspberry), and lets you choose a different name instead of pi.

  4. Put SD card inside / connect hard drive and boot it up.

  5. SSH into your server, execute the command

$ wget -O install_script
$ bash install_script -d testing

and follow the instructions. There is nothing else to it.

No need to worry about architecture or anything else. No need to change/modify/edit anything.

Some more detailed instructions by @mcb13 can be found here (pay attention, they are using Buster).

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Thanks @punkrockgirl , did you test it yourself? Did it work? Because I tested what you have written and it doesn’t work if you don’t ssh as root, as written in my message above (the detailed instructions of mcb13 are basically the same as my message).

I have installed it 4 or 5 times and I never had any issue.
Log in as pi (or whichever user you created) and execute the command. If it doesn’t work try with sudo. I’m pretty sure that’s all I did. [Do I make myself root? :thinking: I don’t remember but I don’t think so]

The times I have seen the

issue —never with YunoHost— were related to auto login. But Lite doesn’t have a desktop environment, so it shouldn’t be enabled. I guess the problem is somewhere else but just in case you can try sshing (pi) then type raspi-config go to boot > auto login > and disable.

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Th pi warning in the yunohost script just need you to log as root with su before running the script


It can’t be run with sudo from the pi user (if i remember well), because the pi user will be deleted.


Hi all,
I found solution for rspamd.service can’t start
add sid in /etc/apt/sources.list and upgrade rspamd 2.7 to 3.1
Then rspamd.service work without problem…