RPi ARM64 Image for YunoHost?

There’s a really useful guide in one of the other threads where @tituspijean explains how to do an install on on RPi4 with a 64bit image.

I’ve so far found it to be if anything more stable than the 32 bit version but only on YunoHost where there us also a really big speed improvement.

However, whenever I try to update to the Bullseye version, something goes wrong. i’m currently debating with myself whether an immediate upgrade to the Bullseye version is really necessary.

Anyway, I have translated and made step by step with a few alterations the process I mentioned:

  1. Install the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image for Buster in 64 bits [https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_arm64/images/raspios_lite_arm64-2021-05-28/2021-05-07-raspios-buster-arm64-lite.zip]

  2. Configure the pi imager to start SSH upon boot.

  3. Log in as a user pi(password: raspberry). This will be deleted later.

  4. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

  5. make yourself root: sudo su, use passwd to change the root password

  6. nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, make sure alter the line: #PermitRootLogin no-password New version: PermitRootLogin yes (be sure to remove the #)

  7. Perform SSH system restart so it reads your amended file: systemctl restart sshd

  8. Open a new terminal by logging in directly as root. If it works, close the first terminal.

9: Delete user pi: userdel -rf pi

10: Sometimes it says pi hasnt been deleted because of a mail box thing. It has been, don’t panic :slight_smile:

10: Follow the installation procedure with: curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash

  1. Do Post install. I find the process is smoother with a Yuno domain (dunno why)


If you want to upgrade further there’s a thread on the Beta. This version is reasonably robust.

PS – Any other distos that would work? I wondered about Diet Pi and Cent since both debian roots?

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