An autistic approach to installing YunoHost. (Warning - lots of graphics)

Okay, I have got my intro blog post created on the hive_80px Hive blockchain at last. Now I can concentrate on installing YunoHost itself. I have about three days left before my first milestone is due! It is gone 4am here, so I need some sleep and then I’ll get started on installing a little later. I’m ready to go, and to blog about it as I do, and to earn a bit of crypto from my blogging effort as well.

News items like

make me shiver thinking about the banality of converting that much perfectly usable green energy into waste heat.

The Hive operation at only this plant converts as much energy as my whole family uses per year, into heat in less than 300 seconds!


Ah, interestingly, that news article is about, which is actually entirely different to, which is the blockchain that I’m on. Sorry for the confusion! :wink:

That is a relief :relieved:

I am so far behind on my schedule for my install project, but here is my first post on the hive_80px Hive blockchain about installing yunohost_80px YunoHost on my raspberrypi_80px Raspberry Pi. This post is only about getting to the stage of putting YunoHost v4.1.7.2 onto the µSD-card so far, but it is a start. Hopefully my blog series will eventually provide complete step-by-step instructions for what I am doing with YunoHost.