What type of hardware are you using: Internet Cube with VPN
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen
Describe your issue
Hi everyone,
I recently installed Yunohost on my newly bought LIME 2 server. I use it as an Internet Cube with a VPN, so I used the post-installation tool from GitHub - labriqueinternet/install: New all-in-one interface to install an internet cube (*). After installation and post-installation, I can login :
- as root via SSH (from the local network)
- as Yunohost first user via the webadmin
but with the same account, I can’t login as user, neither via SSH nor on the user portal.
Via SSH, my credentials are denied. On the user portal I get a 504 error with message : [POST] “https://[domain_name].nohost.me/yunohost/portalapi/login”: 504
I tried to create another user via the webadmin and got the same issue.
The diagnosis and journalctl show no issue with the yunohost-portal-api service. Please let me know what logs could be relevant to diagnose this.
Thanks !
EDIT 11/12/24 10h35 : forgot to mention that it looks like this issue : 504 error at SSO login - #5 by roundnround, which unfortunately didn’t get a solution yet.
EDIT 11/12/24 10h39 : formatting
EDIT 11/12/21 10h42 : (*) sorry I forgot to explain that, because the internet cube tool doesn’t handle the backup password for the domain, I first used a dummy domain, then manually created the yunohost domain afterwards, following theses instructions : Nohost.me domains | Yunohost Documentation
Share relevant logs or error messages
[POST] “https://[domain_name].nohost.me/yunohost/portalapi/login”: 504