Zram espace insuffisant sur orangepi 3B

What type of hardware are you using: Other(?) ORANGE PI3
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: No

Describe your issue

J’ai un orangepi 3B fonctionnel mais dans le diagnostique, il me retourne

L’espace de stockage /var/log (sur l’appareil /dev/zram1) ne dispose que de 0 B (0%) d’espace restant (sur 47 MiB). Vous devriez vraiment envisager de nettoyer de l’espace !

Je presume que zram n’alloue pas assez d’espace (50 Mo sur 4 Go dispo :wink: ,
J’ai lu sur les forum que sur les raspberry il suffisait de masquer ces 2 services ( /dev/zram.. - Configuration .... - Rockchip - Armbian Community Forums )

  • armbian-ramlog.service
  • armbian-zram-config.service

Le soucis c’est qu’ils ne sont pas présents sur l’orangepi et je n’arrive pas à trouver de la documentation

J’ai par contre ces 2 fichiers

cat /etc/default/orangepi-zram-config 
# configuration values for the orangepi-zram-config service
# enable the orangepi-zram-config service?

# Zram swap enabled by default, unless set to disabled
# SWAP=false

# percentage of zram used as swap compared to physically available DRAM.
# Huge overcommitment (300) is possible and sometimes desirable. See
# https://forum.armbian.com/topic/5565-zram-vs-swap/?do=findComment&comment=61082
# and don't forget to adjust $MEM_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE below too.

# percentage of DRAM available to zram. If this amount is exceeded the zram
# devices used for swap simply behave as if the device is full. You need to
# adjust/increase this value only if you want to work with massive memory
# overcommitment (ZRAM_PERCENTAGE exceeding 150 for example)

# create how many zram devices max for swap

# Which algorithm for zram based swapping. Seems lzo is best choice on ARM:
# https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8161-swap-on-sbc/?do=findComment&comment=61668

# Which algorithm to choose for zram based ramlog partition

# Which algorithm to choose for zram based /tmp

# Size for zram based /tmp, total memory / 2 by default

# If defined a separate partition will be used as zram backing device. Be CAREFUL
# which partition you assign and read starting from CONFIG_ZRAM_WRITEBACK in
# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/blockdev/zram.txt
# ZRAM_BACKING_DEV=/dev/nvme0n2


cat /etc/default/orangepi-ramlog 
# configuration values for the orangepi-ram-logging service
# enable the orangepi-ram-logging service?
# size of the tmpfs mount -- please keep in mind to adjust /etc/default/orangepi-zram-config too when increasing
# use rsync instead of cp -r
# requires rsync installed, may provide better performance
# due to copying only new and changed files

# If USE_RSYNC is true, additional options may be specified for the rsync
# commands used to synchronize logs to disk from RAM (XTRA_RSYNC_TO) or from
# disk to RAM (XTRA_RSYNC_FROM).  These are bash arrays to make specifying
# multiple arguments easy even in the presence of whitespace.

# If you use log rotation programs that datestamp their logs (e.g., runit's
# svlogd or daemontools' multilog), deleting log files while synchronizing is
# likely a good idea.

Mais je ne vois pas comment augmenter la taille du volume de /var/log

Le partitionnement

# lsblk 
sda            8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk 
└─sda1         8:1    0 931,5G  0 part /diskUSB
mtdblock0     31:0    0    16M  0 disk 
mmcblk0      179:0    0   233G  0 disk 
├─mmcblk0p1  179:1    0     1G  0 part /boot
└─mmcblk0p2  179:2    0 229,6G  0 part /
mmcblk0boot0 179:32   0     4M  1 disk 
mmcblk0boot1 179:64   0     4M  1 disk 
zram0        254:0    0   1,9G  0 disk [SWAP]
zram1        254:1    0    50M  0 disk /var/log

Quelqu’un saurait t il comment attribuer plus d’espace à zram1 (ce n’est pas de la place qui manque :wink:

D’avance merci, n’hésitez pas si il faut plus d’infos :wink:

Share relevant logs or error messages


Désolé mais quand je relis le lien des logs, la situation est rétablies

[SUCCESS] L’espace de stockage /var/log (sur le périphérique /dev/zram1) a encore 15 MiB (33%) d’espace restant (sur 45 MiB) !

Alors que quand j’écrivais c’était saturé

Je garde donc le sujet ouvert car je suis curieux de savoir comment adapter la taille de zram

D’ailleurs je ne comprends pas ce que fait /var/log dans la zram

Finalement, solution trouvée chez debian-fr.org

# size of the tmpfs mount -- 
# please keep in mind to adjust /etc/default/orangepi-zram-config too when increasing

dans /etc/default/orangepi-ramlog

Suffisait de bien lire le fichier :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:


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