Yunohost with DSLITE don´t have a IPv4 anymore

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VM on my Proxmox Host
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes
If yes, please explain: I do not have a working IPV4 from my ISP. Only A CGNAT. also i tweaked some nginx entries to fit my needs.

Description of my issue

Hello Everyone, my ISP only Provides me with a CGNAT. For that Reason i had to find a way to get the Yunohost vm a working Public IPv4 address. The solution i came up with is that i installed a small VPS with Wireguard server where the Yunohost VM is connected to. Then all IPv4 traffic will send trough the wireguard VPN to the Public. That and also work at the moment. I can Access all from the outsite of my Local Network. But a few Days ago i got the Message that Lets encrypt cannot renew my cerificates. But i was Still able to use my Website from external. But when i run the Diagnose it tells me suddenly that i don´t have a working IPv4 and any Port were closed so i made a Portscan:

user@mac ~ % nmap
Starting Nmap 7.95 ( ) at 2024-05-03 17:03 CEST
Nmap scan report for (48.YY.XXX.YY)
Host is up (0.029s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned): YYYY:YY:XXXX:YYY:XXXX:YY
rDNS record for 48.YY.XXX.YY: static.48.YY.XXX.YY.clients.your
Not shown: 989 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp   open     ssh
25/tcp   open     smtp
80/tcp   open     http
135/tcp  filtered msrpc
139/tcp  filtered netbios-ssn
443/tcp  open     https
445/tcp  filtered microsoft-ds
587/tcp  open     submission
993/tcp  open     imaps
5222/tcp open     xmpp-client
5269/tcp open     xmpp-server

has anyone an idea why yunohost has now a problem with setup ?
best regards

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